What is Creatine, Which is the Best Type of Creatine? Benefits and Harm

creatineis one of the most widely used nutritional supplements in the world to improve athletic performance.

Our body naturally produces this molecule to perform a variety of important functions, including energy production. Sure, it's found in some foods, especially meat.

Although it is naturally found and obtained from food, creatine supplements Consumption increases the body's stores. Thus, exercise performance and strength also increases.

how to use creatine

There are many varieties; This makes it difficult for you to choose which one to choose. 

In this text; “What does creatine mean?"Most preferred"creatine types", "what does creatine do", "creatine effects" Issues such as will be mentioned.

What is Creatine?

It is a molecule similar in structure to amino acids, they are the building blocks of protein. Vegans have less of them in their bodies, as their primary food source is meat. 

If vegetarians consume it as a nutritional supplement, its content in the muscles can increase by up to 40%.

Creatine supplement Its use has been extensively studied for many years. It has been found to have potential benefits for improving exercise performance, musculoskeletal health as well as brain health.

What does creatine do?

It is available in the form of phosphate and plays a critical role in cellular energy production. This is because it is involved in the formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an important source of cellular energy.

In general, scientists the use of creatine supplementssays that it increases strength and power production, or that strength can be produced over a period of time during exercise.

Some research has shown that it can improve sprinting and swimming performance. It has also been determined that taking it as a supplement can reduce mental fatigue.

It comes in many different types. Most used creatine types It is as follows:

What Are the Types of Creatine?

creatine variety

Creatine Monohydrate

"What is creatine monohydrate?" As the answer to the question; We can say that it is the most widely used supplement form. This form has been used in most of the research on the subject.

This form is a creatine It consists of a molecule of water and a water molecule and is processed in several ways. Occasionally, water molecules are absent and exist in an anhydrous form. Extraction of water, each dose creatine increases the amount.

Monohydrate, In addition to its effect on performance, it also increases the water content in muscle cells. This provides beneficial effects on muscle growth by signaling cell swelling.

Many studies show that its consumption is safe and creatine monohydrateyou have a serious side effect shows that it is not.

When minor side effects occur, a bulge usually occurs in the abdomen. This side effect goes away when a smaller dose is taken rather than taking a larger dose.

Because it is safe, effective and affordable, creatine monohydrate Recommended creatine varietyd.

Creatine Ethyl Ester

Some manufacturers creatine ethyl esterclaims to be superior to other forms of supplementation, including the monohydrate form. Some evidence suggests that it can absorb better than monohydrate in the body. 

Additionally, due to differences in muscle gain rate, some monohydrateHe believes that he can perform better than his.

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However, in a study that directly compared the two forms, it was determined that the content in the blood was worse towards the increase. Therefore ethyl ester It is not recommended to use the form.

Creatine Hydrochloride

Creatine hydrochloride (HC1) has gained considerable popularity among some manufacturers and those who use the supplement.

Due to its superior solubility in water, it is thought that a lower dose can be used and reduces the relatively common side effects such as abdominal bloating. However, until this theory is tested, it will not go beyond mere rumor.

One study found that HC1 is 38 times more soluble than the monohydrate form. Unfortunately, HC1 in humans creatineThere are no published experiments in it.

MonohydrateGiven the vast amount of data supporting the efficacy of the HCl form, it cannot be stated that the HCl form is superior to the monohydrate during the experiments until the two are compared. 

Buffered Creatine

Some supplement manufacturers add alkaline powder, resulting in a buffered form creatine effectThey tried to increase the ni. This can increase his strength, swelling and can reduce its side effects such as cramping.

However, a study directly comparing the buffered and monohydrate forms found no difference in efficacy or side effects.

Participants in this study took the supplements while maintaining their normal weight training program for 28 days. 

Regardless of which form it was taken, pressure strength and power generation increased while cycling. Overall, the buffered forms were not worse, but not better, than the monohydrate forms in this study.

Liquid Creatine

creatine benefits

Most creatine supplements powdered but ready-to-drink versions dissolve in water. Limited research examining the liquid forms shows that they are less effective than monohydrate powders.

One study found that the effectiveness performed during cycling was improved by 10% with a monohydrate powder, but not in liquid form.

In addition, in a liquid state for several days creatinine seems to be spoiled. Spoilage does not occur immediately, so mixing the powder with water right before drinking is okay.

Creatine Magnesium Chelate

Magnesium chelate It is a supplement that is "chelated" with magnesium. This is magnesium creatine means it is added to the molecule.

One study compared pressure strength and endurance between groups consuming monohydrate, magnesium chelate, or placebo (ineffective drug).

Both the monohydrate and magnesium chelate groups improved their performance more than the placebo group. 

Because, magnesium chelateIt is thought to be an effective form, but not better than standard monohydrate forms.

 How to Use Creatine, What Are Its Benefits?

Here is based on scientific evidence creatine benefits…

creatine supplement

Helps muscle cells produce more energy

Supplements increase the phosphocreatine stores of the muscles. Phosphocreatine helps create new ATP, the key molecule that cells use for energy and all essential functions.

During exercise, ATP breaks down to produce energy. The ATP resynthesis rate limits the ability to work continuously at maximum intensity - you use ATP faster than you produce it.

Creatine useincreases phosphocreatine stores, allowing them to generate more ATP energy to nourish the muscles during high-intensity exercises.

Supports many functions in the muscles

Creatinine task to build muscle mass. It can alter multiple cellular pathways that lead to new muscle formation. For example, it speeds up the formation of proteins that form new muscle fibers.

It also raises levels of IGF-1, a growth factor that promotes an increase in muscle mass. It also increases the water content of the muscles. This is known as cell volume and increases muscle size.

Additionally, some research shows that it reduces levels of myostatin, a molecule responsible for inhibiting muscle growth. Myostatin reduction helps muscle build faster. 

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Increases high intensity exercise performance

Its direct role in ATP production means it can significantly improve high-intensity exercise performance. It improves various factors, including:

- Force

- Sprint ability

Muscular endurance

Fatigue resistance

Muscle mass

- Recovery

Brain performance

One review found that high intensity exercise improved performance by up to 15%.

It accelerates the growth of muscles

Your creatine supplementTaking as little as 5-7 days has been shown to significantly increase lean body weight and muscle size. This rise is due to the increased water content in the muscles.

In one study of a six-week training program, participants using the supplement gained, on average, 2kg more muscle mass than the control group. 

Similarly, a comprehensive review showed that those who took the supplement had a significant increase in muscle mass compared to those who followed the same training regimen without the supplement.

This review also compared to the world's most popular fitness supplements and among those available “creatine is the best”He concluded. 

The advantage is that it is more affordable and much safer than other sports supplements.

Effective for Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease is a decrease in the key neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. The large decrease in dopamine levels causes brain cell death and various serious symptoms such as tremors, loss of muscle function, and speech impairment.

Creatine, It has been associated with the beneficial effects of Parkinson's in mice and prevents 90% of the drop in dopamine levels. 

Weight training is often given to Parkinson's patients in an attempt to treat loss of muscle function and strength.

In individuals with Parkinson's disease, combining supplements with weight training improved strength and daily function much more than training alone.

Fights other neurological diseases

An important factor in various neurological diseases is the decrease in phosphocreatine in the brain. creatine It helps reduce or slow the progression of the disease as it can increase levels.

In Huntington's disease mice, the supplements restored the brain's phosphocreatine stores to 26% of pre-disease levels, compared to only 72% for control mice.

Studies in animals suggest that the use of supplements may also treat other diseases.

Alzheimer's disease

Ischemic stroke


Brain or spinal cord injuries

It has also shown benefits against ALS, a disease necessary for movement and affecting motor neurons. Motor function, reduced muscle wasting, and increased survival rate by 17%.

Although more studies in humans are needed, many researchers believe that supplements are a shield against neurological diseases when used in conjunction with traditional medicines.

It lowers blood sugar levels and combats diabetes

Research, creatine use ofshows that by increasing the function of GLUT4, a transporter molecule that brings blood sugar to muscles, it can lower blood sugar levels.

One 12-week study looked at how supplementation affected blood sugar levels after a high-carb meal.

creatine and those who combined exercise were better at controlling their blood sugar levels than those who just exercised.

The short-term blood glucose response to food is an important indicator of diabetes risk. Its faster work means the body clears blood sugar better.

Improves brain function

Supplements play an important role in brain health and function. Research shows that the brain requires a significant amount of ATP when performing difficult tasks.

Supplements increase phosphocreatine stores in your brain to help it produce more ATP. 

Also The Turkish dopamine levels and aids brain function by increasing mitochondria function.

For the elderly, as a result of two weeks of supplementation, their memory and recall ability has been significantly improved. In older adults, it can improve brain function, protect against neurological disease, and reduce age-related muscle and strength loss.

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creatine power performance

Reduces fatigue

creatine use of it also reduces fatigue. In a six-month study in people with traumatic brain injury, creatine Those supplemented with with a 50% reduction in dizziness were seen. 

Additionally, only 10% of patients in the support group experienced fatigue compared to 80% in the control group.

Another study found that supplementation had less of a consequence of insomnia. fatigue and increased energy levels.

Is Creatine Harmful? Creatine Side Effects and Harm

Creatine supplement, Not only does it provide the benefits listed above, it is also one of the cheapest and safest dietary supplements available. 

It has been researched for more than 200 years and there are numerous studies supporting its safety for long-term use.

Clinical studies lasting up to five years show benefit in healthy individuals and report no side effects. However, it is a supplement that can be damaged in some cases.

Creatine harms may include:

Creatine Side Effects

Kidney damage

Liver damage

- Kidney stone

Weight gain



- Muscle cramps

Digestive problems

Compartment syndrome


Creatine and Drug Interactions

It is best to consult a doctor before starting any supplement. You should avoid supplements if you are taking any medications that affect liver or kidney function.

These drugs include anti-inflammatory drugs such as cyclosporine, aminoglycosides, gentamicin, tobramycin, ibuprofen, and numerous other drugs.

creatine It helps stabilize blood sugar, so if you are using a medication known to affect blood sugar, you should discuss its use with a doctor.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have a serious condition such as heart disease or cancer, you should consult a doctor for its use.

what is creatine

Does creatine make you gain weight?

Research, creatine supplementshas documented in detail that it causes a rapid increase in body weight.

One week high dose creatine After loading (20 grams / day), 1-3 kg weight gain occurred due to the increase in muscle water.

In the long run, studies will reduce body weight. creatine It shows that it may continue to increase more in users than those who do not. However, weight gain is due to increased muscle mass, not body fat.

As a result;

creatineis an effective supplement with powerful benefits for both athletic performance and health.

It can boost brain function, fight certain neurological diseases, improve exercise performance, and accelerate muscle growth.

With the support of the strongest research backed by studies showing their effectiveness in increasing the body's stores and improving exercise performance, and based on scientific evidence, the best, creatine monohydrate recommended.

Although several other forms are available, there is very little research examining the effectiveness of most of them. Creatine recommendation As such, the monohydrate form is relatively inexpensive, effective, and widely available.

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