What are the Symptoms of Vestibular Migraine and How Is It Treated?

We know migraine vestibular migraine We haven't heard much. There are many types of migraine. Vestibular migraine and one of them. Vertigoor cause. 

When we say migraine, we think of severe headache. This type of migraine is different from the others. It causes dizziness. Although the person does not move, it seems to him that he is moving. He feels his surroundings move.

diagnosis of vestibular migraine

What is vestibular migraine?

Vestibular migraine It means vertigo that occurs in a person with migraine. The person experiencing vertigo feels as if he or the objects around him are moving. 

The vestibular is the system in the inner ear that controls the balance of the body.

Although migraine headaches can cause vestibular migraine different. Because there is no headache in episodes. classic or migraine with aura many people who vestibular migraine lives. Of course not all.

Vestibular migraineIt can last for a few seconds or minutes, or sometimes for days. It rarely lasts longer than 72 hours.

Often the symptoms last from a few minutes to several hours. In addition to dizziness, imbalance and lightheadedness may be experienced. Moving the head makes symptoms worse.

What are the symptoms of vestibular migraine?

Vestibular migraineThe main symptom is vertigo. It happens by itself. Other symptoms may also be experienced:

  • feeling unbalanced
  • motion sickness caused by moving the head
  • Dizziness when looking at moving objects such as cars or people walking
  • feeling like you're rocking on a boat
  • Nausea and vomiting as a result of other symptoms

What causes vestibular migraine? 

Vestibular migraineIt is unknown what causes it. Some experts think that the release of abnormal chemicals in the brain plays a role.

What are the symptoms of vestibular migraine

What are the triggers of vestibular migraine?

Other migraine Some of the factors that trigger the types, vestibular migrainei can also trigger, for example:

  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Dehydration
  • Air or pressure change
  • menstrual cycle

Of women vestibular migraine higher risk of survival. Doctors, vestibular migraineHe suspects it's genetic. But research has not found such information.

How is vestibular migraine treated?

Drugs used by vertigo patients, vestibular migraine He can heal his attacks. These drugs treat dizziness, motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms.

Foods and beverages that trigger attacks should be avoided. Watch what you eat. Make some changes in your lifestyle.

  •  Get enough sleep and rest.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Stay away from stress.

vestibular migraine attacks

How does nutrition affect vestibular migraine?

Vestibular migraineThe exact cause is unknown. This type of migraine is more common in women. Genetics, diet, lifestyle and environmental factors also play a role.

Studies indicate that changing the diet can reduce the occurrence and intensity of migraine attacks.

Common dietary triggers for these attacks include chocolate, alcohol, coffee, aged cheeses, and processed meats. These foods contain chemicals such as tyramine, nitrates, histamine and phenylethylamine that have been linked to migraine symptoms.

Some people also report that their migraine symptoms worsen when they don't eat. In other words, staying hungry and skipping meals can increase the severity of attacks. Trigger foods vary from person to person.

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