What Is DHEA, What Does It Do? Benefits and Harms

Balancing hormones is important for maintaining a healthy life. For this, our body naturally produces hormones. 

Sometimes this balance of hormones may be surprised. There are drugs that can change their levels by supplementing them externally. 

DHEA is one of them. It affects the levels of other hormones in the body. It is produced naturally by our body and is a hormonal supplement.

It has been determined to increase bone density, reduce body fat, improve sexual function and correct some hormonal problems.

Here DHEA Details you need to know about…

What is DHEA?

DHEA or "dehydroepiandrosterone"It is a hormone produced by the body. It is converted into male and female sex hormones, testosterone and estrogen.

DHEAWe said that ' is produced naturally by the body. So why is it taken as a supplement? The main reason for this is that as you get older DHEA levelsdecrease of. This decrease is usually due to various diseases.

Hormone levels are estimated to drop by as much as 80% in adulthood. Levels start to decline around the age of 30.

What does DHEA do?

In the body DHEA levelbeing low, heart disease, depression and associated with mortality. Taking this hormone from outside increases its level in the body.

What Are the Benefits of DHEA? 

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Increasing bone density

  • In the body DHEAA low BP causes a decrease in bone density at a young age. This also increases the risk of bone fracture.
  • Use of DHEASeveral studies have been conducted on the increase in bone density in older adults.
  • Some research, DHEA pillHe noted that taking for one to two years can improve bone density in older women, but has no effect in men.

Effect on muscle size and strength

  • Due to its effect on testosterone, DHEAIt is thought to improve muscle mass and muscle strength. 
  • However, research DHEA hormone drugThis suggests that the intake does not affect muscle mass or muscle performance.

Fat burning effect

  • Most research DHEAIt shows that, as it does not have an effect on muscle mass, it is also not effective in reducing fat mass. 
  • If some evidence DHEA tablets notes that its use may produce small decreases in fat mass in older men whose adrenal glands are not functioning properly.
  • So its effect on weight loss and fat burning is uncertain.

Increasing sexual function, fertility and libido

  • It is normal for a hormonal supplement that affects male and female sex hormones to affect sexual function as well. 
  • DHEA pillmay improve ovarian function in women with impaired fertility.
  • Several studies have shown that this drug can increase both libido and sexual function in men and women.
  • The greatest benefit was seen in individuals with sexual dysfunction. No benefit was seen in individuals without sexual problems. 

adrenal problems

  • The adrenal glands, located above the kidneys, DHEA hormoneis one of the leading manufacturers. 
  • In some people, the adrenal glands do not produce normal amounts of hormones. This is called adrenal insufficiency. It can cause fatigue, weakness and changes in blood pressure. It can become life-threatening.
  • your DHEA supplementThe effect has been studied in people with adrenal insufficiency. Some research shows that it can improve the quality of life of these individuals. 

Depression and emotional changes

  • In the body DHEA levelA high level of depression improves emotional health and reduces the risk of depression. 
  • DHEAIt balances the production of testosterone, estrogen and other hormones needed to provide energy. Disruption of some of these hormones triggers depression. 

Heart health and diabetes

  • DHEAIt reduces inflammation and supports metabolism. 
  • It improves glucose and insulin utilization.
  • With this effect, it improves the function of blood vessels. heart disease and diabetes reduces the risk.

How does DHEA work in the body?

Body, DHEAdoes it himself. It then converts it into testosterone and estrogen, which are essential for many different bodily functions. 

These hormones are the heart, brain and bone healthimportant to protect As we age, the level of hormones decreases, causing undesirable consequences. 

DHEAhas no natural food sources. A few foods, such as potatoes and soybeans, are used to create a synthetic version in supplements.

These foods DHEAContains chemicals very similar to and DHEA hormones modified in the laboratory environment to create

How is DHEA used?

  • Usually the recommended dose is 25-50 mg daily. It has been used safely in studies of up to two years without serious side effects.
  • DHEA drug side effects As a result, oily skin, acne, an increase in hair growth in the armpit and bikini area have been reported.
  • DHEA supplements It should not be taken by cancer patients whose sex hormones are affected. 
  • It is best to talk to a doctor before using this to avoid any side effects.


Is there any harm in using DHEA?

DHEA It is a powerful hormone. Therefore it works differently. Hormones are not easily excreted through the urine. Because all hormones need to balance each other and work together, it causes problems when taken or produced in excessive amounts. 

DHEA It does not have the same effect on everyone. It has a complex biochemistry. The results of its use are unpredictable and vary.

DHEA supplementNot everyone should use it. It is necessary to follow the instructions carefully.

  • Persons under the age of 30 unless specifically directed by their doctor DHEA should not use. This is because young people under the age of 30 are self-sufficient. DHEA that they can produce. Too much as it is converted to other sex hormones DHEA Taking it causes symptoms like acne, irregular menstrual cycle, fertility problems, beard growth in women, and high testosterone.
  • Men undergoing prostate cancer treatment DHEA should not. Because to treat prostate cancer, it is necessary to reduce testosterone levels through drugs. Extra DHEA Taking it delays healing. Similarly, women undergoing breast cancer treatment for the same reason DHEA should not take.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women, as it affects sex hormones DHEA should not use. 
  • If you regularly take any medication or have a serious medical condition DHEA do not use.
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