What Is High Fever, Why Does It Happen? What To Do In High Heat

High feveroccurs when a person's body temperature rises above the normal range of 36--37 ° Celsius. This is a common medical sign.

Other terms used for fever include pyrexia and controlled hyperthermia. As the body temperature risesthe person becomes cold until the ascent stops. 

People's normal body temperatures may vary and eating, exercising, sleep and what time of day it is. Our body temperature is usually highest around 6 pm and lowest around 3 am.

High body temperature or feverOccurs when our immune system is trying to fight off an infection.

Usually, the increase in body temperature helps the individual in resolving an infection. However, sometimes it can get very high, in which case the fever can be serious and cause complications.

Doctors say that as long as the fever is mild, there is no need to bring it down - if the fever is not severe, it probably helps neutralize the bacteria or virus that caused the infection. 

When the fever reaches or rises above 38 ° C, it is no longer temperate and needs to be checked every few hours.

These temperatures are understood by the thermometer taking a measurement inside the mouth, which is called an oral measurement. At normal underarm temperatures, the temperature is lower than it actually is and the numbers drop by about 0,2-0,3 ° C.

What Are Fever Symptoms?

Fever is a symptom of any disease and its symptoms are as follows:

- Chill

- Shivering

- Anorexia

Dehydration - can be prevented if the person drinks large amounts of fluids

- Depression

Hyperalgesia or increased sensitivity to pain


- Attention and focus problems

- sleepiness


If fever is high, there may be extreme irritability, mental confusion, and seizures.

persistent high fever

What are the Causes of High Fever?

High fever in adults It can be caused by a variety of factors:

An infection such as strep throat, flu, chickenpox, or pneumonia

Rheumatoid arthritis

Some medications

Excessive exposure of the skin to sunlight or sunburn

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Heat stroke resulting from exposure to high temperatures or prolonged strenuous exercise


Silicosis, a type of lung disease caused by prolonged exposure to silica dust

Amphetamine abuse

Alcohol withdrawal

High Fever Treatment

Aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen can help reduce fever. These can be purchased without a prescription.

High fever, If it was caused by a bacterial infection, the doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. 

If the fever is caused by a cold caused by a viral infection, NSAIDs can be used to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Antibiotics have no effect against viruses and are not prescribed by your doctor for a viral infection. High fever disease It can be treated as follows;

Fluid intake

Anyone with a fever should drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration. Dehydration will make any disease difficult.

Heat stroke

NSAIDs will not be effective if a person's fever is caused by hot weather or constant strenuous exercise. The patient must be cooled. If there is unconsciousness, it should be treated by a doctor immediately.

Types of Fever

Fever can be classified according to its duration, severity and altitude.


- Low grade between 38,1--39 ° C

- moderate between 39.1--40 ° C

- high between 40,1-41,1 ° C

Hyperpyrexia above 41.1 ° C


- acute if it lasts less than 7 days

Sub-acute if it lasts up to 14 days

Chronic or permanent if persists for 14 days

- Fever that exists for unexplained days or weeks is called fevers of indeterminate origin (FUO). 

How Is High Fever Diagnosed?

High fever It is easy to diagnose - the patient's temperature is measured, if the reading is high, he has a fever. Since physical activity can warm us up, it is necessary to take measurements while the person is at rest.

If a person has a fever:

- The temperature in the mouth is above 37.7 ° C. 

- The temperature in the rectum (anus) is above 37,5-38,3 ° C.

- The temperature under the arm or inside the ear is over 37.2 centigrade.

High fever Because it is a sign rather than a disease, when the doctor confirms a high body temperature, he or she may order certain diagnostic tests. Depending on what other signs and symptoms, these may include blood tests, urine tests, x-rays or other imaging scans.

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How to Prevent Fever 

High feveris usually caused by bacterial or viral infections. Compliance with hygiene rules helps reduce the risk of getting an infection. This includes hand washing before, after, and after using the toilet.

A person with a fever caused by the infection should have as little contact as possible with other people to prevent the infection from spreading. The caregiver should wash their hands regularly with warm soap and water.

What Makes Fever Down? Natural Methods to Reduce Fever

Viral fever, which occurs as a result of a viral infection high fever status. Viruses are small microbes that easily spread from person to person.

Cold When faced with a viral condition such as the flu or the flu, the immune system responds by going into overload. Part of this response is to increase body temperature to prevent viruses from settling.

Most people's normal body temperature is 37 ° C. Any body temperature of 1 degree or more above this is considered a fever.

Unlike bacterial infections, viral diseases do not respond to antibiotics. Treatment can take from a few days to a week or longer, depending on the type of infection.

While the virus continues its course, there are some things that can be done for treatment.

When to see a doctor?

Fever is usually nothing to worry about. But when it's high enough, it can pose some health risks.

For kids

High fever is more dangerous for young children than adults.

Children 0-3 months: If the rectal temperature is 38 ° C or higher,

Children 3-6 months: If the rectal temperature is above 39 ° C

Children 6 to 24 months: If the rectal temperature lasts more than a day and is above 39 ° C. 

Rash, cough or diarrhea If you have other symptoms such as, you should see a doctor sooner.

For children aged 2 and over, you should consult a doctor if the following symptoms are accompanied by fever:

Unusual drowsiness

Fever lasting longer than three days

Fever does not respond to medication

Not making eye contact

For adults

In some cases, high fever may also be at risk for adults. For a fever of 39 ° C or higher that does not respond to medication or lasts longer than three days, you should see a doctor. In addition, treatment is required when fever is accompanied by:

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- severe headache


Sensitivity to bright light

- Stiff neck

Frequent vomiting

Difficulty breathing

Chest or abdominal pain

Convulsions or seizures

Methods to Reduce Fever

Fever reduction methods in adults

Drink plenty of fluids

Viral fever makes the body hotter than normal. This causes the body to sweat as it tries to cool. Fluid loss also occurs as a result of sweating, which can cause dehydration.

Try to drink as much water as you can to replace fluids lost during a viral fever. Any of the following can also provide hydration:

- Juice

- Sports drinks

Meat juices

- Soups

Decaffeinated tea

Get plenty of rest

Viral fever is a sign that the body is working hard to fight an infection. Relax yourself a little while resting as much as possible.

Even if you can't spend the day in bed, try not to do as much physical activity as possible. Get eight to nine hours or more sleep a night. 

Cool off

Being in a cold environment can help you cool off. But don't go overboard. If you start to tremble, walk away immediately. Chills can cause a fever to rise.

Here are the things you can do to cool off safely:

When you have a fever, take a lukewarm water bath. (Cold water causes the body to warm instead of cooling.)

Wear fine clothes.

- Do not cover you even if you are cold.

- Drink plenty of cold or room temperature water.

- Eat ice cream.

As a result;

Viral fever is usually not a cause for concern. In both children and adults, most viruses resolve on their own. However, if you notice unusual symptoms or if the fever lasts for more than a day, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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