What Are the Most Useful Spices and Herbs?

The use of herbs and spices has been important throughout history. Many of them were used to treat illnesses long before the kitchen, due to their healing properties.

Modern sciences today have shown that many of them actually carry remarkable health benefits.

Here "Which are useful spices", "where and how should the spices be stored", "what is the expiry date and shelf life of spices" Answers to your questions ...

Most Helpful Herbs and Spices

the most useful spices


Cinnamonis a popular spice that can be added to all kinds of recipes and baked ingredients. It contains a compound called cinnamaldehyde responsible for its medicinal properties.

It has strong antioxidant activity, helps fight inflammation and lowers blood cholesterol and triglycerides.

The truly notable benefit of cinnamon is its effects on blood sugar levels. Cinnamon can lower blood sugar through a variety of mechanisms, including slowing the distribution of carbohydrates in the digestive tract and improving insulin sensitivity.

Studies have shown that cinnamon can lower fasting blood sugar by 10-29% in diabetic patients. The effective dose is usually 0.5-2 teaspoons or 1-6 grams per day.


Having a strong reputation in the Middle Ages for its healing properties sage It was even used to help prevent plague disease.

Current research shows that sage can improve brain function and memory, especially in people with Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's disease, a chemical messenger in the brain acetylcholine It is accompanied by a decrease in level. Sage prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine.

In a 42-month study of 4 individuals with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, sage extract was noted to provide significant improvements in brain function.

Other research has shown that sage can improve memory function in healthy people, both young and old.

slimming with mint


Nane It has a long history in folk medicine and aromatherapy. As with many plant examples, it is the fatty component that contains substances responsible for health effects.

Many studies have shown that peppermint oil can improve pain management in irritable bowel syndrome.

It relaxes the smooth muscles in the colon, which relieves the pain experienced during bowel movements. It also helps reduce abdominal bloating, a common digestive symptom.

There are also some studies that show peppermint oil in aromatherapy applications can help combat nausea.

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Turmeric It is the spice that gives curry its yellow color. It contains a variety of compounds with medicinal properties, the most important of which is curcumin.

Curcumin is a highly potent antioxidant that helps fight oxidative damage and increase the body's own antioxidant enzymes.

This is important because oxidative damage is thought to be one of the key mechanisms behind aging and many diseases.

Curcumin also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect as well as the effectiveness of some anti-inflammatory drugs. Long-term, low-level inflammation is thought to play an important role in almost every chronic disease.

Studies show that it can improve brain function, fight Alzheimer's, and reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Indian Basil

This should not be confused with regular basil. Known as the holy bacillus, Indian basil is considered a sacred herb in India. Studies show that Indian basil can inhibit a number of bacteria, yeast and mold growth.

A small study found that it can improve the function of the immune system by increasing certain immune cells in the blood.

Castor basil is also associated with low blood sugar levels before and after meals, as well as associated with anxiety. depression treatmentIt is also used in nd.


cayenneis a type of pepper used to prepare spicy dishes. The active ingredient in it is called capsaicin and has been shown to reduce appetite and increase fat burning in many studies. For this reason, it is a common ingredient found in commercial weight loss supplements.

One study found that people who added 1 gram of red pepper to meals had a decreased appetite and increased fat burning compared to people who did not regularly consume peppers.

Some animal studies have found that capsaicin combats certain types of cancer, including lung, liver, and prostate cancer. Of course, these observed anti-cancer effects have not been proven in humans.


Ginger It is a popular spice used in various forms of alternative medicine. Studies have consistently shown that 1 gram or more of ginger can successfully treat nausea. It is also effective in chemotherapy-induced nausea.

Ginger also has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can help relieve pain.

A study in people at risk of colon cancer found that 2 grams of ginger extract per day reduced colon inflammation markers in the same way as aspirin.

Other research found that a mixture of ginger, cinnamon, mastic and sesame oil reduced pain and stiffness experienced by people with osteoarthritis. It had a similar efficacy to treatment with aspirin or ibuprofen.

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Fenugreek oil benefits for hair

Cemen grass

Cemen grassespecially used in Ayurveda to increase libido. Although its effects on testosterone levels are uncertain, fenugreek has beneficial effects on blood sugar.

It contains the plant protein 4-hydroxysoleucine, which can improve the function of the hormone insulin.

Many human studies have shown that at least 1 gram of fenugreek extract per day can lower blood sugar levels, especially in diabetics.


Rosemary Contains rosmarinic acid, an active ingredient. This substance is known to relieve allergic responses and nasal congestion.

In a study in 29 people, rosmarinic acid doses of 50 and 200 mg were shown to suppress allergy symptoms. The number of immune cells in the nasal mucus also decreased as the congestion decreased.


Throughout history, garlic has been used for its medicinal properties. Many of these health effects are known to be due to an ingredient called allicin, which is responsible for the distinctive smell of garlic.

Garlic supplements are great for fighting illness, including the common cold. If you have frequent colds, consuming more garlic can help treat this condition.

There is also convincing evidence of its positive effects on heart health. For those with high cholesterol, garlic supplementation reduces total or LDL cholesterol by about 10-15%.

Human studies have discovered that garlic supplementation causes significant reductions in blood pressure in people with high blood pressure. In one study, it was as effective as blood pressure lowering medication.

Shelf Life of Herbs and Spices

In culinary use, spices are made from the dried roots, bark or stem of a plant; herbs, on the other hand, consist of the dried or fresh leaves of the plant.

Dried spices last longer than dry herbs, and the less processed, the longer the shelf life.

Dried herbs typically last 1-3 years. Examples are as follows:




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Ground or powdered spices typically have a shelf life of 2–3 years. Examples are as follows:

Ginger powder

Garlic powder

Ground cinnamon

Ground pepper

Ground Turmeric

Ground cardamom

Ground red pepper

Crushed chili peppers

Spice mixes

Whole or unmilled spices have the longest shelf life as less of their surface area is exposed to air, light and moisture. This allows them to retain their aromatic oils and aroma compounds longer than their milled form.

All unmilled spices can last up to 4 years if stored properly. Examples are as follows:

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Black pepper


Mustard seeds

Fennel seed

Seeds of cumin

Whole nutmeg


Cinnamon stick

Whole dried hot pepper

Lemon grass

How to know whether the spices are spoiled or not?

The deterioration of a spice means that it loses much of its flavor and color. Fortunately, consuming a spoiled spice is unlikely to make you sick.

If you are not sure how long you have been using the spices, you can examine their fragrances and flavors to see if they are ready to be freshened up.

Grind or rub a small amount in the palm of your hand. If the smell is weak and the taste is lifeless, it's time to replace them.

What spices are in the curry?

Spice storage methods

It is the most useful method for minimizing their exposure to air, heat, light and moisture, maximizing the shelf life of herbs and spices. 

Storing spices in transparent containers next to the stove is not a valid method to preserve its effectiveness, although it is pleasant to use and aesthetically pleasing.

Instead, a cool, dry and dark environment such as a drawer or cabinet away from the stove or oven is better for storing spices. In addition, spices should be stored in tightly sealed glass or ceramic containers.

Plastic containers are also popularly used, but they are not airtight and can absorb the colors and odors of different spices. This makes it difficult to clean for reuse.

Stainless steel or tin containers are other suitable storage options, but since metal conducts heat, it is important to store them away from heat sources such as stoves.

Although refrigeration is not required, chilli peppers retain their pigment longer if stored in the refrigerator. Similarly, storing oil-containing spices such as sesame and poppy seeds in the refrigerator can prevent them from spoiling.

Moisture can quickly spoil the flavor and texture of spices, causing them to become moldy. If you notice mold on any of the spice containers, discard the product in question.

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