Eye Exercises to Develop and Strengthen Eye Muscles

Do your eyes often feel tired? Are you constantly looking at the LED screen at work or at home? 

Attention!!! This can cause eye strain, vision problems, dry eyeIt can cause headaches and even anxiety and headaches. 

Since you can't say goodbye to your work or social media, spend at least 10 minutes every day. eye exercisesWhat should you allocate? These exercises will help relieve tension, strengthen eye muscles, improve cognitive performance and improve visual reaction time.

how to do eye muscle exercises

Why should eye exercise be done?

Today, more and more people experience eye strain, such as looking at computer or mobile phone screens.

Other factors such as pollution, contact lenses and the wrong use of glasses also tire the eyes. These windows that open to the world are very valuable to us. Therefore, eye strain exercises We must protect this very important sense organ.

Eye exercises Although it will not correct eye problems, it will be effective for the following conditions:

  • Poor focus due to weakening of the eye muscles
  • lazy eye ie amblyopia
  • Strabismus
  • Double vision
  • astigmatism
  • eye surgery history
  • history of eye injury

Eye-Good and Strengthening Exercises

doing eye strain exercises

eye rolling exercise

When the eye rolling exercise is done regularly strengthening the eye musclesYe helps.

  • Sit or stand upright. Keep your shoulders relaxed, neck straight, and look forward.
  • Look to your right and then slowly roll your eyes towards the ceiling.
  • Roll your eyes to the left and from there to the ground.
  • Do this clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • Complete this exercise for 10 repetitions for two minutes.
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eye rub exercise

You can even do this exercise while wearing lenses.

  • Sit or stand comfortably. Rub your palms quickly until they are warm.
  • Close your eyes and place your palms on the eyelids. Imagine the warmth seeping into your eyes.
  • Do not press your palms too hard on your eyeballs.
  • Complete this exercise in 7 repetitions for three minutes.

doing exercises for eye muscles

Object focus exercise

This exercise is recommended by doctors for people with weak eye muscles.

  • Sit on the chair. Relax your shoulders, keep your neck straight, and look forward.
  • Take a pencil in your right hand and hold it in front of your nose. Focus on its tip.
  • Extend your arm fully. Then zoom in again and focus on the tip of the pen.
  • Complete this exercise for 10 repetitions for two minutes.

eye pressing exercise

An exercise that will soothe your eyes and reduce stress…

  • Sit comfortably, close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  • Put a finger on each eyelid and press very lightly for about ten seconds.
  • Release the pressure for about two seconds and press lightly again.
  • Complete this exercise for 10 repetitions for one minute.

doing eye muscle training exercises

eye massage exercise

This exercise reduces eye strain and dryness. 

  • Sit straight with your shoulders relaxed.
  • Tilt your head back a little and close your eyes.
  • Gently place your index and middle fingers on each eyelid.
  • Move the right fingers counterclockwise and the left fingers clockwise.
  • Repeat ten times without changing the direction of the circular motion.
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blink exercise

  • Sit comfortably in a chair, keep your shoulders relaxed and neck straight, and stare at a blank wall. Close your eyes.
  • Wait half a second and then open your eyes.
  • Do ten times to complete a set. Complete by doing 2 sets.

eye flexion exercise

  • Sit comfortably in a chair and look straight ahead.
  • Look up and then down without moving your neck.
  • Do it ten times. Then look as far to your right as you can. Keep your neck straight.
  • Look to your left as much as possible.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times for three minutes.

focus exercise

  • Sit 5 feet from the window, stand straight and keep your shoulders relaxed.
  • Extend your right arm in front of you, thumb out, and focus on the tip of the finger for a second or two.
  • Focus on the window for two seconds without moving your hand.
  • Focus on an object far from the window for two seconds.
  • Focus back on the thumb.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times for one minute.

eye bounce exercise

  • Sit, stand or lie down. Look straight ahead.
  • You can keep your eyes open or closed.
  • Move your eyes quickly up and down.
  • Repeat the movement ten times without stopping.

eye movements that work the muscles

Eight tracing exercise

  • Looking at a blank wall or ceiling, imagine a giant lateral figure '8'.
  • Without moving your head, draw a path along this figure with just your eyes.
  • Do it five times. Keep doing it for 4 sets.

Message writing exercise

  • Look at a blank wall at least 250 cm away and imagine that you are writing on it with your eyes.
  • This allows the eye muscles to move quickly in different directions and train the weak ones.
  • Do it for 15-20 seconds without stopping.
  • Continue this exercise for two minutes.
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eye-strengthening exercises and movements

eyelid exercise

This exercise is caused by eye strain. headacheIt helps to get rid of.

  • Sit comfortably and gently massage the lower eyelids with your ring fingers.
  • Start with the inner edge of the lower eyelid and gradually move outward.
  • After finishing with the lower eyelids, you can continue massaging the eyebrows in a similar way.
  • Do this exercise for five minutes.

What exercises are good for the eyes

side view exercise

  • Sit or stand comfortably. Take a deep breath.
  • Keeping your head still, try to look as far to the left as possible using only your eyes.
  • Hold your sight for about three seconds and look ahead.
  • Look to the right as far as you can and keep your gaze there.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times for two minutes.
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