So Weight Loss Methods and Exercises

Losing weight is a challenge to the body on its own, regardless of a particular area of ​​the body. Especially, getting rid of extra facial oils is an incredibly frustrating problem.

Some strategies you apply for this can increase fat burning and slim the face and cheek area.

In the article "How the face gets weaker", "how the cheeks get weaker", "what to do to lose weight from the face", "what are the weight loss movements from the face Answers to such questions will be sought.

Why is Weight Gained?

Excess facial fat is caused by various factors such as obesity, edema, and other health problems. Facial oils accumulate in the cheek and chin areas.


One of the main causes of a chubby face is poor diet. Lack of essential nutrients in the body is the main cause of chubby cheeks.

If certain nutrients the body needs are not taken, excess facial fat may occur. C vitamin ve Beta-carotene deficiency can cause chubby cheeks. These two nutrients are responsible for maintaining overall health and reducing facial fat.

In addition, excessive carbohydrate and fat intake can cause facial bloating.


Facial swelling is one of the symptoms of insufficient thyroid hormone in the body. Hypothyroidism It causes rapid weight gain and fat in the face.


Dehydration is among the most common causes of facial oils. In a state of dehydration, the human body tends to go into survival mode. If you don't drink enough water every day, you will hold in more water when you're dehydrated.

The face is among the areas where water is stored in the body.


Alcohol dehydrates the body. The body responds to dehydration by retaining as much water as possible. Water is stored in different places, including the face.

In most cases, you wake up with a swollen face when you drink a few bottles of alcohol.

Other factors that can cause swelling of the face include kidney disorders, allergic responses to certain medications, sinus infections, mumps, edema, and dental infections.

Increased facial fat is an indicator of the immune system, mortality rate, respiratory infection and a weak cardiovascular system.

Treating diseases and avoiding allergens can reduce chubby cheeks.

How Are the Face and Cheeks Weakened?

Do cardio

Often times, excess facial fat is the result of excess body fat. Losing weight can increase fat loss; It can lighten both the body and the face.

Cardio or aerobic exercise is any physical activity that increases heart rate. It is considered one of the most effective methods for weight loss.

It has been found in multiple studies that cardio can help increase fat burning and fat loss.

A review of 16 studies showed that people lost more fat when they did more cardio.

Try to do an average of 150–300 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week, which means about 20–40 minutes of cardio a day.

Some common examples of cardio exercise are exercises such as running, walking, cycling, and swimming.

Drink more water

Drinking water is very important for our overall health and to lose weight from face is especially important. Studies show that water makes you feel full and increases weight loss.

One small study in older adults found that drinking water with breakfast reduced calorie intake by about 13%.

Another study showed that drinking water temporarily increased metabolism by 24%. Increasing the number of calories burned during the day accelerates weight loss.

Moreover, moisturizing the body by drinking water, edema ve swelling By preventing, it reduces fluid retention.

Limit alcohol consumption

Alcohol consumption is one of the most common contributors to the increase in facial fat and swelling. Alcohol is high in calories and low in nutrients, increasing the risk of weight gain.

It also acts as a diuretic and causes fluid retention, leading to the risk of swelling in the face area.

Keeping alcohol consumption under control is the best way to control alcohol-induced bloating and weight gain.

Cut refined carbohydrates

Like cookies, crackers and pasta refined carbohydratesare common culprits of weight gain and fat storage.

These carbohydrates have little nutritional value in addition to containing sugar and calories by stripping out of heavily processed, beneficial nutrients and fiber.

Because they contain very little fiber, they are digested quickly, causing rapid ups and downs in blood sugar levels, increased risk of eating.

One large study looking at the diets of 42.696 adults over a five-year period showed that refined carbohydrate intake was associated with a higher amount of belly fat.

While no studies have looked directly at the effects of refined carbohydrates on facial fat, consuming whole grains instead of refined carbs may help increase overall weight loss and also slimming facecan also be effective.

burning fat while sleeping at night

Pay attention to bedtime

Quality sleep is one of the simplest and most effective ways to maximize facial fat loss.

InsomniaIt causes an increase in cortisol levels, a stress hormone that comes with a long list of potential side effects, including weight gain.

Studies have shown that high cortisol levels can increase appetite and alter metabolism, leading to increased fat storage.

Better quality sleep can help you lose more weight. One study found that improved sleep quality is associated with increased weight loss success.

Conversely, studies show that insomnia can increase food intake, cause weight gain and a reduced metabolic rate.

Ideally, try to get at least eight hours of sleep each night to aid weight control and facial fat loss.

Pay attention to salt consumption

Extreme salt consumption It causes flatulence and can also contribute to facial swelling. This is because salt causes excess water retention and fluid retention in the body.

Some studies have shown that consuming more salt can increase fluid retention, especially in people who are more susceptible to the effects of salt.

Processed foods result in an estimated 77% sodium intake in the average diet, so cutting convenience foods, savory snacks and processed meats is an easy and effective way to reduce sodium intake.

Do facial exercises

Facial exercises can be used to combat aging and increase muscle strength.

Anecdotal reports claim that regular facial exercise can help slim the face by toning the facial muscles.

Some of the most popular exercises are to puff up the cheeks and push the air from one side to the other, puckering lips to alternate sides, and smiling while clamping teeth for a few seconds over a period of time.

While studies are limited, one study reported that doing facial exercise can build muscle tone in our face.

Another study showed that doing facial exercises twice a day for eight weeks increased muscle thickness and rejuvenated the face.

Exercises to Lose Weight From the Face

weaken from the face

Balloon blowing

As you blow the balloon, the facial muscles expand. When you expose your muscles to constant expansion and contraction, the fats that provide the necessary energy are broken down in this process.

This effort helps reduce extra facial fat. Repeat this exercise up to ten times a day for better results.

Sucking cheeks

This method is also known as smiling fish exercise. It involves sucking the cheeks inward to create small bumps on your face.

Hold the position for a few seconds and try to smile. Repeat this several times a day.

Stretching of the facial skin

Place your index and middle finger on the fleshy part of your face and pull it towards the eye. When pulling the skin, the mouth should be opened in an oval shape.

Pull the skin out for ten seconds, then loosen it before repeating the procedure. Then repeat three or four times.

Face lift

Sit upright in a chair and make sure your head is straight. Close the lips and move them to one side. Stretch it until you can no longer stretch it and hold it there for a few seconds.

Relax and repeat with the other side. Repeat this method five to ten times a day.

Language extraction

This exercise is pretty simple. Sit upright on a chair, open your mouth wide and stick your tongue furthest away. Hold this position for a while. Repeat this process several times a day. 

Gargle with warm water

To get noticeable results in a short time, gargle with lukewarm water several times a day.

It is not a difficult exercise as it involves rotating the water in the mouth. You will get the best results when you do this before going to bed.

Chin exercises

Sit upright on a chair and open your mouth wide. While maintaining this position, stretch the lower lip forward and then relax. Repeat this exercise several times each day.

excessive swelling


You can lose facial fat by doing light exercises such as chewing gum. It will also strengthen and tone your facial muscles.

To get better results in a short time, you should chew sugar-free gum for forty minutes every day. You can repeat this process at any time.

Lip exercise

This exercise is used to reduce facial fat in the chin area. To reduce these oils, stretch your lower lip over the upper lip until it touches the tip of the nose.

Hold the lower lip at the tip of the nose for a few seconds, then relax. Stretch the lip until you reach the maximum point. Repeat this exercise several times a day.

Turning the language

This simple exercise doesn't require you to strain too much. It involves turning the tongue until it touches the outer surfaces of the teeth. Exercise should be done with the mouth closed for the best results. The best time for this exercise is before bedtime.

Smile exercise with closed lips

It can be difficult to smile with a closed mouth. In most cases, lips separate automatically and reveal teeth.

While doing this, make sure the lips are tightly closed. Smile with your mouth closed and hold the smile for a few seconds before relaxing.

Repeat several times a day for noticeable results.

Puffing cheeks

This exercise involves closing the mouth and inflating the cheeks by pushing air into it. You can start by pushing the air against both cheeks, then continue to push the air one cheek at a time.

Hold the air for a while after pushing the air towards the cheeks and then relax. Apply this five to ten times each day.

This exercise has many advantages, such as reducing facial fat, making you look younger, and strengthening facial muscles.

It is ideal for those who want to lose facial fat in the middle and upper parts of the face.

Herbal Suggestions for Weight Loss

Green tea

Green teaIt is rich in caffeine that can be stored in the human body. Caffeine can be kept in the body for up to six hours. Caffeine helps the body reduce water retention.

The effects of stimulants in green tea are minimal as it only contains small amounts of caffeine. Since the antioxidant elements in green tea accelerate metabolism, it also causes weight loss.

If you want a slim face, drink three to four cups of green tea every day.

Some components in green tea, such as carotenoids and antioxidants, help remove toxins from the bloodstream. Thus, they provide a free flow of blood from the body to the face.

Free blood circulation in the body can help remove excess fat from the face.

Cocoa Butter

Cocoa butter is known to moisturize the body and make it more elastic. Adequate moisturizing provides the skin's elasticity.

For best results in a short time, heat the cocoa butter sufficiently. When applying it to the skin, make sure that the cocoa butter is not too hot.

Gently spread the oil over your face to allow it to be absorbed into the skin. For best results, this application should be done twice a day: morning and evening.

Hot towel technique

This technique removes excess water and salt. The emitted steam heats the facial oils and thus reduces the plump cheeks. This treatment is widely used in facial care due to its ability to rejuvenate and tighten the skin.

Boil the water on the stove and set aside. Let the water cool a little, then dip a towel or soft cloth in it.

Squeeze a towel or soft cloth to remove excess water. Press the warm washcloth on the cheeks and other oily areas of the face. Repeat this process several times each day.

This treatment will both soften the oily areas on your face and open the pores on the skin. For best results, it is recommended to apply this technique before going to bed.

what does turmeric do


TurmericSome of its components have anti-aging properties. Curcumin is one of the most important ingredients in turmeric.

Mix the powdered turmeric with the chickpea flour and yogurt. Mix well until the paste thickens. Then apply it on your face.

Leave the mask on for a few minutes to allow it to be absorbed by the skin. Rinse it off with cold water. If applied regularly, this method will reduce both facial fat and make the skin look young and healthy.


From time immemorial limon It has been used to burn fat in the body.

Lemon extracts can be used to reduce facial oils and make the face look firm and vibrant. Squeeze a lemon and dilute it with lukewarm water. Add honey to lemon juice and drink it.

Drink this when you're hungry for noticeable results in a short time. It will also help reduce fat in other parts of the body.


Milkcontains several essential nutrients that help firm the skin. It also has anti-aging properties that help maintain a youthful and elastic face.

One of the key ingredients found in milk is sphingomyelin, an essential phospholipid. Regular consumption of milk improves the condition of the skin and keeps the skin moist at all times.

Apply fresh milk to the face and wait for it to be absorbed by the skin. After a few minutes, rinse the mask with lukewarm water and pat the face gently using a soft towel.

Egg white

Vitamin A has many skin benefits. Egg whiteIt is one of the main sources of vitamin A. This solution plays an important role in increasing the skin's resistance.

Mix the egg whites, lemon juice, honey and milk. Apply the mask on your face and wait an hour. Gently massage your skin while applying. Rinse face with lukewarm water and pat dry.

yogurt mask for the skin

Cucumber mask

Cucumberis a natural remedy to reduce facial fat. Its cooling effect on the skin helps reduce swelling of the cheeks and chin.

Put the cucumber peels on your face and leave it there for a while to absorb into the skin. Rinse it off with cold water and pat dry your skin gently.


Melon is one of the fruits rich in vitamin C. It has skin tightening and anti-aging properties.  Squeeze the melon juice and apply it to your face using a soft cloth or cotton ball.

Leave the mask on for a few minutes to increase its absorption into the skin. Then rinse your face with cold water and pat dry.

Coconut oil

Coconut oilis known to moisturize the skin, which is an important factor in maintaining the skin's elasticity and elasticity.

The oil also has natural cleansing and moisturizing properties. The vitamin E found in coconut oil helps the skin look vibrant and elastic.

The fatty acids contained in the oil help strengthen and moisturize the skin. Apply coconut oil on your face. 

Facial massage

To lose weight from the faceFacial massage is an effective method. You can gently massage your face every day, which increases oxygen and blood circulation.

Facial massage can also help tighten the skin and tighten the facial muscles, chin and cheeks.

As a result;

Face and cheek areaThere are many methods that will help you lose the excess oil in it. By changing the diet, exercising and adjusting some of the daily habits, fat loss can be increased and weight can be lost effectively from the face.

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