What are the Benefits and Harms of Mulberry? How Many Calories in Mulberry?

Mulberry is the fruit of the mulberry tree. (Morus sp.) The mulberry tree is grown for its leaves. Because it is the only food the silkworm eats. Mostly black, white or red benefits of mulberry not counting.

Nutritional value of mulberry fruit

Fresh mulberry consists of 88% water. A bowl (140 grams) of mulberry has 60 calories. The nutritional value of 100 grams of fresh mulberry is as follows:

  • Calorie: 43
  • Water: 88%
  • Protein: 1,4 grams
  • Carbs: 9,8 grams
  • Sugar: 8,1 grams
  • Fiber: 1,7 grams
  • Fat: 0,4 grams

Now if you are asking benefits of mulberryLet's take a look.

What are the benefits of mulberry?

what are the benefits of mulberry
The benefits of mulberry

Lowers cholesterol

  • High cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease.
  • The benefits of mulberryOne of them is to reduce the level of fat and bad cholesterol.
  • It reduces the formation of fat in the liver. It potentially helps prevent fatty liver disease.

Provides blood sugar control

  • People with type 2 diabetes are at risk for a rapid rise in blood sugar.
  • This fruit contains 1-deoxynojirimycin (DNJ) compound that inhibits an enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates in the intestines. 
  • Therefore, eating mulberry is beneficial against diabetes by slowing the rise in blood sugar after meals.

Reduces cancer risk

  • For hundreds of years, mulberry fruit has been a part of traditional Chinese medicine as an anti-cancer medicine.
  • Animal studies show that the antioxidants in the juice of the fruit oxidative stressand potentially reduce the risk of cancer.

Improves digestion

  • Mulberry relieves constipation. It is also effective in weight loss. Because it contains good amount of dietary fiber. 
  • The body needs dietary fiber to facilitate digestion. It does this by swelling the stool and facilitating the movement of food through the digestive tract. 
  • This process helps relieve constipation, bloating, and stomach cramps.
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Improves blood circulation

  • The benefits of mulberryOne of them is to improve blood flow in the body.
  • It controls blood pressure and cleans the blood. 
  • The antioxidants in the mulberry help to improve the function of blood vessels by causing the blood vessels to dilate.

Treat anemia

  • Mulberry is great for treating anemia as it is rich in iron. 
  • It also improves symptoms of anemia such as fatigue and dizziness.

Good for the heart

  • The fiber, antioxidants and flavonoid content of mulberry are beneficial for heart health. 
  • It helps maintain a consistent blood flow, thus preventing heart attack and stroke.

Good for the eyes

  • The benefits of mulberryAnother is to improve vision.
  • It protects the eyes from free radicals that cause retinal degeneration and vision loss. 
  • Carotenoids in mulberry help prevent cataracts and macular degeneration.

Good for brain health

  • Studies show that mulberry protects the brain against aging, keeping the brain young and alert. 

Strengthens immunity

  • boosting immunity benefits of mulberryis from. Because it contains vitamin C, which is an immune-boosting element.

Prevents flu and cold

  • White mulberry is used in alternative medicine for colds. 
  • Because it contains vitamin C and flavonoids that prevent colds and flu.

Improves liver health

  • Mulberry nourishes and purifies the blood in the liver when consumed. 
  • Mulberry fruit has the ability to strengthen the liver. It also contains iron, which protects liver health.

What are the benefits of mulberry for the skin?

  • Mulberry has the feature of providing a young and fresh appearance. 
  • Protects skin from harmful UV rays resveratrol It contains. 
  • It contains plenty of antioxidants, which are anti-aging agents. It keeps the skin wrinkle-free. 
  • Its antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, neutralize free radicals that damage the skin and cause fine lines.
  • mulberry Antioxidants in the skin prevent the formation of blemishes.
  • It contains antioxidants that moisturize the skin, open the pores and keep the skin fresh and lively by cleansing toxins. 
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What are the benefits of mulberry for hair?

  • The presence of antioxidants in mulberry helps to keep hair healthy, promote hair growth and prevent breakage.

What are the harms of mulberry?

The benefits of mulberry It can also be harmful for some people.

  • Mulberry allergy is rare, but mulberry tree pollen has been reported to cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. 
  • If you are sensitive to birch pollen, you may also be allergic to this fruit as a result of cross-reactivity.

References: 1

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