What is Purple Potato, What Are Its Benefits?

Purple potato, like other members of the potato family ( Solanum tuberosum ) Comes from a tuber plant native to the Andean mountain region in South America. This type of potato It is native to Peru and Bolivia.

It has an outer shell with a blue purple and black appearance and a bright purple inner flesh even after cooking.

It has a denser texture than a white potato and is more nutritious. Studies indicate that antioxidant levels in this potato are 2-3 times higher than in white meat potatoes due to the presence of anthocyanins.

What is Purple Potato?

Purple potato, Solanaceae or nightshade vegetables to family It is a kind of root vegetable. It belongs to the same family as vegetables such as eggplant, tomatoes and peppers.

This golf ball-sized potato species is popular in South America, especially since it originates in Peru and Bolivia, and can reach slightly larger sizes if allowed to reach full maturity.

Nutritional Value of Purple Potatoes

Potato It is often considered unhealthy due to its high starch content, but it contains many important nutrients and is a very healthy food. 

Purple potato, Solanum tuberosum It has a similar nutrient content to other potato varieties in its family, but its mineral content varies depending on the soil in which it is grown. 

There is a misconception that all the nutrients in potatoes are found in their skin. In fact, more than half of the nutrients are found in the meat part.

100 grams of cooked purple potatoWith its shell, it has the following nutrient content:

Calories: 87

Protein: 2 grams

Carbs: 20 grams

Fiber: 3.3 grams

Fat: less than 1 gram

Manganese: 6% of the Daily Value (DV)

Copper: 21% of the DV

Iron: 2% of the DV

Potassium: 8% of the DV

Vitamin B6: 18% of the DV

Vitamin C: 14% of the DV

Potatoes more than bananas potassium has content. Also, a serving of potatoes has 3 grams of fiber and is naturally low in sodium.

Anthocyanins, strawberries, red grapes, red cabbage and purple potato Phenolic compounds are responsible for the intense color of many fruits and vegetables.

What Are the Benefits of Purple Potatoes?

It is more beneficial for blood sugar

Glycemic index (GI)is a measure of how much a food raises blood sugar. It is rated between 0 and 100, and a glycemic index greater than 70 is considered high.

In a comparison study in humans, purple potatoIt was found that the glycemic index of in was 77, the glycemic index of yellow potato was 81, and the glycemic index of white potato was 93.

While all potato varieties affect blood sugar levels due to their carbohydrate content, purple potatoes, Due to their high concentrations of polyphenol plant compounds, they show less effect than other species. 

These compounds reduce the absorption of starches in the intestines, so purple potatominimizes the effect on blood sugar levels.

Contains beneficial antioxidants for the body

Like other colorful fruits and vegetables, purple potatoIts bright color is a sign that it is high in antioxidants. In fact, it has two to three times more antioxidant activity than a white or yellow potato. 

Antioxidants are plant compounds that can protect cells from the harmful effects of oxidative stress. 

Purple potatoIt is particularly rich in polyphenol antioxidants called anthocyanins. Blueberries and blackberries contain the same antioxidants. 

A higher intake of anthocyanins keeps cholesterol levels in a healthy range, protects eye health, and reduces the risk of heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes.

In addition to the high anthocyanin content, antioxidants found in all types of potatoes are:

- C vitamin

- Carotenoid compounds



Polyphenolic compounds such as caffeic acid, scopolin, chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid

Improves blood pressure

Eating purple potatoesIt is beneficial for blood vessel and blood pressure. This is partly due to its high potassium content, as this nutrient helps reduce blood pressure. Probably the antioxidant content plays a role in this.

A small 4-week study in people with high blood pressure, six to eight times twice a day purple potato found that eating reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure (upper and lower numbers of a value) by 3.5% and 4.3%, respectively.

Additionally, some studies have compared eating white potatoes. purple potato says that eating can reduce arterial stiffness.

Having hard arteries increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke because the veins cannot easily dilate in response to changes in blood pressure.

Purple potato extractslowers blood pressure in people with hypertension. It also reduces cholesterol accumulation. Therefore, purple potato It can not only control hypertension but also prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Reduces cancer risk

Several lab studies, including antioxidants purple potatoIt has shown that certain compounds may help prevent or fight cancers such as colon and breast cancer.

In a study, purple potato Cancer cells treated with the extract grew more slowly.

Clinical trials too purple meaty potatoesshows that it suppresses tumor formation. It also reduces the size of tumors and polyps in the intestines, colon and connective tissue by about 50%.

Keeps you full due to its fiber content

Eating purple potatoes It helps to meet the daily fiber needs. Dietary fiber makes you feel full, prevents constipation, stabilizes blood sugar and helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

Purple potato Some of the starch in all potatoes, including them, is a type of fiber called resistant starch. Resistant starch In the gastrointestinal tract, it resists digestion but the bacteria in the large intestine ferment it.

During this fermentation process, short chain fatty acids known compounds are produced. These compounds contribute to improved gut health.

Improves digestion and gut health

After digestion purple potato secretes polyphenols, active molecules that support intestinal health. Studies show that these molecules can inhibit GI tract and colon cancers. The high fiber content in these potatoes enhances the growth of good gut bacteria.

Purple potato Anthocyanins protect intestines and intestinal cells from inflammation and free radical damage. These polyphenols also stop excess iron absorption in the intestines, which can be toxic.

Protects liver function

A study was conducted in 2016 to examine the effect of purple potato anthocyanins on animal liver damage.

The results revealed that the antioxidant activity increased in the subjects. These active molecules slowed the uptake, metabolism, and storage of fats in the liver.

Prevents blood clots

Blood clots, also known as thrombosis, are a leading cause of death worldwide. Purple potato helps prevent this situation.

Purple potato Contains chlorogenic acid. This chemical compound has been found to break down blood clots and inhibit the enzymatic activity of procoagulant proteins and peptides.

how to eat purple potatoes

It is a healthy alternative to food coloring

Potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables are used to color foods and are grown specifically for the natural color industry.

Purple potatoes can also be used as a natural food coloring compared to numerous chemical food dyes due to its natural and anthocyanin content.

The anthocyanins found in this root vegetable are great for naturally coloring food products such as fruit drinks, vitamin water, ice cream and yogurt.

Is there any harm in purple potatoes?

Until today purple potatoNo toxicity or side effects of in have been proven. One disadvantage of overeating this root vegetable can be problems with blood clotting. Purple potatoThe high amount of anthocyanin contained in the drug may interact with anticoagulants / blood thinners.

As a result;

Purple potatoIt is a healthy and colorful member of the potato family worth getting to know. Compared to regular potatoes, it has a lower glycemic index and is better for blood sugar.

The presence of abundant flavonoids and phenolic acids gives them obesity, digestive, and anti-cancer properties. Potato anthocyanins also protect the heart, liver, brain and intestines from inflammatory diseases.

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