Coconut Benefits, Harm and Calories

Coconut, coconut tree ( Cocos nucifera ) is the fruit. It is used for its water, milk, butter and delicious meat.

Coconut fruit It grows in the tropics for over 4.500 years, but has recently grown in popularity for its culinary uses and potential health benefits.

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Nutritional Value of Coconut

Unlike many fruits that are high in carbohydrates coconut mostly consists of oil. It also contains protein, several important minerals, and small amounts of B vitamins. However, it is not a major source of most other vitamins.

coconutThe minerals in it play a role in many functions in the body. It is particularly high in manganese, which is essential for bone health and carbohydrate, protein and cholesterol metabolism.

It also helps form red blood cells, as well as selenium, an important antioxidant that protects cells. Virgin and is rich in iron.

coconut benefits

Here is 1 cup (100 grams) of raw and dried coconut values;

 Raw coconut meatDry coconut meat
Calorie                         354650
Protein3 gram7.5 gram
Carbohydrate15 gram25 gram
Lif9 gram18 gram
Fat33 gram65 gram
Manganese75% of the Daily Value (DV)                 137% of the DV
Virgin22% of the DV40% of the DV
Selenium14% of the DV26% of the DV
Magnesium8% of the DV23% of the DV
Phosphorus11% of the DV21% of the DV
Iron13% of the DV18% of the DV
Potassium10% of the DV16% of the DV

Most of the oils in the fruit are in the form of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). The body metabolizes MCTs differently from other types of fat, absorbing them directly from the small intestine and quickly utilizing them for energy.

A review of the benefits of MCTs in people with obesity found that these fats burn fat in the body when eaten instead of long-chain saturated fats from animal foods.

What Are the Benefits of Coconut?

coconut oil benefits

Good for heart health

Studies show that those living in the Polynesian islands and often coconut They found that people who ate it had lower rates of heart disease than modern diets.

Overall, it has been concluded that the oil has a neutral effect on cholesterol levels.

Dried coconut meatThe consumption of the extra virgin oil obtained from the oil decreases the belly fat. This is particularly useful because belly fat increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Provides blood sugar control

Since this fruit is low in carbohydrates and high in fiber and fat, it balances blood sugar levels.

In a rat study, coconuthas been found to have antidiabetic effects, possibly due to its arginine content.

Arginine is an amino acid important for the functioning of pancreatic cells that release the hormone insulin to regulate blood sugar levels.

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The high fiber content of the fruit's flesh also helps slow digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. insulin resistanceIt provides improvement.

Contains powerful antioxidants

The flesh of the fruit contains phenolic compounds, which are antioxidants that can help protect cells from oxidative damage. The main phenolic compounds identified are:

Gallic acid

Caffeic acid

- Salicylic acid

P-coumaric acid

Laboratory tests on the flesh of the fruit have shown that it has antioxidant and free radical scavenging activity.

Some test-tube and animal studies also coconut It has shown that the antioxidants found in its oil can help protect cells from oxidative stress and the damage and death caused by chemotherapy.

Delays aging

coconutThe cytokines, kinetin and trans-zeatin, have anti-thrombotic, anti-carcinogenic and anti-aging effects on the body.

coconut oil beauty

Strengthens immunity

coconutThe nutrients in it are great for the immune system. It is antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and anti-parasitic. 

Coconut oil consumption can help increase the body's resistance to both viruses and bacteria that cause disease.

In its raw form coconut consume, throat infections, bronchitis, urinary tract infectioncan help treat the worst and most resistant diseases such as tapeworms.

It is beneficial for general health

Surveys, daily coconut It proved that those who consume it are healthier than those who do not.

Gives energy

coconuthelps increase energy by burning fat. The triglycerides found in coconut oil increase 24-hour energy expenditure by 5%, which aids weight loss in the long term.

It is also known to reduce the hunger crisis. This is directly related to the appetite-reducing effect of fatty acids in the body by the way they are metabolized as ketone.

Always coconut People who use their products have a stronger ability to eat for several hours without the effect of hypoglycemia.

It also supports healthy thyroid function and helps alleviate chronic fatigue symptoms.

Treat epilepsy

Ketogenic dietis a low-carb diet used to treat a variety of disorders. Its best known application is to treat epilepsy in children.

The diet involves eating small amounts of carbohydrates and large amounts of fat, which can cause an increased concentration of ketone bodies in the blood. This diet can significantly reduce the rate of seizures in epileptic children.

Coconut oil users

Fights cancer

coconutIt has also been proven that the nutrients contained in it have anti-cancer properties. It is especially useful in the treatment of colon and breast cancer.

Prevents urinary tract infection

coconutIts natural diuretic properties treat urinary tract infections. It improves urine flow to naturally get rid of the infection.

Improves blood cholesterol

coconuthelps improve blood cholesterol levels in the body and reduces the risk of heart disease. coconutThe saturated fats in it raise the good cholesterol in the body and control LDL as a benign subtype. 

This development in cardiovascular risk factors theoretically leads to a reduced risk of developing heart disease.

It is extremely beneficial during pregnancy

coconut its water is sterile and very good for pregnant women. It improves the immunity and health of mother and baby and prevents infection and other diseases. It also increases amniotic fluid levels to improve the overall health of the fetus.

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Fights bacteria

coconutin high amounts, which help kill bacteria, viruses and fungi and keep infections at bay monolaurin and lauric acid.

Provides oral hygiene

coconut The water can be used as mouthwash to kill oral bacteria, reduce bad breath and improve overall dental health.

Provides healthy bones and teeth

Regularly eat coconutsupports the development of healthy bones and teeth. It improves the body's ability to absorb calcium and manganese minerals that aid in bone development.

It also prevents osteoporosis, a condition that makes bones thin and fragile and loses their density. Lactose intolerance It is a healthy alternative for those.

coconut oil mask face

Benefits of Coconut for Skin

coconutis often used in the cosmetic industry in the form of oil to improve skin and hair health and appearance.

Fights dryness

Coconut oil If used on the skin, it prevents dryness and exfoliation, provides moisturizing and elasticity. It also supports the skin and tries to repair the damage it has received over time. 

It alleviates a common skin condition called neurosis that is characterized by dry, rough and flaky skin. Also prone to infections such as Staphylococcus aurous atopic dermatitisIt also reduces the severity of the in.

Use of coconutCleans and neutralizes toxins, fungi and bacteria found in the outer layers of the skin, which not only detoxifies but also creates the skin's natural immune system and protection.

Effective on dry hands

Extra virgin coconut oil can also be used to repair dry hands. Regular dishwashing often dries the skin and causes an unsightly appearance.

Instead of using expensive chemical cosmetics, apply pure coconut oil to get beautiful and smooth hands.

Prevents skin cancer

It improves the moisture and lipid content of the skin and prevents skin cancer by blocking 20% ​​of severe ultraviolet rays. It can be used as a body and skin moisturizer as it moisturizes the skin by replenishing natural oils. 

Coconut oilIt can also be used to clean the face by rubbing in circular motions.

Rejuvenates the skin

Coconut oil Perfect for keeping skin young and beautiful. Its antioxidant property slows down the aging process by protecting the body from harmful free radicals. Massaging a few drops of coconut oil every day will keep it healthy and smooth. 

Apply to skin before shower. This will open up the pores during showering and allow the oil to penetrate the skin more efficiently.

Moisturizes skin

Eating coconut moisturizes the skin, makes the skin young and supple. Take a teaspoon of raw, uncooked coconut oil and massage it into the skin.

This will minimize skin outbreaks, rashes and irritation, and when taken from the inside, it will beautify the skin from the inside.

Promotes blood circulation

Eating coconut It regularly increases the oxygen in the skin and supports blood circulation. Cells need sufficient oxygen and this can only be possible with proper circulation in the oxygen-carrying body. This allows the skin to breathe properly and promotes healthy and flawless skin.

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Treat oily skin

Coconut water can also be used to treat oily skin. It cleans the excess oil from the skin and keeps the skin tone more even.

Coconut water is also very effective on acne, blackheads and blemishes. Make a face mask by mixing half a teaspoon of turmeric, 1 teaspoon of sandalwood powder and coconut water. Apply on face three times a week to get clean and radiant skin.

Removes eye makeup

Coconut oil can also be used to remove eye makeup. Put a few drops of coconut oil on a cotton ball and wipe your eyes with it.

It effectively removes harsh eye makeup by breaking down the ingredients in eye makeup. It keeps the skin moist too.

Does coconut oil shed hair

Coconut Benefits for Hair

coconuthelps treat hair loss problems. Both coconut water and coconut oil can help treat hair loss.

Before bathing, massage your hair with coconut water or coconut oil. This will also make the hair soft, smooth and manageable.

Prevents scalp infections

coconutIts antibacterial and antifungal properties protect the scalp from dandruff, lice and itchy scalp.

coconut It can also help to have shiny and silky hair.

What Are the Harms of Coconut?

It is necessary to be careful while consuming this fruit, which is high in calories and fat. Because consuming too much can cause weight gain.

Although rare some people coconut allergywhat he can have. If you are allergic to this fruit, you should avoid consuming all products made with it.

Coconut milk benefits for hair

What To Do With Coconut?

Its raw white flesh is inside the skins of the fruit. It has a firm texture and a delicious, slightly sweet taste.

All coconutGet down, you can eat the raw meat by scraping it from the shell. Coconut milk and cream is removed from raw, grated meat.

Dried coconut meat It is usually grated or shaved and used in cooking or baking. By further processing coconut flour It is turned into. Coconut oil It is also obtained from meats.

As a result;

coconut It is a high-fat fruit with a wide variety of health benefits. It provides disease-fighting antioxidants, balances blood sugar, and reduces heart disease risk factors.

However, it's high in calories and fat, so be careful not to overdo it, especially if you're trying to lose weight.

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