Strengthening Exercises Good for Neck Pain

Just like the rest of our body, it is important that it is strong in our neck area because it supports the head.

By sending signals, the brain controls all the movements of the body. The neck plays a big role in helping the brain communicate with the rest of the body. Therefore, any injury to the neck area can affect the brain.

Also, a strong neck helps prevent pain and injury in that area. Today, neck pain is one of the common muscle problems after back pain, and it is mostly seen in people who have to sit in front of a computer for long hours.

To strengthen the neck muscles, it is necessary to do muscle strengthening exercises routinely. These exercises are very simple and most of them are easy to do at home. Request "Movements that are good for neck pain" ve "Exercises to strengthen the neck muscles"...

Most Effective Neck Strengthening Exercises

Holding a Chin

Chin holding is the most effective exercise for improving your posture and combating neck pain. It aims to strengthen the front and back of the neck.

Keep your back and neck straight and stand up with arms at your sides. Your eyes should look forward. Now slightly lower your chin so you feel the back of your neck. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds and then return your chin to the starting position.

Repeat at least 10 times. This exercise can be done many times throughout the day. It is very useful in strengthening the muscles that align the head on the shoulders.

Back Hold

This is an important neck strengthening exercisedir. Lean your back against a flat wall. Start with your feet away from the wall.

Your head and back should rest against the wall. Now place your elbows, forearms and the back of your hands and fingers against the wall, keeping your wrist at shoulder level.

Your arms, hands, head and fingers should touch the wall, and as you do this, slowly slide your hands over your head and slide them down. It must be repeated at least 10 times. This exercise should be done 3-5 times a day.

Rolling Resistance

This exercise aims to work all the muscles in the neck area at the same time. Start by putting one hand next to your head. Try turning your head towards your shoulder while in this position.

Take your head in your hand, resisting to try to move the shoulder in the direction of the chin. Once this position is reached, hold for 5 seconds. Return to the starting position and continue the movement with the other side.

Shoulder Compression

This exercise may sound like it's designed to strengthen your shoulders and back, but it's also beneficial for your neck. The squeezing motion involved in this exercise activates the muscles that attach your neck to your shoulder, thus helping to strengthen the lower part of your neck.

This exercise can be done sitting or standing. Your back and neck should be kept straight. Now tilt your chin slightly forward and squeeze your shoulders as much as possible without feeling any pain. Hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat at least 10 times.

Curved Cobra

This is an advanced exercise that uses gravity as resistance, strengthening your shoulder muscles, neck and upper back. As the name suggests, it is made by looking at the ground (similar to a cobra) face down.

To begin, lie on the floor face down, place your forehead on the towel for support. The arms should be placed on the ground and palms.

Now put your tongue on the roof of your mouth. This will help stabilize the muscles in the front of your neck to aid the strengthening process. Squeeze your shoulders, lift your hands off the ground.

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With your thumb up, wrap your palms and elbows. After that, gently lift your forehead off the towel; eyes should be kept straight and facing the ground.

Do not try to push your head back or look forward. Stay in this position for 10 seconds and then return to the starting position. Do 10 repetitions of this movement.

Neck Bending

This exercise is done with weights. When choosing the weight, make sure you can hold it comfortably with the back of your neck. Begin by lying down on a bench.

Your head should hang from the edge, with your shoulders aligned to the end of the bench.. Hold gently with both hands behind your head. Now slowly tilt it up and lower it down. Repeat the action.

Towel Workout

neck strengthening exercises

As the name suggests, this exercise is done using a small towel. To make the towel a little thicker, fold it horizontally. This exercise can be done standing or sitting on a chair or a bench.

Start with your feet apart and wrap your towel behind the face at the base of the hairline. Holding the tip of the towel in both hands, lower your chin towards your chest. Towel should be held tightly to create neck resistance. Now raise your head. Continue to raise your head and lower it.

Don't stand upside down

This is a highly advanced exercise that is considered great for your neck and overall health. Start by putting a soft pillow near the door and kneel down to put your head on the pillow. While staying in this position, swing your legs up.

You should basically stand upside down and then return to the starting position. This exercise is quite difficult, but you can shape your body with regular practice. This movement is usually performed by yoga practitioners.

Side Lift

Stand up straight and gradually tilt your head to the left towards your shoulder, as if you were trying to touch it with your ear. Hold it for a second and then come back to its normal position. Repeat the same exercise with the other side and follow the routine until needed.

Head Lift (Straight)

Lie down with your back on the floor and keep your shoulders relaxed. With your feet on the floor, fold your legs without lifting. Then slowly raise your head and try to reach your chest with your chin.

Gradually lower your head back to its normal position. Repeat this lifting and releasing routine until you start feeling pain in your neck. It is a simple exercise to relieve neck pain.

Head Lift (Sides)

Lie on your sides and start slowly lifting your head towards the ceiling. This will tighten the side muscles of your neck and release tension in the lower neck area. Repeat until needed, and then switch to the other side to perform the same routine.

Shoulder Circles

Stand in a comfortable position and slowly begin to rotate both shoulders clockwise. After repeating ten times, head counterclockwise and complete ten more turns. Take a few seconds between repetitions and repeat until needed.

Neck Retraction / Back Slide

exercises that strengthen the neck muscles

Follow this routine while sitting or standing upright. Without raising your straight line of sight, slide your head back (in other words, don't look forward).

While doing this, take a deep breath, then return to your normal position while breathing in.

Repeat this routine six to eight times a day, taking about five minutes in each session. To reduce neck pain One of the best exercises.

Forward and Backward Bending

You can do these exercises while sitting or standing. Start by slowly lowering your head to bring your chin to the chest. Maintain your position for about five seconds and gradually return to your normal position.

Take a short pause and slowly drop your head back as you look at the ceiling for about five seconds. Gradually revert to the default position. Repeat this exercise five times a day to relax the neck, back and shoulder muscles.

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Without raising your straight line of sight, slide your head back (in other words, don't look forward). Lock your hands behind your neck by wrapping your fingers together. Slowly push your head forward to bring your chin to your chest.

You will begin to feel a stretch in the back muscles of your neck. When it starts to get difficult, stop. Return to the starting position and repeat five times.


Sit comfortably in a chair with a back or no backrest. Relax your shoulders and neck, then raise your arms and bend them at a 90-degree angle.

Move your elbows back and pull the shoulders together to slightly squeeze the muscles between them. Turn the process over to return it to its original position and repeat five times.

Rotating Neck (Four Positions)

neck pain exercises

It is a combination of four neck stretching positions. Start by pushing your head forward to move your chin towards your chest.

Now, without returning to the starting position, tilt your head to the left, trying to touch your left shoulder with your left ear.

Move forward with your head back so you look up. End the routine by tilting your head to the right and touching your right shoulder with your right ear. Return to the starting position for a short break. Repeat the same process in the opposite direction.

Hand Resistance Exercises

Put your hands on your forehead. Start moving your head forward and use your hands to counter the force of your head. Hold this opposite force position for 5 seconds. Take a short break to rest and repeat this exercise for 3-5 sets 10 times a day.

You can do the same exercise by putting your hands behind your head and pushing your head back.

Hitting the Shoulders (Using Weights)

neck strengthening exercises

Hold 2 to 5 pounds of dumbbells in each hand. Relax your arms while facing your palms.

Raise your shoulders to ear level. Hold for a few seconds and let go. Repeat 8-12 times a day.

Reverse Stand (Using Weights)

Hold dumbbells that weigh 2 to 5 pounds and bend forward so your chest is parallel to the floor (like taking a bow). Hang your arms directly, palms facing towards the legs.

Then bend your elbows slightly and squeeze your shoulders to raise your arms to the side. Stop for a second and release the stance. Repeat 8-12 times a day.

Vertical Posture (Using Weights)

neck muscle strengthening

Stand up straight, palms facing toward the thighs, using dumbbells, each weighing between 2 and 5 kilograms.

Turn your elbows to the side and pull the weights up to the collarbone.

Hold the posture for a second, then come back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8 to 12 times a day.

Causes Neck Pain?

Our neck is subjected to great pressure in our daily life for the following reasons:

Incorrect body posture

Poor physical ergonomics

Disturbed sleep

- sudden jerking movements 

If you spend a lot of time working at the computer or at an office desk, make the above exercises a part of your daily routine.

Precautions To Be Taken While Performing Neck Exercises

Before you start using any of the above-mentioned methods, be sure to consult a healthcare professional immediately if you experience unbearable pain anywhere in your neck and back area.

As a general rule, avoid movements that may create any sudden tension or jolting that may cause a tension in the neck muscles.

You don't need to follow all the exercises, just follow the ones that suit you best.

If you feel pain, stop exercising and consult a doctor immediately.

Exercise in non-aggressive, slow and continuous movements.

 Exercises for Neck Pain

Neck pain exercise 1

- The first exercise on the list consists of turning your head to the left until your chin rests on your shoulder.

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 - Stay in this position for 2 seconds.

- Next, you need to turn your head to the right and stay in that position for 2 seconds.

- TopTurn your left and back again, lengthening your neck as much as possible.

- Then turn your head towards your right shoulder. Stay in this position for 2 seconds and repeat this 10 times.

Neck pain exercise 2

- In the second exercise, you need to support your chin in your hands while bending your head towards the ground.

- Next, (slowly) raise your head back, press it with your hands.

- Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times.

Neck pain exercise 3

- For this exercise, tie your hands and bring them behind your neck.

- You will just need to use your neck muscles a little bit and resist the movement of your hands.

- Next, tilt your head as far forward as possible while using your hands to put pressure on the back of your neck.

- Repeat 10 to 20 times.

Neck pain exercise 4

- In this exercise, you need to put your right hand on your right temple.

- Press your hand to put pressure on that area, bend your neck to the right and then to the left.

- Repeat the exercise to the left 10 to 20 times to also work the left side of your neck.

Neck pain exercise 5

- Put your left hand on your head and push it towards your left shoulder as far as possible.

- Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds and repeat the exercise with your right side.

- Repeat thrice with both sides.

Neck pain exercise 6

- This exercise consists of massaging the back of your head for 3-5 minutes.

- It will give you a great pain relief sensation in your neck area.

Natural Remedies for Neck Pain

You can combine the helpful exercises described above with a range of natural remedies described below.

Crushed ice

- For this, you should apply the crushed ice to your neck using a plastic bag.

- If you have a minor injury, ice provides an ideal solution to reduce swelling.

- When the swelling subsides, you should apply with a towel dipped in hot water for 1 minute.

Orange Peel Bath

Another alternative to try at home is to prepare a bath using three orange peels, four lettuce leaves, and two tablespoons of honey.

- Mix all the ingredients in half a liter of water. Boil for 20 minutes.

- This infusion is a nice option for a relaxing bath. If stress or tension is the cause of your neck pain, this is a great remedy for treatment.

Dead nettle

- Nettleis an herb that has powerful anti-inflammatory effects, making it ideal for the treatment of neck pain and headaches.

- Add a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves to a glass of boiling water and boil for a few minutes. Then drain the water.

- Dip a washcloth in the mixture and apply it on the affected area. You will feel the pain stop in a few minutes.

Lemongrass tea

Lemongrass has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Drinking a glass of lemon tea can help you feel good.

It is an effective solution that you should not ignore if you are trying to find pain relievers urgently.

If you work in an office or spend a long time in front of a computer, this tea is an exceptional solution to relieve neck pain.

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