What Is Falafel? How Is It Made? Benefits and Harm

Falafelis a Middle Eastern dish that is particularly popular with vegetarians and vegans.

Chickpea (or fava beans) consists of fried meatballs made from a combination of herbs, spices, onions.

Falafel It can be eaten alone, but is often served as an appetizer.

What is Falafel? Why Is It Made?

Falafelis a Middle Eastern dish made from chickpeas or broad beans that are ground, shaped like a ball-like meatball and deep-fried or baked.

Other falafel Its ingredients include herbs and spices such as cumin, coriander, and garlic.

Although falafel dish is thought to originate in Egypt, it has become a staple ingredient in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisine.

It can be served alone as an appetizer or spread into pita bread, sandwiches or wraps. It is also used as a plant-based protein source in many vegetarian recipes.

What does falafel mean

Falafel Nutritional Value

Falafel It is full of important nutrients. 100 grams contain the following nutrients:

Calories: 333

Protein: 13.3 grams

Carbs: 31.8 grams

Fat: 17,8 grams

Fiber: 4.9 grams

Vitamin B6: 94% of the Daily Value (DV)

Manganese: 30% of the DV

Copper: 29% of the DV

Folate: 26% of the DV

Magnesium: 20% of the DV

Iron: 19% of the DV

Phosphorus: 15% of the DV

Zinc: 14% of the DV

Riboflavin: 13% of the DV

Potassium: 12% of the DV

Thiamine: 12% of the DV

Also a small amount niacinContains vitamin B5, calcium and many other micronutrients.

Is Falafel Healthy?

FalafelContains several properties that may benefit health. Good fiber, two types of nutrients that keep you full for a long time, and plant-based protein is the source.

Both fiber and protein increase satiety time ghrelin decreases the production of hunger hormones.

Also, studies have shown that chickpea fiber can help manage blood sugar levels by slowing carbohydrate absorption. This provides a balanced increase in blood sugar rather than rapid fluctuation.

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Also, chickpea fiber is linked to improved gut health as well as a reduced risk of heart disease and colon cancer.

Ancak falafelIt can also have downsides depending on how it is prepared. It is usually fried in oil, which significantly increases the calorie and fat content.

Studies show that people who consistently consume fried foods have a higher risk of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Moreover, some people falafelMay be allergic to ingredients found in or served with.

However, instead of eating out, making this delicious food at home minimizes these negativities.

What Are the Benefits of Falafel?


High fiber content from chickpeas falafelis a proof that it is satisfying. Foods high in fiber help you feel full for longer.

It is a source of protein

Falafel dishA 100-gram serving contains 13.3 grams of protein, which is another reason it helps to feel full and lose weight.

Good for the eyes

FalafelDue to its vitamin A content, it is a good source for eyesight. Vitamin A provides a rich source of eye vitamins for yellow spot disease and cataracts. This vitamin will aid vision when you are in a low light environment.

It is a source of B vitamins

Vitamin B is known as a booster, so it provides energy. Containing various B vitamins falafel It will help keep fit throughout the day.

Strengthens bones

Falafelis a great food for building and maintaining strong bones due to its calcium content. Calcium is also beneficial for protecting us from cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Healthy blood circulation

Falafelcontains iron which helps the body to have good blood circulation. It will help avoid any blood related illnesses.

It reduces stress

FalafelIt is a good food to relieve stress as it contains magnesium. Researchers have found that magnesium can relax some tense muscles and nerves.

Relieves breathing

Manganese is known to support the lungs and respiratory health.

Detoxifies the body

Falafel It has a phosphorus content. This beneficial mineral helps the body cleanse the bad elements through excretion and secretion.

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Healthy nervous system

Falafel mealwill provide the potassium the body needs. Potassium improves the nervous system due to its content. This will help the muscles perform better without getting tired easily.

Balances body fluid

The body needs a good amount of sodium to balance the body fluids inside. Falafel By consuming, you can get the right amount of sodium the body needs.

Strengthens immunity

Falafel It is good for boosting immunity as it contains zinc.

Fiber source

Fiber is one of the beneficial compounds we need in our body. It helps our body digest food better. Falafel By eating, enough fiber can be obtained that the body needs 

It is a healthy fat source

This food contains the healthy fats the body needs.

Helps avoid breast cancer

Containing chickpeas falafelcan destroy breast cancer cells and help prevent post-menopausal hot flashes. It also protects the body against osteoporosis.

Lowers cholesterol

Fiber is also beneficial for lowering the amount of cholesterol in our body. As mentioned before falafel It contains a good amount of fiber.

Suitable for vegetarians

Those who don't eat meat can get protein with falafel. This food contains a good amount of protein and is an excellent food source for vegans. 

Falafel Recipe

Falafelyou can do the job at home with just a few ingredients. In fact, if you bake instead of frying, you won't consume too much calories and fat.


- 400 grams of chickpeas can, drained and washed

- 4 cloves of fresh garlic

1/2 cup chopped onion

- 2 tablespoons of fresh, chopped parsley

- 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of olive oil

3 tablespoons (30 grams) of all-purpose flour

- 1 teaspoon of baking powder

- 2 teaspoons (10 ml) of lemon juice

- 1 teaspoon of cumin

- 1 teaspoon of coriander

A pinch of salt

A pinch of black pepper

How to Make Falafel?

- Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and grease the baking tray.

- Combine chickpeas, garlic, onion, parsley, olive oil, flour, baking powder, lemon juice, cumin, coriander, salt and pepper in a food processor. Mix by swirling for about 1 minute.

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- Take pieces from the mixture, make small patties and place on a baking tray.

- Cook for 10-12 minutes and turn the patties. Cook for another 10-12 minutes until crispy.

How to Eat Falafel?

Falafel It offers its own unique flavor and texture and can be consumed alone. In some cases it can also be a garnish.

Falafel The simplest way to enjoy it is to dip these fried balls in traditional sauces like hummus. Tahini and yoghurt sauces, which are a rich source of sesame, can also be used for dipping.

Falafel To make a mini meal, put it in a pita bread roll. You can also consume it by adding it on salads.

What Are Falafel Losses?

Falafel It can generally be safely consumed as part of a healthy diet, but there are also a few downsides to consider.

FalafelYou need to be careful if you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

All falafelIt cannot be said that it is healthy. Some varieties are much healthier than others. Made with natural food ingredients such as chickpeas, herbs and spices baked falafelIt has a much better nutritional profile than those made with deep fried, highly processed and unhealthy ingredients. 

As a result;

Falafelis a popular Middle Eastern dish made from a combination of chickpeas, herbs, spices, and onions.

Although it contains many healthy ingredients, it is high in fat and calories because it is fried in oil. You can cook it yourself in the oven at home and prepare it in a healthier way. 

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