What Causes Blood in the Urine (Hematuria)? Symptoms and Treatment

Blood in the urine, medically hematuria and may be due to different ailments and illnesses. These are cancer, kidney disease, rare blood disorders and infections.

Blood detected in urinemay come from the kidneys, ureter, bladder or urinary tract. 

What is Blood in the Urine (Hematuria)?

Hematuria or a blood in the urine, can be gross (visible) or microscopic (blood cells can only be seen with a microscope).

Gross hematuriacan vary in appearance from light pink to dark red with clots. Although the amount of blood in the urine is different, the types of conditions that can cause the problem are the same and require the same type of examination or evaluation.

What Are the Types of Hematuria? 

Gross hematuria

If your urine is pink or red or contains spots of blood. gross hematuria It called. What are impacted teeth? When one or more teeth fails to grow in the correct position and is therefore held below the normal gum line, it is called an impaction. This can be complete, such as completely unerrupted (buried) third molars (wisdom teeth) or partial when just part of the tooth is visible in the mouth. Why are impactions important? For best function and appearance the teeth should grow in a healthy alignment. When one or more teeth is impacted, this can affect the function of that tooth but also the function and appearance of other teeth. Whether all impactions should be treated is still controversial and your dentist and oral and maxillofacial team can explain the advantages and disadvantages or treatment for you, which is usually surgical.  

Microscopic hematuria

Bu hematuria In this type, blood cannot be seen with the naked eye because the amount of blood in the urine is very small, it can only be seen under a microscope.

Causes of Hematuria - Blood in Urine

Kidney Stones

Presence of stones in the bladder or kidneys Causes of blood in the urineIt is one of the. Kidney or bladder stones form when minerals in urine crystallize.

Large stones can cause obstruction in the kidneys and bladder, which means hematuria results and causes severe pain. 

Kidney diseases

HematuriaAnother less common cause of sore throat is inflammatory kidney or kidney disease. This can occur on its own or as part of another disease such as diabetes. 

Kidney or bladder infections

Kidneys or bladder infection, when bacteria travel to the urinary tract, a tube forms that allows urine to exit the body, through the bladder. Bacteria can also enter the bladder and kidneys. This frequent urination and blood coming with urinewhat causes. 

Enlarged prostate or prostate cancer

Middle-aged or older men may have an enlarged prostate. The prostate gland is just below the bladder and close to the urethra.

Thus, when the gland becomes larger, it compresses the urinary tract, causing urination problems and can prevent the bladder from emptying completely. It blood in the urineIt may result in Ia and urinary tract infections. 

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Blood in urine Some drugs that make up are penicillin, aspirin, heparin, warfarin and cyclophosphamide. 


Bladder cancer, prostate cancer, and kidney cancer blood in the urinecause a.

Other less common causes include a tumor in the bladder, kidney, or prostate, sickle cell anemia and cystic kidney disease, accidental kidney damage, and vigorous exercise and hereditary diseases. 

Bleeding disorders

There are some conditions that can cause problems with blood clotting in the body. An example of this is hemophilia. This, blood in the urine It is a rare but important cause. 

There are also rarer conditions that can lead to blood in the urine. To these sickle cell disease, urinary tract injuries and polycystic kidney disease.

Note: Some people notice that their urine has turned red, but there is actually no blood in their urine. Urine may turn red after eating beets, as well as after taking certain medications.

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection, especially in women blood in the urine is the most common cause. A urinary infection causes inflammation of the bladder (cystitis). 

The most common symptoms are pain when urinating and urination more often than usual. There may also be pain in the lower abdomen and a high fever. Urinary tract infection blood can form in the urine as a result of this inflammation that occurs in the bladder.

Urinary tract infections are usually treated very effectively with short courses of antibiotics. 


This is inflammation of the tube (your urethra) that drains urine from the body. Urethritis is usually caused by a sexually transmitted infection, easily treated with antibiotics.

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What are the Symptoms of Hematuria?

– The most prominent symptom, blood in the urine and urine color is not normal yellowish color. The color of the urine can be red, pink, or brownish-red.

– If there is a kidney infection, the symptoms are fever, chills and pain in the lower back.

– Caused by a kidney disease hematuria In the case, the associated symptoms are weakness, body swelling, and high blood pressure.

– Due to kidney stones hematuria In the case, the main symptom is abdominal pain. 

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Risk Factors for Blood in the Urine

Almost everyone, including children and teenagers red blood in the urine may have cells. Factors that make this more likely include:


Many men over the age of XNUMX occasionally experience an enlarged prostate gland. hematuriahas.

a new infection

Kidney inflammation (infectious glomerulonephritis) after a viral or bacterial infection, in children visible urine bloodone of the leading causes of

Family history

If you have a family history of kidney disease or kidney stones, urine bleedingsusceptibility increases.

Some medications

Antibiotics such as aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain relievers and penicillin are known to increase the risk of urinary bleeding.

strenuous exercise

Long-distance runners especially depend on exercise urinary bleedingit tends to. In fact, sometimes runner's hematuria is called. Anyone who works out intensely can develop symptoms.

How Is Blood In The Urine Diagnosed?

The following tests and inspection, blood in the urine It plays an important role in finding the cause of its occurrence:

– Physical examination to help establish medical history.

- Urine tests. Even if bleeding has been detected with a urine test (urinalysis), it is likely to have another test to see if the urine still contains red blood cells. A urinalysis can also identify the presence of minerals that cause a urinary tract infection or kidney stones.

- Imaging tests. Most of the time, cause of hematuriaAn imaging test is required to find out. 

- cystoscopy. The doctor inserts a narrow tube equipped with a small camera into the bladder and urethra to examine the bladder and urethra for signs of disease.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), sometimes referred to as the urinary bleedingcause cannot be found. In this situation, the doctor may recommend regular follow-up tests, especially if there are risk factors for bladder cancer such as smoking, exposure to environmental toxins, or a history of radiation therapy.

When to See a Doctor?

If you detect blood in your urine, seek medical attention immediately. Also, if you urinate frequently, if it is painful to urinate, or if you have abdominal pain, this is a hematuria indicative. 

What are the complications of hematuria?

If you ignore the symptoms, it can no longer be cured. If not treated in time, it can eventually lead to kidney failure. An appropriate treatment will help reduce symptoms. 

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Hematuria Treatment How To?

Hematuria Depending on the condition or disease that caused it, to avoid infection antibiotic requires to buy. 

If no underlying cause is found, it is recommended that you have a urine test every three to six months and monitor your blood pressure.

However, hematuria For other causes, it includes the following treatments: 

Kidney Stones

If your kidney stones are smaller, they can be cleared from the urinary tract by drinking plenty of water. Larger stones require crushing surgery. 

Kidney or bladder cancer

Depending on the type of cancer and how far it has spread, treatment is given. 

Diuretic Medicines help increase the amount of urine excreted from the body, medications to control high blood pressure and antibiotics to treat any infections are part of the treatment. 

Blood in the Urine in Children

Some inherited diseases such as urinary tract infection, stones, injury and polycystic kidney disease in children hematuriamay cause. Generally, hematuria It does not cause many complications in children. It can resolve on its own without treatment.

However, parents should still take the child to the doctor. In most cases, the doctor hematuriaHe or she will perform a physical examination and urinalysis to diagnose the underlying cause of the spleen.

Blood in urine and the presence of protein may indicate a problem with the kidneys. In this case, it is best to take the child to a nephrologist who deals with the treatment of kidney ailments.

How to Prevent Hematuria? 

Drink plenty of water during the day to prevent infections and kidney stones.

– After sexual intercourse, urinate immediately to prevent infections.

– Avoid high-sodium foods to prevent kidney and bladder stones.

– Avoid smoking and exposure to chemicals to prevent bladder cancer.

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