What is Atopic Dermatitis and Causes? Symptoms and Herbal Treatment

Atopic dermatitisis a common and often persistent skin disease that affects a large percentage of the world's population.

Also known as dermatitis eczemais a term also used for skin conditions. The most common type of eczema atopic dermatitisTruck.

Atopic dermatitis It is not contagious and is most common in infants and children. 

As the children get older, the condition may worsen or recover completely. The discomfort of the worsening children continues even into adulthood.

Atopic dermatitisThe exact cause of the in is unknown; however, environmental and genetic factors are considered responsible for this skin condition.

Atopic dermatitisThe most common symptom of intense itching.

It is usually treated with creams, corticosteroids, antihistamines and phototherapy.

Skin care, stress management, wearing loose cotton clothing, trying sea salt baths, and using lavender are all solutions that can help and can be tried at home.

What is Atopic Dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitisThe skin becomes extremely itchy and inflamed, causing redness, swelling, vesicle formation (small blisters), cracking, crusting and scaling.

This type of eruption is called eczematous. In addition, dry skin is a very common complaint in almost all people with atopic dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis Many children have a permanent recovery of the disease as they grow up, although their skin can be slightly dry and easily irritated.

Atopic dermatitis it is very common worldwide and its incidence is increasing.

It affects men and women equally. Atopic dermatitis It is most common in infants and children, and its onset decreases significantly with age.

65% of those affected develop symptoms in the first year of life, and 90% develop symptoms before the age of 5.

What are the Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis It usually occurs on the cheeks, arms and legs, but can also occur anywhere on the body. Due to severe itching, the skin may be damaged by repeated scratching or rubbing.

Atopic dermatitisOther common symptoms include:

Dry, scaly skin

- Redness


Cracks behind the ears

Rash on the cheeks, arms, or legs

Open, crusty or "painful" wounds

Atopic dermatitisshows different symptoms depending on the age of the person.

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis in infants

Dry, itchy, scaly skin

Redness of the scalp or cheeks

Clear liquid a rash that can blister and cry

Babies with these symptoms may have trouble sleeping due to skin itching. 

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis in children

Redness in the bends of the elbows, knees, or both

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- scaly skin patches in the area of ​​the rash

Light or darkened patches of skin

Thick, leathery skin

Extremely dry and scaly skin

- Redness on the neck and face, especially around the eyes

Atopic Dermatitis Causes

Atopic dermatitisThe exact cause is unknown. It is not contagious.

Atopic dermatitisIt is caused by the presence of inflamed cells in the skin. also atopic dermatitisThere is also evidence that skin of people with skin has a risky skin barrier compared to normal skin.

Due to the altered skin barrier, atopic dermatitisPeople with a skin tend to have drier skin. The skin of those living with the condition is more prone to dehydration and the introduction of irritants. All of these lead to the development of a red, itchy rash.

Conditions that Trigger Atopic Dermatitis

It is important to know how to control atopic dermatitis to prevent the condition from worsening.

Atopic dermatitis symptomsCommon triggers in the environment that should be avoided or controlled to reduce

Dry skin

Dry skin can easily cause scaly, rough skin. It, atopic dermatitis may worsen your symptoms.

Hot and cold weather

During the summer season, your skin may become irritated by sweating and overheating. During the winter, dry skin and itching may worsen.


Stress may cause the existing skin condition to worsen.


Exposure to bacteria, viruses and fungi in the environment such as staph or herpes, atopic dermatitis symptomsIt can cause infections that can trigger the disease.


Dust, pollen, mold, etc. Common airborne allergens such as airborne allergens can cause allergic reactions that may flare the skin condition.

Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes, especially in women atopic dermatitiscan make i worse.


Some daily used products such as soap, hand washing, disinfectant, detergent can irritate the skin and cause burning or itching.

Therefore, these triggers should be avoided as much as possible to prevent worsening of symptoms.

Percent Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitiscan affect the skin around the eyes, eyelids, eyebrows, and eyelashes. Scratching and rubbing the eye area can cause the appearance of the skin to change. 

Atopic dermatitisSome people with i develop an extra layer of skin under their eyes called the atopic fold or Dennie-Morgan fold.

Some people may have hyperpigmented eyelids, which means the skin on the eyelids has darkened due to inflammation or hay fever (allergic brighteners). 

Atopic dermatitisThe skin of the person with i loses excessive moisture from the epidermal layer. Atopic dermatitisSome patients with i lack a protein called filaggrin, which is important in retaining moisture. This genetic feature makes the skin very dry, reducing its protective abilities. 

In addition, the skin is very susceptible to infectious disorders such as staphylococcal and streptococcal bacterial skin infections, warts, herpes simplex and molluscum contagiosum (caused by a virus).

Skin features of atopic dermatitis

- Lichenification: thick, leathery skin caused by constant scratching and friction

- Lichen simplex: It refers to a thickened patch of skin caused by repeated rubbing and scratching of the same skin area.

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- Papules: small, raised bumps that may open when scratched, become crusty and infected

- Ichthyosis: Dry, oblong scales on the skin, usually on the lower legs

- Keratosis pilaris: Small, hard bumps, usually on the face, upper arms, and thighs. 

- Hyper linear palm: Increased skin wrinkles on the palms

- Urticaria: Hives (red, blisters), usually after exposure to an allergen, at the onset of flare-ups, or after exercise or hot baths

- Cheilitis: Skin inflammation on and around the lips

- Atopic fold (Dennie-Morgan fold): An extra skin fold that develops under the eye

- Dark circles under the eyes: It can be caused by allergies and atopy.

- Hyperpigmented eyelids: Scaling of the eyelids that become darker in color due to inflammation or hay fever.

Atopic Dermatitis Diagnosis

Diagnosis is made by physical and visual inspection of the skin. Personal history and family history of inhaled allergies will often support the diagnosis. 

A skin biopsy (a small sample of skin fragment sent to the lab to be examined under a microscope) is rarely helpful in making a diagnosis.

Many patients with severe atopic disease may have high numbers of certain types of white blood cells (eosinophils) or high serum IgE levels. 

These tests atopic dermatitis It can support the diagnosis. Additionally, skin swab (long cotton-tipped applicator or Q-tip) samples, atopic dermatitiscan be sent to the laboratory to rule out staphylococcal infections that could complicate the job

Is atopic dermatitis contagious?

Atopic dermatitisIt itself is absolutely non-contagious and is not passed from one person to another through skin contact.

Atopic dermatitissome patients with i have Staphylococcus ("Staph"), other bacteria, herpes virus (cold sores), and less commonly yeast and other fungal infections. These infections can be contagious through skin contact.

How Does Atopic Dermatitis Pass?

Depending on the severity of the skin, the doctor symptoms of atopic dermatitisHe or she will prescribe one or more drugs to reduce Some of these are those:

Skin creams or ointments

These are used to reduce swelling, rashes, and even control the body's allergic reaction to an allergen.


These drugs can provide relief in inflamed areas in the body. The redness, swelling and itching that come with skin discomfort can also be reduced.


With bacterial infection atopic dermatitis Antibiotics can be used to treat the infection, if present.


These medications can prevent too much scarring, especially at night.


This is a light therapy that should be done under a doctor's supervision. To reduce swelling and itching, increase vitamin D production, and fight bacteria on the skin, a machine is used that allows narrowband ultraviolet B (UVB) light to fall on the skin.

Atopic Dermatitis Natural Treatment

Everyday Skin Care

The daily skin care routine is important for everyone; therefore atopic dermatitisIt is twice as important for a vigorous individual. Taking a shower with lukewarm water provides relief.

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After showering, it is important to moisturize your skin with a non-irritating cream or body lotion recommended by a doctor. You can choose coconut oil and olive oil as a natural moisturizer.

Manage stress

The level of stress you experience can have a negative effect on your skin condition. Therefore, atopic dermatitis symptomsStress management is crucial to controlling.

You can do meditation or yoga at home to free your mind from a stressful situation.

Wear loose clothing

Tight clothing can cause skin irritation. Therefore, loose cotton clothing is recommended to prevent discomfort. Also, fabrics such as wool and polyester can cause itching, so these should be avoided.

Try dead sea salt baths

Studies have shown that washing in magnesium-rich salt solutions, such as Dead Sea salts, can reduce skin inflammation and increase hydration.

Make sure that the water is not too cold or too hot, as symptoms may worsen in extreme temperatures. Use lukewarm water and pat dry with a dry towel.

Use lavender essential oil

Disturbed sleep, due to constant itching atopic dermathyspirit is a common effect. Other effects include conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Lavender oilIt can aid a good sleep and reduce anxiety levels through its aroma.

When used with a carrier oil such as lavender oil, coconut oil, or almond oil, it can improve dry, itchy skin.

Does atopic dermatitis pass?

Atopic dermatitis Although it can occur at any age, it mostly affects infants and young children. Sometimes it can continue into adulthood or rarely occur during that period. 

Some patients have a prolonged course with ups and downs. In most cases, periods in which the disease worsens, called flare-ups, followed by skin healing or remission follow each other. 

Atopic dermatitisDespite the symptoms it causes, it is possible for people with the disorder to maintain a high quality of life.

The keys to improved quality of life are education, awareness and developing a partnership between patient, family and doctor. 

The doctor needs to provide the patient and family with clear information about the disease and its symptoms, and demonstrate the recommended treatment measures to ensure it is properly implemented.

Atopic dermatitis symptoms Although very difficult and uncomfortable, the disease can be successfully managed.

Those who have atopic dermatitis can write us a comment and tell us what they are doing to cope with the disease.

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