Menorrhagia -Excessive Menstrual Bleeding- What is it, Causes, How is it Treated?

There are times every month when women are a nightmare. This period becomes worse than a nightmare for some women. The reason is long excessive menstrual bleeding... 

Excessive menstrual bleedingscientific name of menorrhagia… It is a very common condition in women. Menstrual bleedingIt is known as the intensity of the period and the prolongation of the period.

Even under normal conditions, women's menstrual periods are a difficult process. Even the mildest will have symptoms such as tension, irritability, and fatigue.

Menorrhagia Things get more complicated with this and although it differs from person to person, much more severe symptoms occur. 

Not every woman passes her menstrual periods with heavy bleeding. The duration may vary, as well as the intensity of bleeding from woman to woman. Menorrhagia women become unable to do their daily work. 

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"I am every month excessive menstrual bleeding If you say, “I am alive and want to know everything about it”, we have examined the subject in detail for you and compiled what you need to know in this article. Let's get started explaining...

What does menorrhagia mean?

During menstruation, approximately 4 to 5 tablespoons of blood are lost on average in 2-3 days. This value corresponds to 30 or 40 milliliters. Menorrhagiaand more than double that, more than 80 milliliters of blood loss occurs. 

The menstrual cycle lasts longer than 7 days and there is bleeding that will require changing a pad every 2 hours.

Causes of menorrhagia

When the ovaries do not produce eggs during the menstrual cycle, hormonal imbalances occur. The menstrual cycle that occurs without ovulation, known as anovulation, is usually a new menstrual cycle and menopauseIt is common in those approaching a. This is the most common cause. Excessive menstrual bleedingOther reasons for: 

  • Hormonal imbalance: In order to regulate the formation of the shed endometrium during menstruation, there must be a balance between estrogen and progesterone hormones in the menstrual cycle. Hormone imbalance occurs, the endometrium develops excessively and severe menstrual bleeding It occurs.
  • Dysfunction in the ovaries: When the ovaries do not release eggs during the menstrual cycle, the body cannot produce the hormone progesterone as usual; This leads to hormonal imbalance and to menorrhagia cause.
  • Uterine fibroids: These benign non-cancerous tumors occur during childbearing years. It causes heavier or longer menstrual bleeding than normal.
  • Polyps: Small, benign uterine polyps in the uterine lining heavy and prolonged menstrual bleedingIt may cause.
  • Adenomyosis: “Adenomyosis endometrium” glands are embedded in the uterine muscles and are accompanied by pain. heavy bleedingcause the s. The condition occurs in middle-aged women who have had children.
  • Intrauterine device (IUD) (A type of spiral): Excessive menstrual bleedingmay be a side effect of using a non-hormonal intrauterine device for birth control. If the device causes excessive menstrual bleeding, it should be removed immediately.
  • Pregnancy complications: Heavy and late menstrual cycles may be experienced due to miscarriage.
  • Hereditary bleeding disorders: If you have a defect in an important blood clotting factor such as "Von Willebrand disease" or if you have some blood clotting disorders excessive menstrual bleeding can.
  • Cancer: Although rare, care should be taken with uterine cancer, ovarian cancer or cervical cancer because these diseases excessive menstrual bleedingalso cause.
  • Medicines: Certain medications, such as anticoagulants and anti-inflammatory drugs excessive menstrual bleedingIt may cause.
  • Other medical conditions: pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, thyroid issuesmedical conditions such as liver or kidney diseases Causes of excessive menstrual bleeding listed between.
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signs of excessive menstrual bleeding

What are the symptoms of menorrhagia?

Symptoms of excessive menstrual bleeding Although it varies from person to person, the symptoms in general are as follows:

  • Heavy vaginal bleeding, changing one or more pads every hour for several hours.
  • Bleeding heavy enough to require double pads.
  • Having to change pads in the middle of the night.
  • Bleeding that lasts longer than a week.
  • The arrival of large blood clots.
  • Inability to do daily work due to bleeding.
  • such as fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath anemia experiencing symptoms.
  • Constant pelvic pain in the lower abdomen.

If the bleeding is affecting daily life, social, physical or emotional health, it is necessary to see a doctor. 

How is menorrhagia diagnosed?

The doctor will ask the patient about their symptoms and perform a physical examination. Menorrhagia diagnosisTests that may help include:

  • Blood tests to check for conditions such as anemia, thyroid disease, and clotting disorders
  • Evaluate Pap smear in terms of cervical infection, inflammation, dysplasia and cancer.
  • Endometrial biopsy to test the uterine lining for cellular abnormalities and cancer
  • Ultrasound to evaluate the pelvic organs, including the uterus, ovaries, and pelvis
  • hysteroscopy, in which a camera is inserted into the uterus to examine the lining

How is menorrhagia treated?

Menorrhagia treatment it depends on the personal situation. The drugs that can be used in the treatment are as follows:

  • To treat anemia iron supplement
  • Tranexamic acid taken during bleeding to reduce blood loss
  • Oral contraceptives that regulate menstrual control and reduce the duration and amount of bleeding
  • Oral progesterone to treat hormonal imbalance and reduce bleeding

Herbal Remedy for Excessive Menstrual Bleeding

Excessive menstrual bleedingSome medicinal plants are used as natural treatment. What are these plants and how are they used?


Chasteberry stimulates progesterone production and reduces uterine bleeding. In case of heavy bleeding, consume 4 to 30 drops of chasteberry extract 35 times a day.

Cemen grass

Cemen grass, excessive menstrual bleeding and reduces cramps.

  • Soak a handful of fenugreek seeds in 1/4 cup of warm water and let it soak for about 15 minutes.
  • Drink this water 3 days before your menstrual period begins.
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shepherd's purse grass

Shepherd's purse has a strong compression property that results in reduced blood flow.

  • Mix 1-2 teaspoons of shepherd's purse herb with some warm water and mash well to obtain the extract.
  • Consume this every 3 hours for 3 days.

Thyme tea

Thyme teaDrinking it regularly helps control bleeding.

  • Steep one tablespoon of thyme leaves in 10 cup of boiled water for 12-1 minutes.
  • Drink a cup of this tea every day of bleeding.


Radish, heavy menstrual bleeding It is one of the main medicines for

  • Mix 2 or 3 radishes with some water in a blender.
  • Mix this paste well with one cup of buttermilk.
  • For this on your period days.

Basil tea

Basil, excessive menstrual bleedingIt also alleviates the pain.

  • Add 2 tablespoons of basil leaves to the boiled water. Cover it and let it brew for a while.
  • Let it cool at room temperature and drink a cup of this tea during periods of pain.
  • Alternatively, you can use basil as a spice in your cooking.

aloe vera juice recipe

Aloe vera

Aloe vera, excessive menstrual bleedingIt is used to alleviate:

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegarIt maintains hormonal balance and removes toxins from the body. It relieves symptoms such as headaches, irritability, cramps and fatigue.

  • Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water.
  • During your menstrual period, drink this about 3 times a day.

What are the benefits of tomato juice?

Tomato juice

Tomato juice Drinking balances the blood flow during the menstrual period. That's because tomato juice consists of vitamins that are essential for reducing blood flow. Drink 1 glass of tomato juice daily during menstruation.

Mustard seeds

Mustard seeds help reduce long and heavy bleeding.

  • Crush a handful of dry mustard seeds and then store in an airtight container.
  • When the menstrual period starts, add 1 grams of ground mustard seeds to 2 glass of milk and drink it 2 times a day.

Red raspberry

Red raspberry leaf blood clots It is very useful for. Since the leaves contain tannin, they strengthen the uterine muscles. It also relieves abdominal pain.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of red raspberry leaves to a cup of hot water.
  • Cover and steep for at least 10 minutes.
  • Make and drink this tea fresh three times a day.
  • Drink the tea a week before your menstrual period begins and even throughout your period.

Coriander seed

Coriander seed improves the functionality of the uterus by helping to balance female hormones in the body.

  • Add a teaspoon of coriander seeds to two cups of water.
  • Boil it a little and after it warms up, add honey.
  • Drink it about 2 or 3 times a day during your menstrual period.


Cinnamon, associated with uterine fibroids, endometriosis, and adenomyosis excessive menstrual bleedingIt is very effective in reducing It reduces bleeding by pushing the blood circulation out of the uterus. It also relieves cramps.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder to a cup of hot water, boil for a few minutes, add honey and drink twice a day during your menstrual period.
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Chamomile tea benefits for the skin

chamomile tea

  • Add some chamomile leaves to a cup of boiling water.
  • Let it brew for 5 minutes.
  • Drink the tea after it has cooled.


This herbal tea prevents excessive bleeding and blood clots.

  • Add 1 tablespoon of sage to a glass of boiled water.
  • Let it brew for 5-7 minutes.
  • Drink the tea every 3 hours for 3 days.

How to Stop Excessive Menstrual Bleeding?

What does menorrhagia mean?

Cold compress

Doing a cold compress reduces blood flow as well as lower abdominal pain. 

  • Wrap the ice cubes in a clean towel.
  • Put it on your stomach for at least 15 minutes.
  • Try to lie down and get some rest.
  • If symptoms persist, apply this treatment every 4 hours.

Iron-rich foods

Iron is important for body health, even more so for women who lose blood every month. iron deficiencyto prevent what menstruation The following should be noted during;

  • Eat iron-rich foods such as dark green vegetables, pumpkin seeds, legumes, egg yolks, liver, raisins, plums, and red meat.
  • Alternatively, you can use an iron supplement after consulting a doctor.

foods high in magnesium


Magnesiumis an essential mineral for balancing female hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Excessive menstrual bleeding It may be due to a lack of magnesium in the body, so eat magnesium-rich foods:

  • Consume magnesium-rich foods such as nuts and seeds, avocados, oats, dark chocolate, squash, melon, and watermelon.
  • Alternatively, you can take a magnesium supplement after consulting a doctor.

Omega 3

Omega-3 rich foodsconsumption of menstruationRelieves severe symptoms of Consume animal foods, especially seafood rich in omega 3, fish oil and flaxseed oil.

Orange juice

Orange juice drink excessive menstrual bleeding useful for Vitamin C in oranges reduces the symptoms of heavy bleeding.

  • Prepare a glass of orange juice.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to the glass.
  • Drink 4-5 times a day.

What are the complications of excessive menstrual bleeding?

Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleedingcan lead to medical conditions such as:

  • Anemia: Menorrhagiacan cause anemia by reducing the number of circulating red blood cells. Menorrhagiacan reduce iron levels enough to increase the risk of iron deficiency anemia.
  • severe pain: Heavy menstrual bleeding It may be accompanied by painful menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea). 

Your excessive menstrual bleedingAre there any other natural remedies you've tried and think it works? You can write in the comments.

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