What is Bronchitis, How Does It Pass? Symptoms and Herbal Treatment

Bronchitis symptoms It is an uncomfortable disease that is difficult to treat because it persists for weeks. The top priorities for treating this disease are to reduce inflammation in the airways and alleviate cough.

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What is Bronchitis?

The lungs consist of a large network of bronchial tubes that carry air to all their areas. When these bronchial tubes become inflamed, in the lungs bronchitis it occurs.

Persistent cough is the foremost symptom of this disease and makes breathing difficult. Because the cough is persistent, many people with this disease develop wheezing and even chest pain.

Most people also experience other upper respiratory tract illnesses, usually after the flu or common cold. bronchitis symptoms improves.

If you were sick with another infection then it may develop as well, which sometimes makes this disorder even more difficult to treat.

What is good for bronchitis

What are the Symptoms of Bronchitis?

Persistent cough is the most common symptom. When the airways are inflamed, it becomes difficult to get enough air and the body coughs to clear the congestion and make room for more air.

When this tactic doesn't work, you'll cough again. Until the inflammation in the lungs is gone, the cough remains.

About half of all adults with this disease experience a cough for three weeks or less, but 25% of these may have a cough that lasts for at least a month, sometimes for a longer period of time.

Most cases develop after contracting another infection, so symptoms may include:

- Throat ache

Difficulty sleeping due to cough

Runny or stuffy nose

- Fire

- Vomiting

- Diarrhea

Sometimes abdominal pain (without coughing)


Tightness or pain in the chest

Shortness of breath

The coming of yellow or green mucus as a result of cough is a sign of bacterial infection, clear or white mucus usually indicates a viral infection.

Acute and Chronic Bronchitis

If it manifests itself in the short term acute bronchitis usually lasts for up to ten days. Acute bronchitis This is the most common form of the disease and is usually caused by the same viruses that result in colds and flu.

Most people acute Although, some develop a chronic form of this disease, which constantly returns and recurs.

Chronic bronchitisIt causes chest discomfort with a more persistent or deeper cough, wheezing, and often increased fluid in the lungs. Recurrent bronchitis Also known as this condition, it is a serious condition that usually means decreased lung function.

Since smoking constantly irritates the bronchial tubes, it results in coughing and wheezing and is the usual cause of the chronic version.

When the lungs are compromised in this way, bacteria and viruses have an easier time building a new home in the body.

throat swelling and difficulty swallowing

Causes Bronchitis?

Bronchitis reasons usually include the same type of virus that causes the flu or common cold. Bacteria can also be caused by bacteria in 5 to 15% of cases, but this condition is usually seen in people with underlying health problems.

Regardless of the reason, when the body notices foreign germs, it starts making more mucus and the bronchial tubes swell as it tries to fight the infection.

These reactions make breathing more difficult and cause the airflow to narrow. Bronchitis attack Risky groups for include: 

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- Babies and young children, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems.

While chronic conditions can develop at any age, it is most common in smokers over the age of 45.

- gender; It also plays a role in the development of chronic cases, as women develop more than men.

If you are constantly exposed to chemical fumes, steam, dust, or other airborne allergens, you are at risk for developing this disease.

If your job involves breathing small particles, working with animals or handling chemicals, your risk is higher. Anyone with a food allergy or sensitivity bronchitis are at higher risk for. 

How Is Bronchitis Treated?

In most cases, this disease clears itself without any medical intervention.

But, bronchitis diseaseLiving with these disturbing symptoms can make it difficult to patiently wait for the illness to clear.

If you have trouble breathing, your doctor may prescribe a bronchodilator that relaxes the muscles of the bronchial tubes and expands the air passages.

This type of medication is often used for people with asthma, allergic reactions, COPD, and other respiratory ailments. Bronchitis diseaseHowever, it can be used in severe cases.

Pain and other symptoms are often treated with over-the-counter medications such as NSAID pain relievers.

Make sure you take the recommended dosage and stop taking these medications after you feel better.


Treat bronchitis The use of antibiotics to treat is not supported by research. Since viruses cause the vast majority of infections in this disease, antibiotics are not effective in treatment.

However, all over the world acute bronchitis They are prescribed in more than 75% of cases.

Over-prescribing antibiotics to treat this disease can contribute to the growing problem of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic medications, unless your doctor recommends bronchitis treatment you should not use it for.

Bronchitis Home Treatment

Plants good for bronchitis

Have a rest

Any infection can cause fatigue. Your body needs more rest when sick, so when you rest you have the energy to fight infection.

Rest is a good treatment for many types of infections, including this disease. When you rest, you let more air through and relax your airways, reducing coughing.

Then your body has more energy, which is used to fight infection and reduce inflammation while at rest.

Being sleep deprived also makes you vulnerable to infections, so resting when you have a cold or flu will help prevent secondary infections from occurring.

Drink plenty of water

When you have a mucous membrane from the infection, drinking plenty of water helps thin the mucus, which reduces the need to cough and makes breathing easier.

Drink at least a glass of water every two hours as it will prevent dehydration.

It is even more soothing as the vapors of hot liquids such as herbal teas and hot water can help open the airways.

Eat a natural and healthy diet

If you want to get rid of the infection, your top priority is to help your immune system work well.

To combat this disease, you must eat foods that reduce inflammation in your immune system. Your diet is raw vegetables and fruitsplenty of clean protein sources and healthy fats should be rich in terms of

Avoid processed foods, foods high in sugar or salt, or anything that will cause more inflammation in your system.

Probiotics It helps your immune system stay healthy, and consuming probiotic-rich foods provides your gut with the bacteria needed to fight infections in your body.

Fermented foods it's an excellent source of probiotics, so when you're sick, plenty of it kefir, yoghurtEat sauerkraut and other probiotic-rich foods.

Dairy products often trigger mucus production, so stay away from them during your illness. 

Quit smoking

When the lungs are inflamed and irritated, the last thing you want to do is irritants and further exacerbate the irritation.

Quitting smoking both heals your lungs and chronic bronchitisi can cure it, but this will reduce inflammation even during acute episodes of the disease.

Also, quitting smoking has a number of important health benefits for your heart, lungs, brain, and other systems.

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Things to watch out for bronchitis avoiding cigarette smoke, vapors, fumes, allergens and other irritants that can aggravate the lungs and make coughing worse.

Use a moisturizing tool

Moisturizers loosen mucus and help improve airflow and wheezing. Place a humidifier next to your bed every night while you sleep.

Try breathing techniques

When your airflow is narrowed through the bronchi, you can use a breathing technique that helps you breathe in more air.

The lip technique followed is widely recommended for people with COPD and other chronic respiratory conditions, but it can also help with this ailment.

Start by breathing through your nose for about two seconds. Then pucker your lips as if blowing a candle, then exhale slowly through your lips for four to six seconds.

Repeat this technique until you feel your breathing. 

Lemon water and honey

Honey, has long been used for its antibacterial properties and bronchitisIt is effective in relieving the irritation of your mucous membranes caused by.

Use honey to sweeten herbal tea or lukewarm water, this will help expel mucus from the lungs.


Gargling with salt water helps break the mucus and reduce the pain in your throat. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

Take a small amount of salt water in the back of your throat and gargle. Do not swallow the water, spit into the sink. Repeat as often as you like. Then rinse your mouth with plain water. 

Get plenty of sleep

Sleeping allows the body to rest. When grappling with coughing, it can be difficult to sleep.

Medicinal Plants for Bronchitis

natural way to treat bronchitis


Ginger It has anti-inflammatory effect against respiratory tract infection. You can use ginger in a variety of ways:

Chew dried, crystallized ginger.

Use fresh ginger to make tea.

- Eat it raw or add it to food.

Take it in capsule form.

It's safest to use ginger in a natural way, rather than capsules or supplements. You may be sensitive to ginger, so take small amounts if you are not used to it. Eating ginger once in a while is safe for everyone, but do not take ginger as a supplement or remedy if:

Pregnant or breastfeeding period

Those with diabetes

Those with heart problems

Those who have any blood disorders 


Garlic it has numerous healing properties. In one study, it was noted to effectively inhibit the growth of infectious bronchitis virus. This finding suggests that garlic can be used as a natural remedy for bronchitis.

Fresh garlic is best, but you can also take it in capsule form if you don't like the taste. If you have a bleeding disorder, use garlic with caution. 


TurmericIt is a frequently used spice in Indian food. One study found turmeric to have anti-inflammatory effects. Turmeric also increases antioxidant capacity. This helps reduce irritation and boost immunity.

How to use turmeric for bronchitis?

Make a paste by mixing 1 teaspoon of honey with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder. While symptoms persist, consume the paste 1 to 3 times a day.

- You can take turmeric in capsule form.

You can use powder or fresh turmeric to make tea.

Turmeric is generally a safe spice, but you should be careful with its use in the following situations:

Stomach problems

Gall bladder problems

Bleeding or blood disorders

Hormone sensitive conditions

- iron deficiency 

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, do not use this spice in large quantities.

depression vitamins

Natural Treatment for Bronchitis

Echinacea is used to strengthen the immune system

Its antiviral properties are effective in combating the common cold and also reduce cold symptoms that are very similar to bronchitis.

Echinaceahelps relieve sore throats, headaches, cold and flu.

Vitamin C strengthens immunity

When a cold or flu starts to occur, 1000 milligrams each day C vitamin start buying.

This tactic bronchitis It can help prevent it from happening, which eliminates the need to treat the problem completely.

It is always a good idea to consume foods high in vitamin C, especially when you are not feeling well.

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Citrus, kiwi, cabbage, strawberries, peppers, broccoli and guavaare excellent sources of these essential vitamins.

N-acetylcysteine ​​(or NAC) is effective

This reinforcement natural bronchitis treatmentIt is used in. It helps the lungs work better, thins mucus that blocks the airways, and reduces coughing attacks.

N-acetylcysteine ​​(NAC)600 milligrams per day acute bronchitis while helping to reduce symptoms, chronic 1.200 milligrams per day are used to reduce the severity of symptoms in those who suffer.

Aloe vera is immune booster

Another name is astragalus aloe vera Taking supplements will help strengthen your lungs and fight infections caused by this disease.

Ginseng is used against respiratory problems

Ginsengreduces inflammation and helps the lungs fight infection.

It is widely used in those with asthma, COPD, and other chronic respiratory problems.

Vitamin D is used to reduce the effects of bronchitis.

Vitamin D deficiency It causes common respiratory illnesses in adults and children, so getting enough vitamin D is important.

Although there are mixed results in research in this area, some studies suggest that vitamin D supplementation acute bronchitis and it can reduce the frequency of other respiratory infections.

Herbal Treatment for Bronchitis with Essential Oils

Eucalyptus oil

"Cineole" is the eucalyptus compound that increases lung function and reduces airway inflammation. There are several ways eucalyptus can be used to treat bronchitis.

Coconut oilYou can make your own steam by mixing it with a few drops of eucalyptus oil. This mixture is beneficial when applied to the breast.

Or create a steam bath using a glass of boiling water and ten drops of oil. Put it in a bowl, cover your head with a towel to bring the steam closer to your face, bring your head closer to the bowl and breathe deeply for ten minutes.

Thyme oil

Oregano oil also reduces inflammation and caused by allergies. bronchitis especially useful for.

To treat this disease, take one to two drops of thyme oil, mix it with coconut oil, and take it by mouth for two weeks.

Mint oil

The strong scent of mint opens up nasal congestion and relieves sore throat, so inhale the scent of the oil directly from the bottle.

Apply a few drops of peppermint oil to your breasts, then make a warm compress. This tactic will help calm inflamed bronchial tubes and provide relief in your symptoms.

As a result;

Bronchitisis inflammation that affects the bronchial tubes in the lungs. Viruses that cause this disease; same as those that cause flu and cold cases, and after you have one of these infections bronchitis is common.

You should see a doctor if:

If your symptoms do not go away after three weeks of treatment.

- you start coughing blood.

Thicker and thicker mucus has formed over time.

- If you have chest pain when you are not coughing.

- If you have trouble breathing.

Chronic bronchitis is usually a result of smoking, whereas acute Although cases are usually caused by a virus, it can also sometimes be caused by bacteria.

Getting plenty of rest, drinking plenty of water, reducing inflammation, strengthening the immune system are all home treatment options. Foods that strengthen your immune system are probiotics, fresh fruits and vegetables.

If you suffer from this disease, avoid eating dairy, spicy, salty, sugary, and highly processed foods.

BronchitisOther remedies to get rid of skin include consuming honey, drinking warm liquids, using moisturizers and breathing techniques to calm your breath.

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