How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes? 12 Natural Formulas You Can Apply at Home

Dark circles under the eyes are one of the biggest problems experienced by many people, resulting from various reasons. These bruises, which may occur due to reasons such as insomnia, stress, genetic factors or health problems, negatively affect the aesthetic appearance of our face. Fortunately, we can lighten under-eye dark circles with natural formulas. In this article, we will answer the question "how to get rid of under-eye dark circles" in detail and give natural formulas to get rid of under-eye dark circles.

What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?

If you have stayed up late one night or your sleep pattern has been disrupted, you may have noticed that your under eyes have turned purple. However insomniais not the only reason for dark circles under the eyes. In addition, there may be many different reasons for dark circles under the eyes.

  1. Genetic Factors: Dark circles under the eyes may be genetic. If this problem is common in your family, you may also encounter this situation. Genetic factors cause blood vessels under the skin to become visible, resulting in dark circles under the eyes.
  2. Sleep Pattern and Fatigue: Disruption of your sleep pattern or insufficient sleep may cause dark circles under your eyes. When your body does not get enough rest, the blood vessels under the skin dilate and the areas under the eyes appear darker.
  3. Aging: Old age contributes to the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. As the skin ages, collagen and elastin production decreases and the skin becomes thinner. This causes more blood vessels under the eyes to become visible and contributes to the formation of bruises.
  4. Stress and anxiety: A stressful lifestyle or anxiety situations trigger the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. Stress affects blood flow in the body and causes deposits under the skin.
  5. Nutrition: Low iron levels in the body and irregular nutrition may be effective in the formation of dark circles under the eyes. iron deficiencyIt affects blood circulation and causes color changes in the under-eye skin area.
  6. Allergies: The cause of dark circles under the eyes can sometimes be allergic reactions. Exposure to allergens can cause circles to appear around the eyes.
  7. Smoking and alcohol use: Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can cause narrowing of blood vessels in the skin and the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
  8. Sun exposure: Long-term sun exposure increases melanin levels in the skin and causes dark circles in the under-eye area.
  9. Rubbing the eye: Constantly rubbing your eyes can cause skin irritation and dark circles under your eyes.
  10. Sinusitis: Sinusitis causes nasal congestion and swelling of tissues. This condition contributes to the appearance of dark circles around the eyes.
  11. Illness or fatigue: Some diseases or fatigue conditions can cause dark circles under the eyes. For example, flu or anemia Some conditions such as may be the cause of dark circles under the eyes.
  12. Wear and tear of the eyes: Excessive computer, phone, television etc. Eye fatigue due to its use can lead to enlargement of the blood vessels around the eyes, resulting in dark circles.
  13. Dehydration: Inadequate hydration can cause the skin to look pale and dull, and the eyes can have a sunken appearance, which can make the surrounding skin appear darker.
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how to get rid of dark circles under eyes
How to get rid of dark circles under eyes

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles Under Eyes?

So, how can you get rid of under-eye dark circles? Isn't there a natural way to do this? Of course there is. Here are natural formulas that are effective for under-eye dark circles:


CucumberThanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is good for dark circles under the eyes. Place thinly sliced ​​cucumbers on your eyelids and leave for about 15 minutes. When you apply this process regularly, you will see that the dark circles under your eyes will decrease.


The natural whitening property of potatoes is effective in reducing the appearance of under-eye dark circles. Place thinly sliced ​​potatoes on your eyelids and leave for about 20 minutes. If you repeat this method a few times a week, you can see the dark circles under your eyes fade away.

3.Green tea

Thanks to its antioxidant properties green teaIt is effective in the treatment of dark circles under the eyes. Brew a cup of green tea and then cool it. Soak cotton pads in this tea, place them on your eyelids and leave them on for 15-20 minutes. When you apply this method regularly, you may notice that the dark circles under your eyes lighten.

4.Almond oil

Almond oil, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. You can massage using almond oil for dark circles under your eyes. While massaging, make gentle rubbing movements and massage for about 10 minutes to ensure that the almond oil penetrates the skin thoroughly. If you do this regularly every night before going to bed, you will see that your under-eye dark circles will decrease.

5.Rosemary oil

Rosemary oilIt lightens under-eye dark circles by increasing blood circulation. 07


DaisyIt reduces swelling around the eyes and provides a relaxing effect. After brewing chamomile tea and cooling it a little, you can apply it to your eyes with cotton pads.

7.Mint leaves

The refreshing effect of mint leaves is good for dark circles under the eyes. Leave fresh mint leaves on your eyes for 10-15 minutes.

8.Aloe vera

Aloe vera Applying the gel to the under-eye area calms the skin and reduces the appearance of bruises. You can get an effective solution against dark circles under your eyes by using natural aloe vera gel.

9.Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a natural bleach that helps lighten the skin. Dilute apple cider vinegar with a little water and apply around the eyes with cotton pads.

10.Rose water

Rose water works effectively on dark circles under your eyes and revitalizes your skin. Apply it around the eyes with cotton pads and wait for it to dry.

11.Lemon juice

Lemon juice brightens your skin and reduces the appearance of under-eye dark circles. Dilute lemon juice with some water and apply it to your eyes with cotton pads.

12.Castor oil

Castor oil reduces dark circles around the eyes and corrects color inequalities on your skin. You can massage your eyes with some castor oil.

Oils That Are Good for Dark Circles Under Eyes

Natural oils are an effective and reliable method used to support skin health. Now let's take a look at the oils that are good for dark circles under the eyes:

  1. Almond oil: Almond oil is a popular option for reducing under-eye dark circles. It nourishes and brightens the skin thanks to the vitamin E and antioxidants it contains.
  2. Coconut Oil: Coconut oilIt is an oil that penetrates the skin and lightens under-eye circles with its moisturizing effect. It also brightens and tightens the skin.
  3. Vitamin E Oil: Vitamin E oil nourishes the skin with its antioxidant properties and supports cell regeneration. It helps reduce the appearance of under-eye dark circles.
  4. Lavender oil: Lavender oil has calming and anti-inflammatory properties. It lightens dark circles under the eyes and soothes the skin.
  5. Rosemary oil: Rosemary oil helps balance skin tone and reduces the appearance of dark circles under the eyes. It also revitalizes and energizes the skin.
  6. Argan oil: Rich in vitamin E and antioxidants Argan oilIt renews skin texture and helps reduce dark circles under the eyes.
  7. Avocado Oil: natural moisturizer avocado oilIt nourishes the skin and supports the equalization of complex color tones under the eyes.
  8. Cocoa Butter: With its rich antioxidant content, cocoa butter reduces inflammation caused by under-eye dark circles and provides a brightening effect by balancing skin tone.
  9. Tea Tree Oil: Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties tea tree oilIt alleviates the appearance of bruises by reducing inflammation in the under-eye area.
  10. Sesame oil: Helps regulate skin color changes Sesame oilIt contributes to reducing under-eye dark circles and making the skin look brighter and more vibrant.
  11. Olive oil: Olive oil, a natural moisturizer, improves the appearance of dark circles by eliminating dryness in the under-eye areas.
  12. Jojoba Oil: Easily absorbed by the skin jojoba oilIt reduces swelling and redness caused by under-eye dark circles and helps the skin gain a more vibrant appearance.
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When using these oils, it is important to dilute them in the right ratio for sensitive skin. You can use just a few drops of oil by mixing it with a carrier oil (such as olive oil, jojoba oil). Oils should be applied by gently massaging around the eyes.

How to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes?

There are many ways to get rid of under eye dark circles. Let's explain some effective methods.

  1. Pay attention to sleep patterns: Getting enough and regular sleep is one of the easiest ways to get rid of dark circles under your eyes. Sleeping for 7-8 hours every night rests your skin and ensures cell renewal.
  2. Pay attention to your diet: A healthy and balanced diet is important to both protect your general health and reduce dark circles under your eyes. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C, iron and antioxidants helps reduce under-eye dark circles.
  3. Apply cold compress: Applying cold compresses under the eyes helps reduce under-eye dark circles by tightening the blood vessels. To do this, wrap a few ice cubes in a clean cloth and apply them under your eyes by gently massaging them.
  4. Use eye creams: There are some eye creams that are effective against dark circles under the eyes. You can choose an eye cream that contains active ingredients that can help reduce under-eye dark circles.
  5. Use makeup correctly: Makeup is the easiest way to temporarily cover under-eye circles. However, you should make sure that the makeup products are of high quality and do not irritate the under eye area. You can use the right makeup techniques to cover under-eye dark circles. You can hide bruises by using color correcting concealers and highlighters.
  6. Reduce stress: Stress can cause under-eye dark circles to increase. You can apply relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation or breathing exercises to reduce stress.
  7. Herbal teas: You can try herbal teas, which are popularly believed to reduce under-eye dark circles. It is known that especially chamomile tea and green tea have effects on reducing dark circles under the eyes.
  8. Pay attention to water consumption during the day: When the body does not receive enough water, dark circles under the eyes become more visible. Be careful to drink enough water during the day.
  9. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise increases blood circulation and helps reduce under-eye dark circles. Make sure to exercise at least 3-4 days a week.
  10. Use sunglasses: The sun's harmful UV rays can cause dark circles under the eyes. Therefore, it is important to wear sunglasses when going out.
  11. Massage your eyes: Gently massaging the area around the eyes can reduce under-eye dark circles by increasing circulation. Relax the eye area by gently massaging it with your fingertips.
  12. Apply natural mask: You can prepare eye masks with natural ingredients such as cucumber slices or potato slices. Leave these masks under your eyes for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
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Although dark circles under the eyes are not usually a serious health problem, they can sometimes be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. If dark circles under your eyes persist and occur along with other symptoms, it would be beneficial to consult a dermatologist or a doctor.

As a result;

Dark circles under the eyes are one of the most common cosmetic problems that many people encounter. It is possible to solve this problem thanks to natural formulas that can be applied at home. You can lighten dark circles under your eyes with simple and effective methods such as green tea bags, cucumber slices and potato slices. In addition, natural oils such as tea tree oil, almond oil and argan oil are also extremely effective. By applying these natural formulas regularly, you can get rid of dark circles under your eyes and have a more vibrant appearance.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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