What Is Sickle Cell Anemia, What Causes It? Symptoms and Treatment

sickle cell anemiais a type of inherited sickle cell disease. It affects red blood cells and a protein called hemoglobin. Because it is hereditary, other anemia different types. Because it is genetic and passed from parents to their children.

Take advantage of the local knowledge by visiting our treatment of sickle cell anemia none. There are treatment options to manage symptoms and reduce complications.

causes sickle cell anemia

sickle cell anemia patientsA significant part of the iron, zinc, Virgin, folic acid, pyridoxine, vitamin D and Vitamin E such as nutrient deficiencies. 

Balanced diet; such as delayed growth and development, decreased bone density, increased risk of fracture, vision problems, susceptibility to infections. sickle cell anemiaimportant to prevent complications.

What is sickle cell anemia?

sickle cell anemia It is part of 'hemoglobinopathy'. Hemoglobinopathies develop when a person inherits at least one "defective" sickle (S) beta-globin gene from a parent and another abnormal hemoglobin gene, which affects how red blood cells work.

Those with sickle cell disease produce abnormal hemoglobin. Sickle cell diseases are characterized by deformed crescent-shaped, abnormally shaped red blood cells. This shape makes it harder for blood to flow through the veins.

Sickle-shaped red blood cells are harder and brittle. While this reduces the oxygen supply in the body, it blocks blood flow.

Who gets sickle cell anemia?

  • Children are at risk for sickle cell disease if both parents have sickle cell trait.
  • People living in regions with endemic malaria, such as Africa, India, the Mediterranean, and Saudi Arabia, are more likely to be carriers.

what are the symptoms of sickle cell anemia

What are the symptoms of sickle cell anemia?

Sickle cell anemia symptoms It usually manifests as:

  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Fire
  • swelling and edema
  • shortness of breath that makes it difficult to move, and chest pain
  • joint and bone pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • vision problems
  • Nausea, vomiting, and digestive upset 
  • Formation of wounds on the skin due to poor blood circulation
  • jaundice symptoms
  • spleen enlargement
  • Higher risk for blood clots due to a blocked blood vessel
  • Higher risk for liver damage, kidney damage, lung damage and gallstones
  • sexual dysfunction
  • Developmental problems such as shortening of the trunk in proportion to the arms and legs in children
  • Higher risk for stroke, seizure, and symptoms such as numbness in the limbs, difficulty speaking, and loss of consciousness.
  • Higher risk for enlarged heart and heart murmurs

Causes of sickle cell anemia

sickle cell anemia, It is a genetic disorder. It is not caused by lifestyle or nutritional factors, but by inheriting certain genes. of a child sickle cell anemiaTo get the disease, he must inherit the defective genes from both parents.

When a child inherits a defective gene from only one parent, they will have sickle cell disease but not show full symptoms. Some red blood cells and hemoglobin will be normal. Others will be deformed.

features of sickle cell anemia

How is sickle cell anemia treated?

Since sickle cell disease cannot be cured, the goal of treatment is "sickle cell crisis” is to reduce symptoms to prevent and improve quality of life. 

sickle cell crisis or if an emergency occurs, patients need to stay in hospital and be monitored while receiving fluids and medication. The most obvious symptom is sudden, stabbing sharp pains in the abdomen and chest. In some cases, the patient may need oxygen as well as a blood transfusion. Other treatments include:

  • Hydroxyurea drug: It increases the production of a form of hemoglobin, which helps prevent red blood cells from getting sickle-shaped.
  • Bone marrow transplantation: Bone marrow or stem cells can be obtained from a family member who does not have the disease and transplant into the patient. This is a risky procedure. It requires taking medications that suppress the immune system and prevent the body from fighting the transplanted cells.
  • Gene therapy: This is done by implanting genes into the precursor cells that produce normal red blood cells.

Natural Treatment of Sickle Cell Anemia

sickle cell anemia risk factors

diet for anemia

Nutrition, sickle cell anemiaIt doesn't help improve it. But it allows to manage symptoms and prevent further complications. sickle cell anemia Nutrition tips for:

  • Get enough calories. 
  • Eat a variety and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Consume enough protein and healthy fats. 
  • Consume foods high in folate, which helps in the production of red blood cells.
  • Consume grains, legumes and animal protein sources to get enough B vitamins.
  • Electrolyte imbalancesDrink enough water each day to prevent dehydration and dehydration.  
  • Do not eat processed foods such as sugary foods, refined grains, fast food, and sugary drinks.

Nutritional supplement use

Along with a healthy and varied diet, experts recommend a variety of supplements that can treat deficiencies, protect bones, and provide other protective effects:

  • Vitamin D
  • Calcium
  • Folate/folic acid
  • Omega 3 fatty acids
  • Vitamin B6 and B12
  • Multivitamins with copper, zinc and magnesium

essential oils to reduce pain

sickle cell anemiacan cause joint stiffness, muscle weakness, bone pain, and abdominal or chest pain. Painkillers are not recommended to be used frequently as they will adversely affect kidney and liver functions. 

Essential oils, relieves pain as well as treats irritated skin, improves immunity and promotes relaxation.

Mint oilCan be applied to the skin to reduce muscle and joint pain. Other essential oils that help with symptoms include frankincense to reduce inflammation; It has refreshing citrus oils like lavender to relieve stress and orange or grapefruit to reduce fatigue.

Who gets sickle cell anemia?

What are the complications of sickle cell anemia?

sickle cell anemia, causes serious complications that occur when sickle cells clog vessels in different parts of the body. Painful or damaging blockages sickle cell crises It called. What are impacted teeth? When one or more teeth fails to grow in the correct position and is therefore held below the normal gum line, it is called an impaction. This can be complete, such as completely unerrupted (buried) third molars (wisdom teeth) or partial when just part of the tooth is visible in the mouth. Why are impactions important? For best function and appearance the teeth should grow in a healthy alignment. When one or more teeth is impacted, this can affect the function of that tooth but also the function and appearance of other teeth. Whether all impactions should be treated is still controversial and your dentist and oral and maxillofacial team can explain the advantages and disadvantages or treatment for you, which is usually surgical.

The following sickle cell anemiaConditions that may arise from:

  • severe anemia
  • hand-foot syndrome
  • spleen sequestration
  • Delayed growth
  • Neurological complications such as seizures and strokes
  • eye problems
  • skin ulcers
  • Heart disease and chest syndrome
  • lung disease
  • Priapism
  • Gallstones
  • sickle chest syndrome

sickle cell anemia natural treatment

People with sickle cell anemiaalso have a higher risk of developing infections and diseases. It is important that these people stay away from sick people. Washing your hands frequently, staying away from extreme heat and cold, not doing intense exercise, getting enough sleep and drinking enough water are the points to be considered.

If any of the following symptoms develop (especially in children), seek medical advice immediately:

  • fever over 38.5 °C
  • Difficulty breathing and pain in the chest and abdomen
  • Severe headache, vision changes, and difficulty concentrating
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