Benefits of Tea Tree Oil – Where Is Tea Tree Oil Used?

The benefits of tea tree oil are good for many problems such as health, hair, skin, nails and oral health. This oil, which has antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antiviral, balsamic, expectorant, fungicide and stimulating properties, is like an army alone against enemy soldiers. It treats infections and improves oral health. It is used for various purposes such as maintaining skin, hair and nail health.

What Is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, a small tree native to Australia. It has been used by Aborigines for centuries as an alternative medicine. Indigenous Australians inhaled tea tree oil to treat coughs and colds. They crushed tea tree leaves to obtain the oil, which they applied directly to the skin.

benefits of tea tree oil
Benefits of tea tree oil

Today, tea tree oil is widely available as 100% pure oil. It is also available in diluted forms. Products designed for the skin are diluted between 5-50%.

What Does Tea Tree Oil Do?

Tea tree oil contains a number of compounds, such as terpinen-4-ol, that kill some bacteria, viruses and fungi. Terpinen-4-ol increases the activity of white blood cells that fight germs and other foreign invaders. Fighting these microbes makes tea tree oil a natural remedy for improving skin conditions like bacteria and fungi and preventing infections.

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

We have prepared a long list of the benefits of tea tree oil. After reading this list, you'll be surprised how much an oil can actually have. The benefits mentioned here are the benefits of tea tree oil supported by scientific studies.

  • Stye treatment

A stye is an inflamed swelling that occurs on the eyelid. It is caused by a bacterial infection. Tea tree oil works well in the treatment of styes because it has antibacterial properties. It treats stye by reducing inflammation and antibacterial accumulation.

Here's how you can use tea tree oil to treat styes: Mix 1 teaspoon of tea tree oil and 2 tablespoons of filtered water. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for a while. Then dilute it with water and dip a clean cotton ball in it. Gently apply to your eyes at least 3 times a day until the swelling and pain subside. Be careful not to get it in your eyes. 

  • Prevents bladder infections

Tea tree oil is effective against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Therefore, it works in preventing bladder infections. According to one study, tea tree oil urinary tract infectionIt also helps in the treatment of

  • Strengthens nails

Because it is a powerful antiseptic, tea tree oil fights fungal infections that can cause nails to break. It also helps treat yellow or discolored nails. 

For this, follow this formula: Half a teaspoon Vitamin E Mix the essential oil with a few drops of tea tree oil. Rub the mixture on your nails and massage for a few minutes. Wait 30 minutes, then wash off the mixture with warm water. Dry off and apply a moisturizing lotion. Do this twice a month.

  • Relieves sexually transmitted diseases

The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil help relieve the symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. Applying the oil to the affected area provides great relief. A few drops of tea tree oil can also be added to the bath water to relieve pain.

  • Relieves belly button infections

Due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties, tea tree oil is an effective remedy for belly button infections. To solve this problem; Mix 4 to 5 drops of tea tree oil with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Apply the oil mixture to the affected area using a clean cotton ball. Wait for about 10 minutes and then gently wipe from the area using a clean cotton ball. Repeat two to three times a day until you see results.

  • Relieves pain in the area after tooth extraction

Tooth extraction site inflammation, also called alveolar osteitis, is a condition in which severe pain is experienced a few days after tooth extraction. Given its antiseptic properties, tea tree oil is effective in preventing tooth and gum infection and relieving pain.

Pour 1 to 2 drops of tea tree oil on a wet cotton swab (after dipping in clean water to moisturize). Apply this gently on the affected area. Wait 5 minutes. Remove the cotton swab and rinse the area with lukewarm water. You can do this 2 to 3 times a day.

  • Treat ear infections

Its effect on ear infections is due to the antifungal and antibacterial properties of tea tree oil. Dilute a few drops of tea tree oil with a quarter cup of olive oil before use. Dip a cotton ball into the mixture. Tilt your head to one side and rub the cotton ball into your ear. Tea tree oil should not get into the ear canal, so apply with care.

  • Removes vaginal odor

Tea tree oil vaginal odorIt helps destroy it. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with water. Apply one or two drops to the outer area of ​​the vagina. Repeat this for 3 to 5 days. If there is no improvement or even worsening, discontinue use and consult a doctor.

  • Helps treat cellulite
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The use of tea tree oil increases the speed of healing of cellulite. Moisten a cotton swab with water. Add a few drops of tea tree oil. Rub it on the infected area. Let the oil stay for a few hours, then wash off with cold water.

  • Blepharitis treatment

Blepharitis is caused by dust mites that enter the eye, continue to mate and cause inflammation. Because the eyelids are less accessible for thorough cleaning, it is difficult to remove mites and prevent them from mating. The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects of tea tree oil help improve the condition.

  • Reduces body odor

The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil control underarm odor and body odor caused by perspiration. Sweat itself does not smell. Only secretions smell when combined with bacteria on the skin. Tea tree oil is a healthy alternative to commercial deodorants and other antiperspirants. The formula of the natural deodorant that you can prepare using tea tree oil is as follows;


  • 3 tablespoons of shea butter
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • ¼ cup cornstarch and baking powder
  • 20 to 30 drops of tea tree oil

How is it done?

Melt the shea butter and coconut oil in a glass jar (you can place the jar in boiling water). When it melts, take the jar and mix the remaining ingredients (cornstarch, baking soda, and tea tree oil). You can pour the mixture into a jar or small container. Wait a few hours for the mixture to harden. Then you can rub the mixture on your armpits with your fingers like a lotion.

  • Improves bad breath

Antibacterial properties of tea tree oil OdorIt heals. You can add a drop of oil to your toothpaste before brushing your teeth.

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil for Skin

  • Treats skin problems such as acne

Most creams used to prevent acne contain tea tree extracts. The oil reduces the skin's sebum production.

To prevent acne; Mix 2 tablespoons of honey and yogurt with 2 to 3 drops of tea tree oil. Apply this mixture on the pimple. Wait for about 20 minutes, then wash your face. Repeat this every day. 

Tea tree oil black PointIt is also effective against Drop a few drops of oil on a cotton swab and gently apply to the affected areas. Wait 10 minutes and then wash it off. 

For dry skin, mix 5 drops of tea tree oil with 1 tablespoon of almond oil. Gently massage your skin with this and leave it on. Wash your face after a while. Regular use of this face mask keeps the skin moist for a long time.

  • Effective for psoriasis

Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to bath water psoriasishelps to improve.

  • Treats eczema

with tea tree oil eczema To make the lotion, mix 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and 5 drops of lavender and tea tree oil. Apply to the affected area before taking a bath.

  • It heals cuts and infections

Tea tree oil is known to naturally heal cuts and infections. Other infections such as insect bites, rashes and burns can also be treated with this oil. You can get rid of these problems by adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your bath water.

  • Provides relief after shaving

Burns caused by razor cuts can be easily treated with tea tree oil. After shaving, pour a few drops of oil on a cotton swab and apply to problem areas. This will soothe your skin and heal burns faster.

  • Treat nail fungus

Applying tea tree oil to infected nails relieves symptoms of nail fungus. The antifungal properties of the oil play a role here. Apply the oil to the infected nail using a cotton swab. Do this two to three times a day. this medicine athlete's footIt can also be used to treat

  • Athlete treats his foot

Studies have shown that tea tree oil athlete's foot shows that it can be an effective treatment for Mix ¼ cup of arrowroot starch and baking soda with 20 to 25 drops of tea tree oil and store in a lidded container. Apply the mixture to clean and dry feet twice a day.

  • Used to remove makeup

¼ cup canola oil and 10 drops of tea tree oil and transfer the mixture to a sterilized glass jar. Close tightly and shake until the oils are well mixed. Store the jar in a cool, dark place. To use, dip a cotton ball into the oil and wipe your face. This helps in removing makeup easily. After application, wash your face with warm water and then use a moisturizer.

  • Soothe your boils

Boils are usually caused by infections that affect the hair follicles on the surface of the skin. It can cause inflammation and even fever. The blood cells try to fight the infection, and in the process, the boils become larger and tender. And it gets more painful. 

It is absolutely necessary to see a doctor, but using tea tree oil will also be extra beneficial. Rub the oil on the affected area with a clean cotton ball. Apply gently. Regular application relieves the pain caused by boils.

  • Treat warts

The antiviral properties of tea tree oil fight the virus that causes warts. Wash and dry the area around the wart. Wart Apply a drop of pure and undiluted tea tree oil on it and wrap a bandage on the area. Leave the bandage on for about 8 hours (or overnight). The next morning, remove the bandage and wash the area with cold water. Repeat the process daily until the wart disappears or falls off.

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Tea tree oil is also effective for genital warts. You need to apply a drop of diluted oil directly to the wart. But to test if you're allergic to the oil, apply a small amount to your forearm first. 

  • Soothes chickenpox symptoms

Chicken pox It causes severe itching, and as a result of itching, scars form on the skin. You can take a bath with warm water mixed with tea tree oil to soothe itching. Add about 20 drops of tea tree oil to the bath water or bucket of water. You can take a bath with this water. Alternatively, you can also apply clean cotton balls dipped in oil to the affected areas of your skin.

Hair Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

  • Provides hair growth

Using tea tree oil protects hair health. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with an equal amount of almond oil for hair growth and thickness. Massage your scalp with it. Rinse well. It will give a feeling of freshness.

  • Fights dandruff and itching

Using tea tree oil mixed with regular shampoo treats dandruff and the accompanying itching. Mix tea tree oil with an equal amount of olive oil and massage it into your scalp for about 15 minutes. After waiting for 10 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly. Tea tree oil moisturizes the scalp.

Tea tree oil can also be used to repel lice. Apply a few drops of tea tree oil to your scalp and leave it overnight. The next morning, comb your hair to remove dead lice. Wash your hair with a shampoo and conditioner containing tea tree oil.

  • It cures ringworm

The antifungal property of tea tree oil makes it an effective treatment for ringworm. Thoroughly clean the ringworm affected area and then dry it. Put a few drops of tea tree oil on the tip of a sterile cotton swab. Apply this directly to all affected areas. Repeat this process three times a day. Dilute the oil if it irritates your skin. If the area to be applied is large, you can also use a sterile cotton ball.

Where Is Tea Tree Oil Used?

  • As a hand sanitizer

Tea tree oil is a natural disinfectant. Research shows that it kills certain types of bacteria and viruses that cause diseases, such as E. coli, S. pneumoniae, and H. influenzae. A study testing various hand sanitizers shows that the addition of tea tree oil increases the effectiveness of the cleaners against E. coli.

  • insect repellent

Tea tree oil repels insects. A study of tea tree oil found that, after 24 hours, cows treated with cedarwood had 61% fewer flies than cows not treated with tea tree oil. Also, a test-tube study found that tea tree oil has a greater ability to repel mosquitoes than DEET, the common active ingredient in commercial insect repellents.

  • Antiseptic for minor cuts and scrapes

Wounds on the skin make it easier for microbes to enter the bloodstream, which causes infection. Tea tree oil is used to treat and disinfect mild cuts by killing S. aureus and other bacteria that can cause infection in open wounds. To disinfect the cut or scrape area, follow these steps:

  • Clean the cut area thoroughly with soap and water.
  • Mix a drop of tea tree oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Apply a small amount of the mixture to the wound and wrap it with a bandage.

Repeat this process once or twice a day until a crust forms.

  • mouth odor remover

Research indicates that tea tree oil can fight germs that cause rot and bad breath. To make a chemical-free mouthwash, add a drop of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water. Mix well and rinse your mouth for 30 seconds. Like other mouthwashes, tea tree oil should not be swallowed. May be toxic if swallowed.

  • All-purpose cleaner

Tea tree oil provides excellent all-purpose cleaning by disinfecting surfaces. For an all-natural all-purpose cleaner, you can use this easy recipe;

  • Mix 20 drops of tea tree oil, 3/4 cup of water and half a cup of apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle.
  • Shake well until completely mixed.
  • Spray directly onto surfaces and wipe with a dry cloth.

Be sure to shake the bottle before each use to mix the tea tree oil with the other ingredients.

  • Reduces mold on fruits and vegetables

Fresh produce is delicious and healthy. Unfortunately, they are also susceptible to the growth of gray mold known as Botrytis cinerea, especially in hot, humid climates. Studies have shown that tea tree oil's anti-fungal compounds terpinen-4-ol and 1,8-cineol can help reduce this mold growth on fruits and vegetables.

  • Tea Tree Oil Shampoo

You will see effective results after regular use of the homemade tea tree oil shampoo, the recipe of which is given below.


  • 2 glasses of additive-free shampoo (350-400 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of tea tree oil (30-40 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of any fragrant oil; peppermint oil or coconut oil recommended (15-20 ml)
  • Clean and transparent bottle to store the shampoo

How is it done?

  • Combine shampoo, tea tree oil, and other oil of your choice in a bowl and mix well until the shampoo and oil are mixed.
  • Pour the shampoo into a bottle and shake well.
  • Apply to your hair like regular shampoo. Massage for a few minutes.
  • Leave the shampoo on your hair for 7-10 minutes so it will absorb all the nutrients from the tea tree.
  • Now rinse gently with lukewarm or cold water.
  • Use it like regular shampoo regularly and you will already feel the difference.
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This shampoo hair loss and it is effective for those who experience dryness.

  • tea tree oil hair mask for dry hair

This is the easiest hair mask that provides gorgeous and bouncy hair in a few regular uses.


  • Half a glass of normal drinking water (150 ml)
  • 3-4 teaspoons of tea tree oil (40-50 ml)
  • 1 clear spray bottle

How is it done?

  • Put the water in the spray bottle.
  • Pour the tea tree oil into it. Shake well until the water and tea tree oil gel.
  • Part your hair and start spraying the mixture on the scalp and hair strands. Use your comb and fingers to make it easier. Apply thoroughly to scalp and hair until wet.
  • Keep massaging the scalp and hair so that all the nutrients will be absorbed by the scalp.
  • If you are using it as a hair mask, you can leave the mixture on your head for 30-40 minutes and then wash it off with shampoo.
  • However, if you want to use it as a nourishing oil, leave it on the hair for at least 12-14 hours.
  • This is very effective for dry hair.

You can store it and keep it in a cool place, but do not forget to shake it before using it as it is a mixture of oil and water.

  • Tea Tree Oil Hair Loss

Baking soda is a relief ingredient, but it also works surprisingly well as an anti-inflammatory ingredient for the skin. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties that kill bacteria and other germs that can cause skin infections. It soothes the scalp by killing germs and leaves the scalp feeling fresh.


  • 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda (30-35 g)
  • 4-5 teaspoons of tea tree oil (60-65 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (15-20 ml)
  • ⅓ glass of water (40-50 ml)

How is it done?

  • Take a bowl and mix the above ingredients well. A thick paste will form.
  • Part your hair and apply the mask thoroughly on the entire scalp and all the strands.
  • Continue to gently massage the scalp while applying. Massage heavily on the scalp for 8-10 minutes.
  • Let it stay for 30-45 minutes, wash thoroughly with a mild and gentle shampoo.

Things to Consider When Using Tea Tree Oil

Studies show that tea tree oil is generally safe. However, there are some important points to know before using. Let's list them in items;

Tea tree oil should not be swallowed because it can be toxic if ingested. Therefore, it should be kept out of reach of children.

In one case, an 18-month-old child suffered serious injuries after accidentally swallowing tea tree oil. Conditions that can occur as a result of ingesting tea tree oil are as follows:

  • Severe rashes
  • Blood cell abnormalities
  • Abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Mumps
  • Nausea
  • Hallucinations
  • Mental confusion
  • Numbness
  • Koma

Before using tea tree oil for the first time, test a drop or two on a small area of ​​your skin and wait 24 hours to see if any reaction occurs.

Some people who use tea tree oil develop contact dermatitis, one of the conditions that may help with treatment with tea tree oil. Likewise, people with sensitive skin may experience irritation when using undiluted tea tree oil. If your skin is sensitive, it is best to mix tea tree oil with olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil simultaneously.

Also, it may not be safe to use tea tree oil on pets. Researchers reported that more than 400 dogs and cats developed concussions and other nervous system problems after taking 0.1-85 mL of tea tree oil on the skin or by mouth.

Is Tea Tree Oil Safe?

Topically it is safe. But taking it orally can cause some serious symptoms. Tea tree oil intake should be limited to reasonable amounts and should not be given to children under 6 years of age.

Tea Tree Oil Harms

Fat is toxic when taken orally. When applied topically, although largely safe, it can cause complications in some people.

  • Skin problems

Tea tree oil can cause skin irritation and swelling in some people. In people affected by acne, the oil can sometimes cause dryness, itching, and burning.

  • Hormonal imbalances

Using tea tree oil on the skin of young men who have not yet reached puberty can cause hormonal imbalances. The oil can cause breast enlargement in boys.

  • Problems with mouthwash

Be careful when gargling with tea tree oil, as in some cases the potent substances in the oil have been found to damage the hypersensitive membranes in the throat. Consult your doctor.

Tea tree oil is likely safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women when used topically. However, oral consumption is harmful.

References: 1, 2

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