What is Jujube Fruit, How to Eat, How Many Calories? Benefits and Harm

JujubeIs a fruit native to the east of South Asia. This small round fruit with seeds is used in large flowering shrubs or trees. grows ( Ziziphus jujube ).

Jujube tree fruit, When ripe, it is dark red or purple in color and has a slightly wrinkled appearance. This little fruit is more like a date palm and is also known worldwide as red persimmon, Korean persimmon, Chinese persimmon, and Indian persimmon.

It is packed with nutrients like polysaccharides and flavonoids. It is known to be beneficial for gastrointestinal issues such as constipation. It is widely used in alternative medicine to improve sleep and reduce anxiety.

Nutritional Value of Jujube

Jujube calories It is a low fruit, as well as rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Equivalent to about 3 fruit servings 100 grams of raw jujube It has the following nutrient content;

Calories: 79

Protein: 1 grams

Fat: 0 grams

Carbs: 20 grams

Fiber: 10 grams

Vitamin C: 77% of the Daily Value (DV)

Potassium: 5% of the DV

With its high fiber content and low calorie, this little fruit is the perfect, healthy snack.

Jujube vitamin and its mineral content is low, but it is an important vitamin with antioxidant and immune-boosting properties. C vitamin It is particularly rich in terms of food.

It also plays a vital role in muscle control and electrolyte balance. potassium It contains.

Additionally, this fruit contains carbohydrates in the form of natural sugars that provide energy to the body. Calories and sugar content of dried fruit fresh jujubehigher than tan. During drying, the sugars in the fruit become concentrated.

What Are the Benefits of Jujube Fruit?

Hünnab fruit It has long been used in alternative medicine to treat conditions such as insomnia and anxiety.

Animal and test-tube studies show that the fruit can provide impressive benefits for the nervous, immune, and digestive system.

Jujube fruit It is rich in calcium, potassium, saponins, flavonoids, betulinic acid, vitamins A and C. This content provides a line of defense from minor pains to chronic diseases.

Rich in antioxidants

Jujube fruit, It is rich in many antioxidant compounds, mainly flavonoids, polysaccharides and triterpenic acids. It also contains high levels of vitamin C, which also acts as an antioxidant.

AntioxidantsThey are compounds that can prevent and reverse the damage caused by excess free radicals.

Free radical damage is thought to be a significant contributor to many chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

An animal study, jujube He found that the antioxidant activity of flavonoids helped reduce stress and inflammation caused by free radical damage in the liver.

Improves sleep and brain function

This small red fruit is widely used in alternative medicine to improve sleep quality and brain function.

Studies show that the unique antioxidants in the fruit's content may be responsible for these effects.

Jujube fruit and core extracts have been found to improve sleep time and quality in rats.

Also, animal and test-tube studies show that it can improve memory and help protect brain cells from destruction.

Studies in mice, jujube seed extractabout Alzheimer's diseasecan help treat dementia caused by 

Reduces cancer risk by strengthening immunity

This fruit can inhibit the growth of cancer cells by enhancing immunity.

In a test-tube study, natural sugars with antioxidant properties jujube It has been stated that polysaccharides can scavenge free radicals, neutralize harmful cells and reduce inflammation.

Decreased inflammation and free radical levels help prevent chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

Another study found that a type of fiber with antioxidant properties jujube He found that lignins increase the production of immune cells.

In a rat study, jujube extractstrengthened immune cells called natural killer cells that can destroy harmful invading cells.

This beneficial fruit is also rich in vitamin C, which is thought to have powerful anticancer properties. In a mouse study, high-dose injections of vitamin C were found to kill thyroid cancer cells.

Also, test tube studies jujube extracts It has shown that it kills a variety of cancer cells, including ovarian, cervical, breast, liver, colon and skin cancer cells.

Researchers believe these benefits are primarily a result of the antioxidant compounds in the fruit. 

Improves digestion

Jujube fruithigh fiber content of improve digestion It helps. Approximately 50% of the carbohydrates in the fruit come from fiber, which is known for its beneficial digestive effects.

This nutrient provides softening and volume to the stool. As a result, it speeds up the movement of food in the digestive tract and reduces constipation.

What's more, the pulp of the fruit helps strengthen the lining of the stomach and intestines. Fiber in the fruit acts as food for beneficial gut bacteria.

Improves heart health

Jujube fruitPotassium content is high and sodium ratio is low. Potassium relaxes blood vessels and helps regulate blood pressure levels.

The fruit has also been found to work as an antiatherogenic agent. It prevents fat from accumulating and clogging arteries.

Hünnabin It has also been found to help reduce the amount of lipids in the blood of obese adolescents. It reduces the risk of heart disease in adolescents.

Reduces chronic constipation

A study conducted by the Meir Medical Center in Israel, jujube extract found that taking it not only relieved the symptoms of chronic constipation but also improved the quality of life.

Regulates circulation

Optimum blood circulation means the organs receive oxygen and you will feel more energetic in this state. Several a day eat jujubefeeds the blood.

Iron and phosphorus in the fruit play an important role in this regard.

Reduces inflammation

Jujube extractTopical use of the drug helps relieve a range of muscle aches and joint pains. 

It reduces stress and anxiety

Traditionally, jujube It has been used to treat symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. The fruit has a calming effect on the mind and body.

A study on mice, hünnabin It has shown that it reduces anxiety when taken in lower doses and has a calming effect when taken in higher doses.

Increases bone strength

Jujube fruit Useful for the elderly or those with brittle bones. It has high mineral concentration necessary for bone formation. This small fruit contains calcium and phosphorus that support bone health.

Jujube helps to lose weight

Jujube It is a low-calorie fruit and does not contain fat. Additionally, it has a high fiber and protein content. Protein and fiber-rich foods are known to increase satiety and potentially aid weight loss. Between meals have a jujube snackprevents eating unhealthy snacks.

Helps cleanse the blood

JujubeIt has anti-inflammatory properties. With this feature, it helps to cleanse the blood. Fighting inflammation is a way of cleansing toxins and boosting immunity.

Protects against brain damage

Brain cells begin to degenerate with age. This increases the risk of a range of neurological disorders. Jujube it calms the mind. Studies indicate that the fruit could be a potential candidate for the treatment of neurological diseases.

Jujube It also improves the functioning of astrocytes responsible for protecting neurons.

Improves cognitive function

Mouse studies, jujube extractIt shows that it can increase memory. Jujube extract it also increased nerve cell growth and development in the dentate gyrus region in mice. Dentate gyrus is one of the two areas in the brain where new nerve cells develop.

Has antimicrobial properties

Jujube fruit It helps fight infections, as it is rich in immune-enhancing phytochemicals.

JujubeIt has been proven that the flavonoids present in the sea are potent antimicrobial agents. The ethanolic extract of this fruit has been found to help treat infections in children.

The second reason to use the jujube fruitIt has been found in experimental studies that betulinic acid, which is present in, fights HIV and influenza virus infection.

Skin benefits of jujube fruit

Hünnabin Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help treat acne, blemishes and scars. 

Hünnabin eczemaIt has been found to relieve itching caused by It has also shown the potential to prevent the spread of melanoma (skin cancer).

Helps remove toxins in breast milk

In a study conducted in Iran, breastfeeding mothers took 15 grams per day for two months to test the effect on lead and cadmium levels in breast milk. fresh jujube provided to eat.

At the end of the research, jujube In contrast to the control group of women who ate it, lower levels of these toxic elements were found in their milk.

Calories in jujube fruit

What Are the Harms of Jujube Fruit?

For most people eat jujube fruit is safe. However, if you are using the antidepressant medication venlafaxine or other serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs), as they may interact with these medications. jujubeyou should avoid the tan.

Additionally, one mouse study found that fruit extract can potentiate the effects of some seizure medications, including phenytoin, phenobarbitone, and carbamazepine.

You should not eat this fruit if you are using any of these medicines.

How to Eat Jujube Fruit?

It is a small and sweet fruit, dateIt has a similar texture to that of. When raw, it has a sweet, apple-like flavor. 

In some parts of Asia, the homeland of the fruit, jujube vinegarIt is widely consumed as fruit juice, marmalade and honey.

Jujube Fruit Selection and Storage

Jujube Available from July to November. Fresh jujube If you want to buy it, choose the light green and hard ones.

If you are going to consume it within 3-4 days, fresh jujube store on the counter. They will last a few weeks in the fridge. Dry jujube can be stored and used for several months. 

As a result;

Which is a red fruit jujube fruit It is low in calories and rich in fiber and other nutrients. It has many health benefits due to its antioxidant content.

If you are using venlafaxine or some anti-seizure medications, you should avoid this fruit.

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