What Is Sesame Oil Good For, What Is It, How Is It Used?

Pedaliaceae belonging to the family, a group of plants collected for their edible seeds Sesamescientific name Sesamum is indicum.

Sesame oil It is made from raw, pressed seeds and has culinary, medicinal and cosmetic uses.

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What is Sesame Oil?

Sesame oilis a type of vegetable oil obtained from sesame seeds. In addition to being used as cooking oil, it is also used to increase the flavor of some dishes thanks to its rich taste.

There are several different processing methods used to produce the oil, but the seeds are typically crushed and then pressed.

Sesame plants have been cultivated for thousands of years and are preferred over other crops due to their ability to withstand dry weather and drought.

Today Sesame oilis used in many cuisines around the world, in Chinese, Japanese and Korean dishes. Sesame oilIt is possible to see.

Nutritional Value of Sesame Oil

Like other types of vegetable oil, Sesame oil It is also high in calories and fat, providing around 119 calories and 13.5 grams of fat per tablespoon. 

Although it contains a small amount of saturated fat, most of the fats in the oil are almost equal amounts of mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Sesame oil It is mostly composed of omega 6 fatty acids but provides small amounts of omega 3 fatty acids. 

It also contains small amounts of vitamin E and other nutrients, including vitamin K.

What Are the Benefits of Sesame Oil?

use of sesame oil

High in antioxidants

Sesame oilcontains sesamol and sesaminol, two antioxidants that can have powerful health effects.

Antioxidantsare substances that help reduce cell damage caused by free radicals. 

The accumulation of free radicals in cells can cause inflammation and disease.

A monthly study in rats, sesame oil supplement found that using it protects against heart cell damage.

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This oil has a similar effect when used topically. 

A study in rats showed that it can reduce cell damage by inhibiting compounds such as xanthine oxidase and nitric oxide that produce free radicals.

Has powerful anti-inflammatory properties

Chronic inflammation can be harmful and lead to disease, so it is necessary to prevent and reduce it as much as possible.

Traditional Taiwan medicine for a long time to treat arthritis, toothaches and abrasions due to its anti-inflammatory properties Sesame oil It uses.

Recent animal and test-tube studies have shown that one of the main health benefits of this oil is to reduce inflammation. 

For example, test-tube studies have found that it reduces inflammatory markers such as nitric oxide production.

Good for the heart

It is stated that a diet rich in unsaturated fats is good for heart health. 

Sesame oil Contains 82% unsaturated fatty acids.

Especially, omega 6 fatty acids rich in terms. Omega 6 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fat that are essential for the body and play an important role in preventing heart disease.

Studies in rats Sesame oilIt can help prevent heart disease and even slow the growth of plaque in the arteries. 

It also lowers cholesterol level when used instead of high fats in saturated fats.

Provides blood sugar control

Sesame oilHelps regulate blood sugar, which is especially important for people with diabetes. It may even play a role in long-term blood sugar regulation.

A study in 2 adults with type 46 diabetes found that taking this oil for 90 days significantly reduced fasting blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) compared to the placebo group. 

HbA1c levels are an indicator of long-term blood glucose control.

Helps treat arthritis

Osteoarthritis affects about 15% of the population and is a common cause of joint pain. Some rodent studies have found this oil to be beneficial for arthritis.

Provides healing of wounds and burns

Sesame oil It is consumed for health benefits, as well as topically used for wounds and burns.

Ozone is a natural gas that can be used medically and is used topically to treat a variety of skin conditions.

In a rat study, topical treatment with ozonized sesame oilshowed higher collagen in scar tissue. collagen It is a structural protein necessary for wound healing.

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Other studies have shown that topical treatment with this oil reduces burn and wound healing time in mice.

The oil's ability to speed up the healing of wounds and burns is likely due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Provides protection against UV rays

Some research Sesame oilIt shows that it can protect against UV rays that can damage the skin. This effect is largely due to its high antioxidant content.

Some sources claim that it can be a natural sunscreen and has a natural SPF.

Reduces chronic pain

Sesame oilIt is usually applied topically to reduce pain that may be caused by its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant properties.

A published study of people with lower or upper extremity trauma applying sesame oilfound that it was possible to reduce the need for pain medication.

Benefits of Sesame Oil for Skin and Hair

Sesame oil It is often found in skin serums and natural beauty products, and for good reason. 

In recent years, Sesame oilThere have been a number of studies showing that can improve skin and hair health.

For example, a 2015 study found that vitamin E and Sesame oil said that a supplement containing hair was able to increase hair shine and strength in just eight weeks.

Another review has confirmed that the oil can help block ultraviolet radiation to protect the skin and may be more effective than other ingredients such as coconut oil, peanut oil, and olive oil.

What Is Sesame Oil Good for?

Although research is limited, some evidence use of sesame oilcan provide the following benefits:

Improves sleep quality

A study was performed on the forehead of 2 participants over 30-minute sessions over a 20-week period. Sesame oil showed that dropping improved sleep quality and quality of life compared to placebo treatment.

Slimming with sesame oil

"Does sesame oil make or lose weight?" is wondering. This oil is very high in calories. For this reason, when consumed excessively, it may cause weight gain rather than losing weight.

What Is Sesame Oil Used For?

This oil can be used in cooking. It is a popular oil in Asian and Middle Eastern cuisine. There are several types of this oil, each offering a slightly different flavor and aroma.

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The unrefined version is mildly colored and is best used when cooking at low to medium temperatures. More refined oil, on the other hand, has a neutral flavor and is best for frying.

Cooking sesame oil It is also used for skin and hair.

What Are the Harms of Sesame Oil?

Sesame oilDespite its many potential benefits, there are also a few drawbacks to consider.

Primarily high in omega 6 fatty acids. While we need such oils in moderation, most of us get too much omega 6 fatty acids from what we eat, whereas the amount of omega 3 we get is not enough.

An imbalance in the ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids can contribute to inflammation and the development of chronic diseases, so it is very important to reduce the consumption of foods high in omega 6 fatty acids.

In addition, most common when applied to the skin sesame oil side effectsOne of them is irritation and itching, which is a sign of an allergic reaction. Do a spot test before applying topically to avoid any side effects.

As a result;

Sesame oilis a common cooking oil and flavor enhancer that has been used around the world for centuries.

Sesame oilis a great source of unsaturated fats and antioxidants. It also contains small amounts of micronutrients such as vitamin E and vitamin K.

Potential sesame oil benefits These include improving heart health, controlling blood sugar, reducing inflammation, promoting hair and skin health, and reducing chronic pain.

There are refined and unrefined varieties, each offering a unique taste and appearance.

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