What Should We Eat When We Are Ill? Can you do sports while sick?

Whether you have an illness or are recovering from surgery, the foods and drinks you eat will help or hinder your recovery. 

Many foods, such as fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and protein sources, are known to reduce inflammation, improve immune function, support healing, and provide the body with the fuel needed to heal. 

Aşağıda "Foods that can be eaten during illness to facilitate healing" ve "Exercising while sick" Information on the subjects will be given.

What to Eat When You Are Ill?

how about leafy green vegetables

Leafy green vegetables

Like kale, spinach, arugula, and chard green leafy vegetablesIt is packed with nutrients that reduce inflammation, improve immune function and improve wound healing. Therefore, it is one of the foods that should be eaten during the recovery period from the disease.

Green leafy vegetables are high in vitamin C, manganese, magnesium, folate, and provitamin A, all essential for immune function and overall health.

It is also rich in polyphenol antioxidants, which have powerful anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting properties.


After surgery, the body needs protein. eggAlthough it is an excellent source of absorbable protein, it contains nutrients that support immune health and wound healing.

Whole eggs contain zinc, iron and selenium as well as vitamins A and B12, all of which play vital immune roles.


SalmonProvides protein, B vitamins, selenium, iron, zinc and omega 3 fats. Studies show that omega 3 oils can promote wound healing, boost the immune response, and reduce inflammation when taken in supplement form.

85 grams of wild-caught salmon provides more than 70% of the daily requirement for selenium, a mineral that regulates inflammation and immune response.

Berry fruits

Berries are full of nutrients and plant compounds that can help support the body's recovery.

For example, berries are the most abundant protein in our body. collagen It provides abundant vitamin C that promotes wound healing by stimulating production.

It also contains antioxidants such as anthocyanins, which are plant pigments that give these fruits their vibrant color, in addition to their anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immune-boosting effects.

Nuts and seeds

AlmondNuts and seeds such as walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds and hemp seeds are great for nourishing our body during the recovery from disease. These foods provide plant-based protein, healthy fats, and vitamins and minerals that support healing.

For example, nuts and seeds are good sources of zinc, vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant that protects our body against cellular damage. It is also critical for immune health.

Some research suggests that healthy vitamin E levels can improve the function of protective immune cells, such as natural killer cells (NK cells), that help fight infection and disease.


Specific amino acids, the building blocks of protein, play an important role in wound healing and immune function.

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Chicken and Hindi Poultry, including those, pack glutamine and arginine, two amino acids that can aid recovery from disease.

glutamineWhile providing cellular protection during times of stress such as illness and injury, arginine aids collagen production and wound healing. Arginine is rapidly depleted in times of stress, injury, and illness, and adequate intake of this amino acid becomes even more important.


Offal meatsare some of the most nutritious foods to eat. They have many immune-supporting nutrients, including vitamin A, iron, zinc, B vitamins, and copper, which are essential for connective tissue and collagen production.

Essential for proper immune cell response, vitamin A helps destroy inflammatory cells and is critical for skin health and wound healing.

In addition, offal is an excellent source of protein necessary for surgery and post-disease recovery. 

broccoli and cauliflower

Cruciferous vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale are known for their impressive health benefits. Thanks to its wide variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, it supports recovery from disease.

Cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolates, compounds that our bodies convert into isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates are noted to improve immune health by suppressing inflammation, activating immune defenses, and triggering death in infected cells.


Oyster, mussels and shrimp Like shellfish, they're loaded with nutrients - especially zinc - that can promote healing.

Zinc is essential for healthy immune function. This mineral can also help speed healing and promote wound healing, making shellfish great options for healing after surgery.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato Eating healthy high-carbohydrate foods such as sweetness is important for recovery from sweet sickness. Carbohydrates not only provide the energy that cells need to heal, but also enzymes such as hexokinase and citrate synthase that aid wound repair.

Insufficient carbohydrate consumption can impair wound healing and delay healing.

Can you do sports while sick?

Regular exerciseis a great way to keep our body healthy. In one study, it was noted to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, aid weight control, and strengthen the immune system.

While it is an undoubted fact that exercise plays an important role in health, "Do you do sports when you are sick?" Here is the answer to the question ...

Exercising when sick

Exercise is a healthy habit and you normally want to keep exercising, even when the weather is bad. In some cases this can be perfect, but if you are experiencing certain symptoms, it is harmful.

Many experts use the "over the neck" rule to decide whether to continue exercising or not. Accordingly, if you only experience symptoms that are above the neck, such as nasal congestion, sneezing or earache, you can probably exercise.

On the other hand, if you are experiencing symptoms below the neck area such as nausea, body aches, fever, diarrhea, cough or chest congestion, you should stop exercising until you feel well.

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In Which Situations Can Sports Be Continued?

It is probably safe to continue exercising with the following symptoms, but if you are unsure, it is useful to consult a doctor.

Mild Cold

A mild cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat. Although the symptoms vary from person to person, many people with the common cold experience nasal congestion, headache, sneezing, and mild cough.

If you have a mild cold, you can continue to exercise if you have energy. In situations where you feel weak, you can reduce the intensity of the exercise and shorten its duration.

While it's usually fine to exercise with a mild cold, keep in mind that you can infect others and cause them to get sick.


Ear pain is a sharp, dull, or burning pain that can be found in one or both ears. Ear pain in children is commonly due to infection, but in adults, earache is caused by pain in another area, such as in the throat.

Ear pain can be caused by sinus infections, sore throat, dental infection, or pressure changes. Exercising with ear pain is considered safe as long as the balance is not affected and the infection is eliminated.

Some ear infections cause you to lose your balance and symptoms such as fever, so exercise is not considered safe in such situations. 

Nasal obstruction

Nasal congestion is an uncomfortable condition. If you are experiencing nasal congestion with other symptoms such as fever, cough or chest congestion, you should stop exercising for a certain period of time.

However, if you are only experiencing nasal congestion, you can continue to exercise. Even exercising helps you open your nasal passages and allows you to breathe better.

Mild sore throat

Throat ache it is often caused by viral infections such as the common cold or flu. If you have a fever, cough, or difficulty swallowing with a sore throat, you should stop exercising until your doctor tells you you are okay.

But if you're experiencing a mild sore throat due to a common cold or allergy, it's probably possible to exercise safely.

If you are experiencing other symptoms associated with common cold, such as fatigue and congestion, reduce the intensity of your normal exercise routine.

Situations Where Sports Are Not Recommended

Exercise is usually harmless when you have a mild cold or earache, but it is not recommended to exercise if you experience any of the following symptoms.


When you have a fever, your body temperature rises above its normal range. Fever can be caused by many conditions, but most often it is triggered by a bacterial or viral infection.

Fever can cause unpleasant symptoms such as weakness, dehydration, muscle aches and loss of appetite. Working with a high temperature increases the risk of dehydration and can make fever worse.

In addition, having fever reduces muscle strength and endurance, and impairs sensitivity and coordination, increasing the risk of injury. For these reasons, it is important not to exercise when you have a fever.


Sometimes cough is a normal response to irritants or fluids in the airways of the body and helps the body stay healthy. However, the more common conditions of cough may be symptoms of a respiratory infection such as cold, flu or even pneumonia.

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While a cough associated with throat tingling is not a reason to take a break from sports, a more persistent cough may be a sign that you should rest.

Continuous coughing can make deep breathing difficult when heart rate rises during exercise. In this case, shortness of breath and fatigue are more likely.

A phlegmatic cough may indicate an infection or other medical condition that requires rest and should be treated by a doctor.

Stomach disorders

Diseases that occur in the stomach and affect the digestive system can cause serious symptoms. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, stomach cramps, and decreased appetite are common symptoms of stomach problems.

Diarrhea and vomiting increase the risk of dehydration, which causes worsening of physical activity. Feeling sluggish when you have a stomach upset increases the likelihood of injury during a common workout.

If you have stomach upset, gentle exercise or yoga at home are the safest options.

Flu Symptoms

Flu is an infectious disease that affects the respiratory system. Fever, chills, sore throat, body aches, fatiguecauses symptoms such as headache, cough, and congestion.

The flu can be mild or severe, depending on the level of infection. In severe cases, it can even cause death. Not everyone who has the flu may even have a fever, but these people have an increased risk of dehydration.

In the case of flu, if you exercise vigorously, it can prolong the flu and delay your recovery. This is because running or participating in high-intensity activities temporarily suppresses the body's immune response.

When you have the flu, it is best to take a break from sports while experiencing symptoms.

When to Continue Exercising?

When should we continue to exercise after getting sick?

Regular exercise can reduce the risk of disease in the first place by strengthening the immune system. However, it's important for your body to get rid of an illness completely before returning to your exercise routine, and don't worry about it even if you can't work for a long time.

Some people think that if they stay away from the gym for a few days, they will lose muscle and strength, but that is not the case.

As your symptoms diminish, start practicing more physical activity day after day, being careful not to overdo it.

Start with a low-intensity, shorter workout on your first day at the gym and remember to drink water while exercising.

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