What is Hyperchloremia and Hypochloremia and How Are They Treated?

Chloride is the main anion found in blood and fluid outside of cells. Anion is the negatively charged part of certain substances such as table salt (NaCl) when dissolved in liquid. Seawater has almost the same concentration of chloride ions as human fluids.

Chloride ion balance (Cl - ) is closely regulated by the body. Significant drops in chloride can have harmful or even fatal consequences. Chloride is normally lost in urine, sweat, and stomach secretions. Excessive sweating, vomiting, and excessive loss from adrenal gland and kidney disease can occur.

In the article "What is low chlorine?" Subject titles such as will be mentioned.

What is Low Chlorine in Blood?

Hypochloremiais an electrolyte imbalance that occurs when there is low amounts of chloride in the body.

Chloride is an electrolyte. In order to regulate the fluid amount and pH balance in the body sodium ve potassium Works with other electrolytes such as. Chloride is most commonly consumed as table salt (sodium chloride).

What are the Symptoms of Low Chlorine?

Hypochloremia symptomsthey are often not noticed. Instead, there may be symptoms of other electrolyte imbalances or a condition that causes hypochloremia.

Symptoms of low chlorine is as follows:

Loss of fluid


Weakness or tiredness

Difficulty breathing

Diarrhea or vomiting caused by fluid loss

Hypochloremiamay accompany hyponatraemia with low sodium in the blood.

Causes of Low Chlorine

Since electrolyte levels in the blood are regulated by the kidneys, hypochloremia Such an electrolyte imbalance may be caused by a problem with the kidneys. 

Hypochloremia It can also be caused by any of the following situations:

Congestive heart failure

Prolonged diarrhea or vomiting

Emphysema chronic lung disease such as

Metabolic alkalosis when blood pH is higher than normal

Laxative, diureticsCertain types of drugs, such as corticosteroids and bicarbonates, as well hypochloremiamay cause to eat.

Hypochloremia and Chemotherapy

Hypochloremia It can be caused by chemotherapy treatment along with other electrolyte imbalances. Side effects of chemotherapy are as follows:

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Prolonged vomiting or diarrhea

- Exude

- Fire

These side effects can contribute to dehydration. Fluid loss through vomiting and diarrhea, electrolyte imbalancewhat can lead.

How Is Hypochloremia Diagnosed?

The doctor will do a blood test to check the chloride level. hypochloremiaCan diagnose well. 

The amount of chloride in the blood is measured as a concentration - the amount of chloride in milliequivalents per liter (mEq) (L).

Normal reference ranges for blood chloride are below. Values ​​below the appropriate reference range hypochloremiamay indicate:

Adults: 98--106 mEq / L

Children: 90-110 mEq/L

Newborn babies: 96-106 mEq/L

Premature babies: 95-110 mEq/L

Hypochloremia Treatment

The doctor will work to treat the underlying problem causing the electrolyte imbalance.

Hypochloremia If it is caused by a drug, the doctor may adjust the dosage. Hypochloremia If it is caused by problems with the kidneys or an endocrine disorder, the doctor will refer you to a specialist.

You can take intravenous (IV) fluids, such as normal saline solution, to restore electrolytes to normal levels.

The doctor may also order regular testing of your electrolyte levels for monitoring purposes.

Hypochloremia If it is mild, it can sometimes be corrected with dietary changes.

What is Hyperchloremia?

Hyperchloremiais an electrolyte imbalance that occurs when there is too much chloride in the blood.

Chlorine is an important electrolyte responsible for maintaining acid-base (pH) balance in the body, regulating fluids, and transmitting nerve impulses.

The kidneys play an important role in chlorine regulation in the body, so electrolyte imbalance poses a problem with these organs.

In addition, the kidneys' ability to maintain chlorine balance can be affected by other conditions, such as diabetes or severe dehydration.

What are the Symptoms of High Chlorine?

HyperchloremiaSymptoms that point to are usually those due to the underlying cause of the high chloride level. Most often this is acidosis, the blood being extremely acidic. Hyperchloremia symptoms may include:

- Tiredness

Muscle weakness

Excessive thirst

Dry mucous membranes

- Hypertension

In some people hyperchloremia symptoms is not obvious. This is sometimes not noticeable until a routine blood test.

What are the Causes of High Chlorine in the Blood?

Like sodium, potassium and other electrolytes, the concentration of chlorine in our body is carefully regulated by the kidneys.

The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs located on either side of the spine just below the rib cage. They are responsible for filtering the blood and keeping its composition stable, which ensures proper functioning of the body.

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Hyperchloremiaoccurs when chlorine levels in the blood get too high. HyperchloremiaThere are a number of ways that can occur. These include:

Taking too much saline solution while in the hospital, such as during an operation

Severe diarrhea

Chronic or acute kidney disease

- Salt water ingestion

- Extremely high intake of dietary salt

- Bromide poisoning from drugs containing bromide

- Renal or metabolic acidosis occurs when the kidneys do not eliminate acid from the body or when the body takes in excess acid.

Respiratory alkalosis, a condition that occurs when the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood is too low (for example, when a person is hyperventilation)

Long-term use of drugs called carbonic anhydrase inhibitors used in the treatment of glaucoma and other disorders

What is Hyperchloremic Acidosis?

Hyperchloremic acidosis, or hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, occurs when bicarbonate (alkali) loss makes the pH balance in the blood very acidic (metabolic acidosis).

In response, the body hyperchloremiaIt clings to chlorine as a cause. In hyperchloremic acidosis, either the body loses too much base or it retains too much acid.

A base called sodium bicarbonate helps keep blood at neutral pH. Sodium bicarbonate loss can cause:

Severe diarrhea

Chronic use of laxatives

- Proximal renal tubular acidosis, which means the kidneys are unable to reabsorb bicarbonate from the urine.

Long-term use of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in the treatment of glaucoma, such as acetazolamide

Kidney damage

Possible reasons for giving too much acid to the blood include:

Accidental ingestion of ammonium chlorine, hydrochloric acid or other acidifying salts (sometimes found in solutions used for intravenous feeding)

Some types of renal tubular acidosis

Too much saline solution intake in the hospital

How Is Hyperchloremia Diagnosed?

Hyperchloremia It is typically diagnosed with a test known as a chloride blood test. This test is usually part of a larger metabolic panel that the doctor can order.

A metabolic panel measures various electrolyte levels in the blood:

Carbon dioxide or bicarbonate

- Chloride


- Sodium

Normal chlorine levels for adults range from 98–107 mEq / L. If your test shows a chlorine level higher than 107 mEq / L, hyperchloremia means there is.

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In this case, the doctor may also test your urine for chlorine and blood sugar levels to see if you have diabetes. A simple urinalysis can help detect problems with the kidneys.

Hyperchloremia Treatment

Hyperchloremia Treatment for this will depend on the cause of this condition:

For dehydration, treatment will include hydration.

- If you have taken too much saline, the saline supply will be stopped until you get better.

- If your medications are causing problems, your doctor may change or stop the medication.

- For a kidney problem, a nephrologist will likely refer a doctor who specializes in kidney health. If your condition is severe, dialysis may be needed to filter the blood instead of the kidneys.

- Hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis can be treated with a base called sodium bicarbonate.

Those with hyperchloremiashould moisturize your body. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as these can worsen dehydration.

What are the complications of hyperchloremia?

In the body excess chlorinecan be very dangerous due to the connection that is higher than the normal acidity in the blood. If not treated immediately, it can lead to:

- Kidney stone

- Impair the ability to heal if kidney injuries are present

- Kidney failure

Heart problems

Muscle problems

Bone problems


- Death

symptoms of hypernatremia

How to Prevent Hyperchloremia?

Hyperchloremiaespecially Addison's disease It can be difficult to prevent if it's caused by a medical condition such as. Hyperchloremia Some strategies that can help people at risk of developing include:

- HyperchloremiaTalking to a doctor about medications that can cause eating.

- HyperchloremiaThe effects of drugs that can cause fever can be reduced. For example, when a person feels dehydrated, they may drink more water.

Eating a balanced diet and avoiding excessive food restrictions.

- Taking diabetes medications as prescribed by the doctor.

In healthy people hyperchloremia it is very rare. Drinking enough fluids and avoiding excessive salt intake can prevent this electrolyte imbalance.

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