What is Anemia? Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

anemia disease mainly affects women and children of reproductive age. Anemia In this case, the RBC count or hemoglobin levels decrease. palpitations, coldness of hands and feet, fatigue and causes skin pallor.

If left untreated anemia can be fatal. With some minor changes, the condition is easily treatable. It can be prevented from becoming a recurring health problem. 

What is anemia disease?

Anemia, also known as anemia, RBC count or hemoglobin levels fall below normal levels.

RBCs are responsible for transporting oxygen to all parts of the body. Hemoglobin, an iron-rich protein found in RBCs, gives blood cells their red color.

It also stimulates blood clotting, helping to bind oxygen, fight infections and prevent blood loss. 

Anemiacauses less oxygen to reach various parts of the body. 

What are the symptoms of anemia?

Without red blood cells that carry enough oxygen in the body, it is impossible to carry enough oxygen to the brain, tissues, muscles and cells. Anemia manifests itself with the following symptoms;

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • discoloration of the skin
  • Shortness of breath
  • coldness of hands and feet
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Chest pain
  • Hair loss
  • Irregular heart beat
  • Decreased stamina
  • difficulty concentrating

What are the causes of anemia?

A decrease in RBC count or hemoglobin can occur for three main reasons:

  • The body may not produce enough RBCs.
  • RBCs can be destroyed by the body.
  • Blood loss can occur from menstruation, injury, or other bleeding causes.

Factors that reduce red blood cell production

reducing red blood cell production and cause anemia The things that happen are:

  • Insufficient stimulation of red blood cell production by the hormone erythropoietin produced by the kidneys
  • Insufficient dietary iron, vitamin B12 or folate intake
  • Hypothyroidism

Factors that increase red blood cell destruction

Any disorder that destroys red blood cells faster than they are made anemiamay cause. This is usually the followingMost occur due to bleeding that can occur due to:

  • accidents
  • Gastrointestinal lesions
  • Amount
  • Birth
  • excessive uterine bleeding
  • Operation
  • cirrhosis involving scarring of the liver
  • Fibrosis (scar tissue) in the bone marrow
  • hemolysis
  • Liver and spleen disorders
  • Genetic disorders such as glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia 

What are the types of anemia?

Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia most common type of anemiaStop. Iron is essential for humans to produce hemoglobin. Blood loss, poor diet, and the body's inability to absorb iron from food can lead to iron deficiency. As a result, the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin.

Aplastic anemia

This type anemia, occurs when the body does not produce enough red blood cells (RBCs). RBCs are produced in the bone marrow every 120 days. When the bone marrow is unable to produce RBCs, the blood count drops and anemialeads to.

sickle cell anemia

sickle cell disease, a serious blood disorder sickle cell anemiawhat causes The red blood cells are flat disc or sickle-shaped in this type of anemia. RBCs contain abnormal hemoglobin known as sickle cell hemoglobin. This gives them an abnormal shape. Sickle cells are sticky and block blood flow.

hemolytic anemia

This type anemiaoccurs when red blood cells are destroyed before their normal life is over. Bone marrow cannot produce new RBCs fast enough to meet the body's demand.

Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia

Like iron, vitamin B12 is essential for adequate hemoglobin production. Most animal products are rich in vitamin B12.

However, in vegetarians or vegans, Lack of vitamin B12 it could be. This is by inhibiting the production of hemoglobin in the body. anemiacauses it. This type of anemia pernicious anemia also known as


Thalassemia is a genetic disorder in which the body does not make enough red blood cells.

Fanconi anemia

Fanconi anemiais a rare genetic blood disorder that causes bone marrow dysfunction. Fanconi anemia prevents the bone marrow from producing enough RBCs.

blood loss anemia

Excessive bleeding during menstruation, bleeding caused by injury, surgery, cancer, urinary tract or digestive system dysfunction, blood loss anemiawhat can lead.

What are the risk factors for anemia?

  • Iron or vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Be woman
  • People with pernicious anemia get enough vitamin B12 but cannot metabolize it properly.
  • Senile
  • Pregnancy
  • Candida
  • Autoimmune disease (such as lupus)
  • Digestive issues that impair nutrient absorption, such as inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, or ulcers
  • Frequent use of over-the-counter pain relievers
  • Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), sometimes referred to as the anemia it is hereditary. 

How is anemia diagnosed?

your doctor anemia diagnosisThe information and tests needed to put the

Family history: A few type of anemia since it is genetic, the doctor anemiawill find out if he has.

Physics test

  • Listening to the heartbeat to see if there are any irregularities.
  • Listening to the lungs to check if breathing is irregular.
  • Checking the size of the spleen or liver.

Complete blood count: A complete blood count test checks hemoglobin and hematocrit levels.

Other tests: The doctor may order a reticulocyte test (young RBC count). Testing may also be needed to know the type of hemoglobin in RBCs and to check iron levels in the body.

How is anemia treated?

Anemia treatment, Depends on what's causing it.

  • Caused by insufficient amounts of iron, vitamin B12, and folate anemiatreated with nutritional supplements. The doctor will recommend a diet that contains the appropriate amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. 
  • A proper diet anemiaIt will help prevent recurrence.
  • In some cases, anemia If it's severe, doctors use erythropoietin injections to increase red blood cell production in the bone marrow. 
  • If bleeding occurs or the hemoglobin level is too low, a blood transfusion may be necessary.
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