Why Cystic Acne (Acne) Occurs, How Does It Go?

Cystic acne treatment it is a difficult situation. Because the cysts create a deep infection under the skin surface. This infection makes it difficult to heal the acne on the surface.

What is cystic acne?

It is expressed as the worst form of acne. Just a single cyst or multiple cysts that spread over a large area of ​​the skin cause the condition. It also occurs on the face, neck, chest and back areas.

It forms large, red, pus-filled lumps on the surface of the skin. It causes pain because it affects the nerves in the tissue. 

cystic acne causes

What causes cystic acne?

Mostly seen in young people cystic acneIt also affects people of other age groups.

  • Youth: Due to changes in hormone levels due to puberty, teenagers cystic acne develops. During puberty, their bodies produce more fat.
  • Women: In women, as a result of hormonal imbalance cystic acne probability is high. These imbalances are menstruation, pregnancy ve menopauseoriginates from. Factors such as facial makeup, stress, changes in humidity, genes, and even facial cleansers and moisturizers are also used. cystic acnetriggers it.

what are the symptoms of cystic acne

What are the symptoms of cystic acne?

Cystic acneis a rarer form of acne. The pores of the skin become clogged with oil and dead skin cells and become inflamed.

When the pore is torn under the skin cystic acne It is possible. This facilitates the spread of inflammation to the surrounding skin tissue. Symptoms of cystic acne It is as follows:

  • Large, red and painful cracks on the face, chest, back, upper arms, shoulders, or thighs
  • Nodules that look like raised, red bumps
  • Lesions felt under the skin
  • Visible acne that produces cysts and nodules in addition to papules and pustules
  • pain when touched
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How is cystic acne treated?

  • Doctor cystic acne prescribe drugs that can prevent its formation. The most common medications used to treat this condition are birth control pills and antibioticsd. 
  • There are also medications that will reduce the amount of oil produced by the glands. Since these have many side effects, they should be used with caution. 
  • Injection directly into the cyst is also a treatment option. But it is a very painful treatment.

cystic acne herbal treatment

Natural and Herbal Remedies for Cystic Acne

Cystic acneThere are some natural treatments that are effective in accelerating the healing process of...

Honey mask

Honey mask keeps the face clean and prevents inflammation.

  • For the mask to be effective raw honey use. 
  • Wash off with lukewarm water 20 minutes after applying it to the face.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oilis an essential oil that kills acne-causing bacteria. It should be mixed with other oils, aloe vera or honey as it is so powerful. That is, it must be diluted before applying to the face. 

  • in your body cystic acneAdd a few drops of tea tree oil to the bath water to clean the skin.

Green tea

Green tea It is a powerful antioxidant. It slows oil production. It also soothes inflammation. 

  • Soak a cooled cloth in brewed green tea. 
  • Apply a compress with a cloth dipped in green tea to the inflamed area for a few minutes every day.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera plant, cystic acne effective for The gel contained in its leaves, in its purest form, contains anti-inflammatory compounds.

  • Directly apply the gel that you extract from the aloe vera leaf. cystic acneApply until the area is moist.
  • You can do this every day.
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Witch hazel

Witch hazel, tightens pores and reduces cystic inflammation. It also removes damage to the skin and moisturizes it.

  • Wash your face and apply witch hazel to the affected areas using a clean cotton ball. Wash your face after half an hour.
  • Do the application two or three times a day.

cystic acne scars

Foods that cause cystic acne

Cystic acne Sometimes it occurs as a side effect of nutrition. in such a case prevent cystic acne We have to be careful about what we eat.

  • In some people cystic acne caused by excessive consumption of milk. For this, it is useful to take a break from cheese, ice cream, yogurt or milk consumption for a while.
  • Foods such as sugar, bread, and pasta worsen inflammation. Cystic acne If so, these foods should be avoided. 
  • Chocolate acne and cystic acneAlthough it is said to cause No such link was found in studies. But kafein and the hormones that can cause acne.

Foods that are good for cystic acne

cystic acneIn addition to avoiding foods that will make things worse, there are foods that should be consumed to speed healing. Useful foods for cystic acne these are:

  • Probiotics: Probiotics Containing kefir and yogurt reduce the number of acne lesions and oil production. 
  • Foods containing zinc: Zinc deficiency cystic acnetriggers it. Eat foods rich in zinc, such as chickpeas, pumpkin seeds, and cashews.
  • Foods containing vitamin A: Spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots and cabbage are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A Containing foods help fight infection.  
  • Fibrous foods: Fiber helps cleanse the colon and reduce the growth of bacteria. Lots of fiber is found in fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and some other foods.
  • Water: Drinking plenty of water It helps the body in many ways. Cystic acneIt is also necessary for improvement. Add the juice of half a lemon to every glass of water you drink. Extra C vitaminIt helps fight infections and remove toxins from the body.
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