What Are the Benefits and Harm of Moringa? Does It Have an Effect on Weight Loss?

Moringa, Moringa oleifera It is an Indian plant obtained from the tree. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine, an ancient Indian medical system, for thousands of years to treat skin diseases, diabetes, and infections. It is very rich in healthy antioxidants and bioactive plant compounds.

Well “What does Moringa mean? " "Moringa benefits", "moringa damages", "Does moringa weaken?" Here in this article Moringa properties Information will be given about.

What is Moringa?

Moringa plantIs a fairly large tree native to northern India. Almost all parts of the tree are used in herbal medicine.

moringa seed

Moringa Vitamin and Mineral Content

Moringa leaf It is an excellent source of many vitamins and minerals. One cup (21 grams) of fresh, chopped leaves contains:

Protein: 2 grams

Vitamin B6: 19% of the RDI

Vitamin C: 12% of the RDI

Iron: 11% of the RDI

Riboflavin (B2): 11% of the RDI

Vitamin A (beta-carotene): 9% of the RDI

Magnesium: 8% of the RDI

In some countries, the dried leaves of the plant are sold as a dietary supplement, either in powder or capsule form. Compared to the leaves, the bark of the plant is generally lower in vitamins and minerals.

But, C vitamin It is extremely rich in terms of One cup fresh, sliced moringa bark (100 grams) provides 157% of the daily vitamin C requirement.

Benefits of Moringa

Rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants are compounds that are effective against free radicals in the body. High levels of free radicals cause oxidative stress, which is associated with chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

The leaf of the plant contains various antioxidants and plant compounds. In addition to vitamin C and beta carotene, it contains:


This powerful antioxidant helps lower blood pressure.

Chlorogenic acid

Chlorogenic acid, which is present in high amounts in coffee, makes blood sugar levels average after meals.

In a study in women, 1,5 teaspoons (7 grams) each day for three months moringa leaf powder taking it significantly increases blood antioxidant levels.

Lowers blood sugar

High blood sugar is a serious health problem and causes diabetes. Over time, high blood sugar levels increase the risk of many serious health problems, including heart disease. For this reason, it is important to keep it within healthy limits.

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Many studies have shown that this beneficial herb can help lower blood sugar levels. Scientists think these effects are due to plant compounds such as isothiocyanates.

Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is the body's natural response to infection or injury. This is an important protective mechanism, but if it continues for a long time, it can become a major health problem.

Persistent inflammation causes many chronic health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Most of all fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices have anti-inflammatory properties. Moringa has also shown anti-inflammatory effects in some studies.

Lowers cholesterol

High cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease. Both animal and human-based studies have shown that this herb can have cholesterol-lowering effects.

It is protective against arsenic poisoning

Arsenic contamination of food and water is a major problem in many parts of the world. Some types of rice can contain particularly high levels.

Prolonged exposure to high levels of arsenic causes health problems over time. For example, studies have reported that prolonged exposure increases the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Several studies in mice, moringa seedhas shown that it provides protection against some of the effects of arsenic toxicity.

Improves prostate health

The seeds and leaves of the moringaIt is rich in sulfur-containing compounds called glucosinolates that have anti-cancer properties.

Test-tube studies have shown that glucosinolates in the seeds of the plant suppress the growth of human prostate cancer cells.

Also The Turkish MoringaIt is thought that can help prevent benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). This condition occurs as men get older and is characterized by enlargement of the prostate that can make urination difficult.

In one study, mice were given daily testosterone for 4 weeks to suppress BPH. moringa leaf extract has been given. The extract has been found to significantly reduce prostate weight.

What's more, the extract also reduced prostate specific antigen levels, a protein produced by the prostate gland. High levels of this antigen are a sign of prostate cancer.

It alleviates erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED)It usually occurs when there is a problem with blood flow that can be caused by high blood pressure, high levels of fat in the blood, or certain conditions such as diabetes.

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Moringa leafContains beneficial plant compounds called polyphenols that can increase blood flow by increasing nitric oxide production and reducing blood pressure.

Studies in rats have shown that the extract obtained from the leaves and seeds of the plant suppresses key enzymes that increase ED-induced blood pressure and decrease nitric oxide production.

A study, moringa seed extractshowed that healthy rats relaxed smooth muscles in the penis, providing more blood flow to the area. Extract also in rats with diabetes erectile dysfunction eased.

Increases fertility

Moringa leaf and seedThey are excellent sources of antioxidants that can interfere with sperm production or help combat oxidative damage that can damage sperm DNA.

Studies in rabbits have shown that leaf powder from the plant significantly improves sperm count and motility.

Studies in rats also moringa leaf extracthas shown that antioxidant properties of the sperm significantly increase the number of sperm in undescended testicles.

What's more, studies in rats and rabbits have shown that this leaf extract can prevent sperm loss caused by excessive heat, chemotherapy, or electromagnetic rays emitted from cell phones.

what is moringa

Weight Loss with Moringa

Moringa powderIt is claimed to aid weight loss. Animal and test-tube studies show that this can reduce fat formation and increase fat breakdown.

Still, the impact of these results on humans is uncertain. No studies to date, use of moringahas not investigated the effects of directly on weight loss.

Studies mostly moringa food supplementsThe effects of using with other materials have been studied.

For example; In an 8-week study, among obese people on the same diet and exercise regimen, moringa pillThose who took 900 mg of supplements containing curry, turmeric and curry lost 5 kg. The placebo group lost 2 kg.

So Moringa weakeningbut it is not clear whether it will have the same effect on its own.

Moringa Supplements

This plant It can be purchased in a variety of forms such as capsules, extract, powder, and tea.

What Is Moringa Powder?

Due to its versatility, powder extracted from the leaves of the plant is a popular option. It is said to have a bitter and slightly sweet flavor.

You can easily add the powder to shakes, smoothies and yogurt to increase nutrient intake. Recommended serving sizes, moringa powder for 2-6 grams.

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Moringa Capsule

Capsule of Moringa leaves The shape contains crushed leaf powder or extract. It is best to choose supplements that contain the extract of the leaf, as the extraction process increases the bioavailability and absorption of the beneficial components of the leaf.

Moringa Tea

It can also be consumed as tea. If desired, spices and herbs such as cinnamon and lemon, basil can be used, these are pure moringa leaf teaIt helps to balance the light earthy flavor.

Since it is naturally decaffeinated, you can consume it as a relaxing drink before going to bed.

Harms of Moringa

It generally has a low risk of side effects and is well tolerated. Studies show that 50 grams as a single dose moringa powder users or reports no side effects in people who consume 28 grams per day for 8 days.

However, you should talk to your doctor before you start using it, especially if you are taking medications to control blood pressure or blood sugar.

Moringa food supplementFor people who do not get enough vitamins, minerals or protein from their diet, it is an important source of consumption of many essential nutrients.

However, the negative side of this is, moringa leafIt contains high levels of antinutrients that can reduce mineral and protein absorption.

As a result;

Moringais an Indian tree that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Studies to date show that it can provide a moderate reduction in blood sugar and cholesterol.

It also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and is protective against arsenic toxicity.

Its leaves are also extremely nutritious and can be beneficial for people who lack essential nutrients. Suggested It is safe for most people when consumed in doses.

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