Does Fruit Juice Make You Gain or Lose Weight?

Juice diets are popular diets that have been used for weight loss for a long time. Because does the fruit juice make you gain weight I wonder if it will weaken or weaken it.

There are no skins, seeds and pulp in the juice. It contains some nutrients and antioxidants, but fruits and vegetables do not have all the beneficial fiber.

Does the fruit juice make you gain weight?

There is no clear research on the effect of fruit juice on weight. However, since you will be fed with very low calories during the diet, it is certain that you will lose weight in the first place.

However, if you follow a fruit juice diet for a long time at a time, you may experience the negative effects of severe calorie restriction.

Also, such restrictive diets are difficult to maintain. Many people find it difficult to follow such diets and eventually return to their starting weight. Request "does the fruit juice make you gain weight?“You should think about it at this point.

Juices may be a quick way to lose weight, but are they worth the potential health problems? must think.

Juice can be harmful to health

It is healthy to drink fruit juice at home several times a day. Eating fruit juices for a long time has some risks;

does the fruit juice make you gain weight
Does the fruit juice make you gain weight?

Insufficient fiber

All fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of fiber. However, these fibers are lost during the squeezing process, that is, they are removed.

Fiber is an essential part of nutrition. Adequate nutrition with fiber is important for digestion because it maintains the health of beneficial bacteria in the gut and reduces constipation.

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In addition, it lowers the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity. As a result of squeezing and consuming fruits, fiber intake decreases and some health problems may occur.

Eating disorders

There are some drawbacks to eating liquid foods for a long time. Juice diets lack animal foods, so calcium Vitamin DIt is low in some essential nutrients such as iron, vitamin B12, and zinc.

All of these nutrients have important functions in the body. When there is insufficient consumption, it can cause serious conditions such as osteoporosis and anemia.

These diets are low in certain nutrients as well as affect the absorption of nutrients. One of the reasons for this is that fruit juices are low in fat, which is necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

Increased risk of infection

Low protein and some nutrients in fruit juice diets and long-term application of these diets affect the immune system and increase the risk of infection.

Studies show that even low consumption of immune-enhancing nutrients such as iron and zinc can disrupt the immune system.

When your immune system is compromised, you are more likely to catch diseases such as colds and flu. It also takes a long time to heal wounds in the body.

Fatigue and weakness

Fatigue and fatigue are side effects of fruit juice diet. These symptoms are due to the diet containing a small amount of calories.

If you deprive your body of high calories, you actually deprive it of energy, and this can cause unwanted effects.

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Reduction of lean muscle mass

Insufficient protein in juice can lead to a reduction in lean muscle mass, which can have a negative impact on health.

As the muscle mass gets weaker, the metabolic rate decreases. This means you will burn less calories and your weight loss will decrease over time.

References: 1

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