What is TMJ (Jaw Joint) Pain, How is it Treated? Natural Treatments

Do you feel pain in your jaw every time you open your mouth while chewing your food or talking? 

This pain temporomandibular jointmay also occur. This situation, TMJ pain is called.

Various factors TMJ paintriggers. Arthritis a serious condition such as chewing gum, or an activity as simple as chewing too much gum, TMJ painIt may cause.

What is the TMJ joint?

Tme or a temporomandibular jointlocated at the base of the skull. The main function of this joint is to support speech and chewing movements.

The lower part of the jaw, called the mandible, TMJ joint It is attached to the temple bones on the sides of the skull with the help of This joint allows the jaw to move from side to side, up and down. Therefore, it is one of the most complex joints in our body.

What are TMJ disorders?

Tme Disorders associated with the chin mostly connecting the jaw to the skull temporomandibular jointoccur as a result of injury or damage to the TmeThere can be many causes of injury or damage affecting 

It is usually related to pain in the jaw and the muscles that control the movement of the jaw. TMJ pain It becomes more evident during actions such as chewing, moving the jaw from side to side and laughing.

How long does TMJ pain last?

TMJ pain usually lasts from a few days to a few weeks. If the pain has become chronic, it is useful to see a doctor immediately.

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What are the symptoms of TMJ pain?

TMJ symptoms It is as follows:

  • pain when moving the jaw
  • Headache or a migraine
  • Neck, back or ear pain
  • Grinding or popping sound when moving the jaw
  • Buzzing or ringing in the ears
  • limitation of jaw movement
  • facial pain

The severity of these symptoms varies from person to person. Although there are some factors that can cause pain, TMJ painIt is difficult to pinpoint the exact cause.

What causes TMJ pain?

Causes of TMJ pain include:

  • infections
  • Misalignment of teeth or jaw
  • autoimmune disorders
  • jaw injury
  • Due to medical conditions such as arthritis TMJ damage

Who gets TMJ pain?

TMJ pain Risk factors for:

  • teeth grinding
  • dental surgery
  • causing stretching of the facial or jaw muscles stress
  • Posture disorder
  • chewing too much gum
  • Use of orthodontic braces
  • Genetic predisposition to pain and tenderness

Tme The pain and discomfort associated with it are usually temporary. mild to moderate TMJ pain pass with simple methods to be applied at home.

What Is Good For TMJ Pain?

hot or cold compress

  • Apply a hot or cold compress to your chin.
  • Take it after waiting 5-10 minutes on the chin area.
  • Repeat the application several times.
  • You can apply a hot or cold compress to the area 2-3 times a day.

Both hot and cold therapy relieve musculoskeletal pain. Warmth improves blood circulation, cold relieves pain. Helps reduce inflammation and swelling.

Lavender oil

  • Add a drop or two of lavender oil to two teaspoons of olive oil.
  • Mix well and apply the mixture to the chin area.
  • Wash it off with water after half an hour.
  • You can do this once or twice a day.
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How to use lavender oil on the skin

Lavender oilits analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, TMJ painIt is very effective in alleviating the

Eucalyptus oil

  • Mix two drops of eucalyptus oil and a teaspoon or two of coconut oil.
  • Apply the mixture to the sore chin area.
  • Wait until it dries on its own. Then wash it.
  • You can do this application twice a day for best results.

Like lavender oil, eucalyptus oil TMJ painIt has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can be useful in alleviating the pain.

Oil Absorption

  • Swallow cold-pressed coconut oil in your mouth.
  • Shake for 10 minutes, then spit.
  • Then brush your teeth.
  • Do this once a day, preferably in the morning.

Coconut oilits anti-inflammatory properties, TMJ pain and relieves signs of inflammation.

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