How Many Calories in Olives? Benefits and Nutritional Value of Olives

Latin name of olive "Olea is europaea, olive-treeThey are small fruits that are eaten black or green. Which is a delicious Mediterranean fruit oliveis an indispensable food for breakfast. It is also added to foods such as pizza and salads to add flavor. 

Its most popular use is to remove fat. Known to be rich in beneficial oils olive oilIt is the cornerstone of the Mediterranean diet.

Is olives fruit?

Stone fruits It belongs to a group of fruits called mango, cherry and peach.

It is high in vitamin E and other powerful antioxidants. Studies indicate that it is beneficial for the heart and protects against osteoporosis and cancer.

It is also said to be healthy by scientists. Mediterranean dietThese small fruits are used to produce olive oil, which is one of the main ingredients of s.

An indispensable food for breakfast tables olive weight It weighs approximately 3-5 grams. It is green in color when unripe and darkens when ripe. Some varieties remain green even when ripe.

In the article "What is olives", "olive calorie value", "benefits and vitamins of olives", "what is olive good for", "harms of excess olive consumption" illegant countries "Information about olives" It will be given. 

Nutritional Value of Olives

How many calories are olives?

A 100-gram serving provides 115-145 calories or 10 pieces olive calories It contains 59 calories. 100 grams of ripe, canned What does olives contain?

Calories: 115

Water: 80%

Protein: 0.8 grams

Carbs: 6.3 grams

Sugar: 0 grams

Fiber: 3,2 grams

Fat: 10.7 grams

   Saturated: 1.42 grams

   Monounsaturated: 7.89 grams

   Polyunsaturation: 0.91 grams

If in the chart below black and green olives34 grams of nutrient contents are compared. This portion corresponds to about 10 small to medium olives.

 Black oliveGreen olive
Carbohydrate2 gram1 gram
ProteinLess than 1 gramLess than 1 gram
Total fat3 gram5 gram
Monounsaturated fat     2 gram4 gram
Saturated fat2% of the Daily Value (DV)       3% of the DV            
Lif3% of the DV4% of the DV
Sodium11% of the DV23% of the DV

Which food group does olives belong to?

"Is olives protein or is it oil? 100 grams protein content of olives While 0.8 grams, the amount of fat is 10.7 grams. It is therefore classified as an oil.

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Oil Content of Olive

It contains 11--15% fat, of which 74% is a type of monounsaturated fatty acid. oleic acidTruck.

It is the main component of olive oil. Oleic acid provides many health benefits, such as a reduced risk of inflammation and heart disease. It fights cancer.

Olive Carbohydrate and Fiber

It contains 4-6% carbohydrates, that is, it is a low-carbohydrate fruit. Most of these carbohydrates are fiber. Fiber accounts for 52-86% of the total carbohydrate content.

Vitamins and Minerals in Olives

Vitamin E

High-fat plant foods often contain high amounts of this powerful antioxidant. 


The black variety is a good source of iron, which is important for red blood cells to carry oxygen.


It contains a good amount of copper.


Calcium, the most abundant mineral in our body, is essential for bone, muscle and nerve function. 


Since most varieties are packaged in salt water or brine, they contain high amounts of sodium.

Other Plant Compounds

It is rich in many plant compounds, especially antioxidants, including:


It is the most abundant antioxidant in fresh, unripe varieties. It has many health benefits.


Olive During maturation, oleuropein breaks down into hydroxytrosol. It is also a powerful antioxidant. 


This antioxidant, most common in olive oil, is not as powerful as hydroxy tyrosol. However, it helps prevent heart disease.

Oleanolic acid

This antioxidant prevents liver damage, regulates blood fats and reduces inflammation.


This nutrient lowers blood pressure and improves heart health.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Olives?

This fruit, which forms the basis of the Mediterranean diet, has many health benefits, especially in improving heart health and preventing cancer. 

Has antioxidant properties

Antioxidants reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. OliveIt is rich in antioxidants and beneficial for many health problems, from reducing the growth of inflammation-fighting microorganisms.

Good for heart health

High blood cholesterol and blood pressure are risk factors for heart disease. OliveOleic acid, the main fatty acid in, is excellent for improving heart health. It regulates cholesterol levels and protects LDL (bad) cholesterol from oxidation.

It is beneficial for bone health

Osteoporosis is characterized by decreased bone mass and bone quality. It increases the risk of breaking bones. Osteoporosis rates in Mediterranean countries are lower than in the rest of Europe, and eating olives It is thought to be related.

Helps prevent cancer

In the Mediterranean region where cancer and other chronic disease rates are lower than other Western countries olive It is widely consumed. For this reason, it is thought to help reduce the risk of cancer.

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This is due to its high antioxidant and oleic acid content. Test-tube studies reveal that these compounds disrupt the life cycle of cancer cells in the breast, colon, and stomach.

Fights inflammation

OliveThe monounsaturated fats in it, along with vitamin E and polyphenols, help fight inflammation and related ailments.

It also contains another important compound called oleocanthal, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Oleocanthal works by preventing the production of COX-1 and COX-2, enzymes known to cause inflammation.

damages of olives

Improves digestive health

OliveThey have probiotic potential, which makes them important for maintaining digestive health. Olive it is a fermented food, i.e. gut friendly bacteria Lactobacillus rich in terms.

Olivephenolic compounds in, a bacterium known to cause gastroenteritis. H. pylori It can also stop it from growing.

OliveThe phenols in the stomach tend to stay in the abdomen for extended periods, often acting as gut bacteria and improving digestive health.

Improves brain health

The brain is largely made of fatty acids. OliveThe monounsaturated fatty acids in it help preserve memory and even improve focus. 

Eating olives It has also been found to prevent brain cell death (due to illness) and reduce memory loss.

May lower blood sugar levels

Although there is little information about this, some sources olivesuggests that it can help lower blood sugar levels.

Olivecan change the way the body makes and responds to insulin, and this can help patients with high blood sugar levels.

Benefits of Olives for Skin and Hair

OliveThe fatty acids and antioxidants in it nourish and moisturize both the skin and hair. Vitamin E, which protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and even helps prevent wrinkles oliveIt is the most powerful of the antioxidants in.

OliveThe oleic acid it contains improves skin appearance and hair health. 

Does Olive Weaken?

Oliveaffects a person's weight status in some ways.

Calorie density

OliveIt has a low calorie density. Calorie density is a measure of the number of calories in a food relative to its weight or volume (in grams). In general, any food with a calorie density of 4 or more is considered high.

Black or green olivesThe calorie density of in is between 1 and 1,5. Eating low-calorie foods helps to lose weight.

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Healthy Oils

Olivesaturated due to its chemical structure and trans fatsunlike, contains healthy unsaturated fats. All fats contain the same amount of calories, but unsaturated fats affect the body more beneficially.

In particular, replacing carbohydrates and other fats in the diet with monounsaturated fats reduces inflammation and reduces the risk of heart attack.

Monounsaturated oils are found in olive, nut, avocado, and vegetable-based oils. Some studies show that those who consume monounsaturated fats lose weight more comfortably. 

Mediterranean diet

While processed foods are not consumed in the Mediterranean diet, natural foods and seafood are preferred and this provides weight loss. Olive, olive oil and other healthy fats are an important component of this diet.

The Mediterranean diet provides several benefits such as lowering blood pressure and slimming the waist circumference.

Pay attention to portion size

Olive, Although it helps to lose weight due to its low calorie density, it should be consumed in moderation due to its high salt content and total fat content. This measure is an average of 56-84 grams per day, that is, 16-24 medium olives.

what is olive good for

What are the Harms of Olives?

Olive It is safely consumed by most people, but it also has some downsides.

Olive Allergy

Olive tree pollenAlthough allergies to what are common, allergies to it are rare. Olive After eating, sensitive individuals may experience allergic reactions in the mouth or throat.

Heavy metals

OliveMay contain heavy metals and minerals such as boron, sulfur, tin and lithium. Consuming large amounts of heavy metals is harmful to health and increases the risk of cancer.

Ancak oliveThe amount of these metals in is generally well below the legal limit. Therefore, this fruit is considered safe. 


Acrylamide has been shown to increase the risk of cancer in some studies, and acrylamide intake should be limited as much as possible. Some olive varieties It may contain high amounts of acrylamide as a result of the process.

As a result;

Olives are low in carbohydratesis high in healthy fat. In addition, it has many health benefits such as improving heart health.

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