Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy and the Benefits of Walking

What do you know about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy?

Many women find pregnancy to be the perfect time to sit back and relax. But what most people don't know is that this stage requires a woman to become stronger and prepare for a healthy birth.

The extra burden of pregnancy, morning fatigue and back pain can make you want to sit all day. However, not moving or getting even a little exercise is not as healthy for your health as it is for your unborn baby.

Increasingly, research studies show that the benefits of exercise during pregnancy are of great importance for maternal and infant health. 20-30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise is recommended for pregnant women every day of the week.

Now we are here with a detailed article about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, the benefits of walking during pregnancy and which exercises should be avoided. Good reading…

Benefits of Exercising During Pregnancy

benefits of exercising during pregnancy
Benefits of exercising during pregnancy

Prevents excess weight gain

  • Weight gain is inevitable during pregnancy, but gaining too much weight can harm your health and your unborn baby. 
  • Excessive weight gain during pregnancy increases the risk of gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.
  • Ancak regular exerciseIt will help you burn extra calories and control weight.
  • In addition, exercising during pregnancy reduces the risk of pregnancy complications and the likelihood of birth complications.

Decreases the likelihood of constipation

  • Using iron supplements and increasing the level of progesterone in the body during pregnancy constipation why could it be. 
  • But women who are active and exercise regularly do not usually experience constipation.
  • An active body ensures the regularity of the intestines. Just 30 minutes of brisk walking daily keeps bowel movements regular.
  • Also, light exercises aid digestion and relieve constipation. 
  • Along with exercise, it is necessary to increase dietary fiber and fluid intake to prevent constipation.

Lowers blood pressure

  • Blood pressure occasionally rises during pregnancy, but if it happens too often or too high, it can cause preeclampsia. 
  • Being active helps reduce the risk of obstetric complications such as high blood pressure.

Prevents gestational diabetes

  • Exercising regularly from the first stage of pregnancy can help prevent gestational diabetes. This is a very common condition encountered in obese women.
  • Exercise improves glucose metabolism and prevents unhealthy weight gain during pregnancy. insulin resistancedecreases.

Improves mood

  • One of the benefits of exercising during pregnancy is that it improves your mood during pregnancy. It is even as effective as drugs in this regard. 
  • Exercise, stress ve anxietyIt promotes the release of endorphins in the body, which reduce mood, help improve mood.
  • In addition, it helps to improve the quality of sleep, which plays an important role in improving mood.

Relieves back and pelvic pain

  • Generally, women experience lower back pain as they enter the second and third trimesters. This can result from weight gain, posture changes, and tense muscles.
  • Exercise is the best option to relieve back or pelvic pain. 
  • Regular exercise strengthens the muscles, which helps the body better deal with pregnancy pains.

Effective in dealing with fatigue

  • Daily exercise will make you feel energetic and fight fatigue. Because exercise strengthens the cardiovascular system, so you don't get tired quickly.
  • One cause of fatigue during pregnancy is restlessness and not being able to sleep well at night. But exercising regularly will lead to deeper sleep and more restorative rest.

Prevents wrinkles

  • Having healthy and glowing skin is another of the benefits of exercising during pregnancy. It helps maintain skin elasticity by improving blood circulation.
  • When exercise triggers sweating, it also removes toxins from the body. In addition, exercise is one of the best ways to prevent excessive weight gain, which can occur in your stomach. stretch marks prevents it from getting worse.
  • Start exercising early, eat healthy and take good care of your skin to prevent unsightly stretch marks on the abdomen, hips and thighs.

Points to consider when exercising during pregnancy

  • Walking is a great exercise that can be done throughout pregnancy.
  • Other useful options include swimming, low-impact aerobic exercise, and cycling with a stationary bike.
  • Avoid intense exercise as it will tire you out too much.
  • Always warm up, stretch and cool down during a training session.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.
  • Start slowly, stay motivated and move.
  • It will be more fun if you do the exercise with your partner or a friend.
  • If you are unsure whether a particular activity or physical activity is safe during pregnancy, consult your doctor first.
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Benefits of Walking During Pregnancy

Above, we mentioned the benefits of exercising during pregnancy. We stated that the most wonderful exercise that can be done during this period is walking. Walking during pregnancy helps a person stay fit and healthy. It is also extremely important and necessary for the health of the baby. Whether it's daily walks or brisk walking; In order to feel fit for a longer time, it is necessary to make walking a habit during pregnancy.

Is walking helpful during pregnancy?

Walking while pregnant is a great exercise for expectant mothers. It is very useful as it does not require heavy exercises and does not tire the legs. You can walk at any time. In addition, walks benefit the heart rate and lungs by controlling unhealthy weight gain.

When to walk during pregnancy

Walking for pregnant women is recommended by many medical professionals. You can start walking from the first day of pregnancy. It is a simple and light form of exercise that can be done during pregnancy without any potential risk. But according to the doctor's advice, you need to take some precautions according to the period you are in.

Benefits of walking during pregnancy

baby's health

  • Simple walking exercise during pregnancy keeps the mother's and baby's weight under control. The baby gains weight in a healthy way.

Gestational diabetes

  • A common thing every new mother experiences is high sugar levels in the blood that will lead to type 2 diabetes after giving birth. 
  • It also increases the risk of premature birth. 
  • The other effect is an obese baby. Walking during pregnancy is quite healthy as it will keep the weight under control and keep gestational diabetes at bay.

Normal birth chance

  • Walking during pregnancy will allow you to have a normal delivery instead of a cesarean section. 
  • Walking increases the flexibility of the hip muscles. 
  • It has been proven that walking early in the morning during pregnancy for normal delivery gives positive results.

Reduces pain and discomfort

  • It is common for many expectant mothers to experience discomfort and pain in various parts of the body. 
  • Walking is extremely helpful in minimizing any pain. 

Controls weight gain

  • As we mentioned in the section on the benefits of exercising during pregnancy, walking helps a person stay in shape. 
  • It controls unhealthy weight gain and promotes an active lifestyle. Plus, walking tightens muscles and improves cardiovascular health.

stress free lifestyle

  • Whether it's anxiety, insomnia, or fatigue; walking helps beat them all and lead an overall happier lifestyle.

How to walk during pregnancy?

First Trimester

The first trimester is up to 13 weeks. Slow walking is ideal in the first trimester. The sole purpose of this stage is to walk. A 15 to 20 minute walk four days a week is fine. You can continue by gradually increasing it by 5 more minutes five times a week.

The next step is the intermediate level. At this stage, walk six days a week. Start with 20 minutes of walking and do it six days a week. Finally, aim for a 20 to 40 minute walk six days a week.

The next stage is the advanced stage. Start with a 20-minute walk five days a week. Take that to six days. Add the uphill and the stairs and by the end you should have covered 30 to 60 minutes over the course of six days.

Second Trimester

The second trimester is week 13 to 25. Start with a 4-minute walk 5-10 days a week. Increase it to 15 to 30 minutes and do it six days a week.

In the intermediate phase, start with 20 minutes of walking four to six days a week, with a total duration of 30 to 40 minutes.

In advanced stage pregnant women, walking should be started with 30-40 minutes of walking six days a week. Aim for 50 minutes of walking one day a week, either climbing stairs or walking uphill.

Third Trimester

26 to 40 weeks is the third trimester. Five to six days a week is an ideal walk during this period. You may not be able to walk with a growing belly. If you're a beginner, start with a 10-minute walk four to five days a week. Walk slowly and try not to get out of breath while walking during this phase. Stop and slow down periodically. At the end of pregnancy, especially in the 9th month, walking should be done carefully by taking all precautions.

At the end of this period, you should have walked for 5-6 minutes 15-30 days a week.

Things to consider when walking during pregnancy

While hiking, always keep the following in mind:

  • Take your walk safely. Don't get overly stressed. Keeping yourself fit and healthy is a precautionary measure.
  • Talk while walking every few minutes. If you find yourself gasping for breath, it's probably time to stop.
  • If you feel a lot of pain or sudden swelling, dizziness, fainting after walking, you should stop walking immediately and talk to your doctor about the safety of walking any further.
  • Know your fitness level. If you are a beginner, start by walking slowly and three times a day. Try to take a day off between each walk. Add a day or so when you feel ready. By the end of your pregnancy, you should be able to walk faster than before and at least 3-4 days a week. If you're intermediate, start by walking four times for about 20 minutes. Speed ​​should be tried and by the end of your pregnancy you should be more fit than before and be able to walk about five days a week and still feel energetic about it.
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Exercising during pregnancy can have side effects as well as benefits.

Although we all know that walking is great for expectant mothers, sometimes it can have side effects.

  • fainting, fatigue, dizziness, convulsions, vaginal bleedingWatch out for chest pain or weakness. If you experience any of these while walking, see a doctor immediately.
  • If you have high blood pressure, heart disease or lung disease, consult a doctor before you start walking.
  • Brisk walking during pregnancy may not always be correct. If you have any difficulties with speed, slow down and pay attention!
How to walk during pregnancy?

It is not easy to get up and start walking right away. Here are some tips to keep in mind…

don't force yourself

In general, walking for about 150 minutes per week is considered safe for a pregnant woman. When split, it takes a 30-minute walk five days a week. You must be active during this time period. The more active you are, the more benefits you will get.

Carry a water bottle

The most important thing to do during pregnancy is not to be dehydrated. Drink plenty of water while walking and exercising.

Walking shoe

To support your ankles, the best method is to use walking shoes. Do not wear slippers or shoes that will disturb your feet as they may slip.

Don't forget sunscreen

In summer, going out without sunscreen can put your baby's life at risk due to ultraviolet rays. Umbrellas, hats and water bottles are other items that should not be overlooked. Dehydration can increase your body temperature, which is not good for your baby.

If you have high blood pressure, heart problems or a risky pregnancy, always consult your doctor before starting exercise.

While there are benefits to exercising during pregnancy, every expectant mother's situation is different. Therefore, the level and limits of exercise will differ from person to person.

How does the body respond to exercise during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the body changes in many ways. When you exercise, you may experience these changes:

Balance: You may lose your balance more easily while exercising during pregnancy.

Body temperature: Body temperature is slightly higher during pregnancy. For this reason, you sweat more quickly than when you were not pregnant.

Breath: As the baby grows and your body changes, you will need more oxygen. When your belly gets bigger, it puts pressure on the diaphragm, a muscle that helps with breathing. You may even feel out of breath at times.

Energy: Your body works hard to ensure the baby's development. This is why you may feel sluggish during pregnancy.

Pulse: The heart works harder and beats faster to supply the baby with oxygen during pregnancy.

Joints: Your body produces more of some hormones during pregnancy. This makes the tissues that support the joints more comfortable. Avoid movements that strain the joints.

Exercises to Avoid During Pregnancy

Here are the benefits of exercising during pregnancy. So can you do any kind of exercise while pregnant?  Certain types of exercise are not recommended during pregnancy. Because it puts pressure on the uterus and can be fatal. Now let's look at the exercises that should be avoided during pregnancy.

jarring movements such as jumping

Exercises that involve jumping and jarring movements should definitely be avoided during pregnancy. Such movements are disturbing. It can create balance problems for both mother and baby. Making any jerky movements can harm you and your baby.

Holding breath

Since you are pregnant and have to meet the needs of both bodies, it is strongly recommended to avoid exercises involving breath holding. You and your baby need a constant supply of oxygen, and holding your breath can be deadly. Any deficiency in the amount of oxygen during pregnancy can cause a defect in the development of the unborn baby.


As we said, any exercise that causes a lack of oxygen should be avoided during pregnancy. Scuba diving is very dangerous for both the mother and her unborn baby, as it cuts off the oxygen supply. This activity should be strictly avoided during pregnancy to have a healthy baby.

Exercises that include advanced abdominal movements

Exercises like full sit-ups or double leg raises are forward abdominal moves. Such exercises cause stress on the abdominal muscles and can cause the abdominal muscles to separate and tear from the midline, which is harmful to both mother and baby.

Sports with a risk of falling

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Since the risk of falling and injury is very high, gymnastics, downhill skiing, snowboarding, etc. It is on the list of exercises to avoid while pregnant. Getting injured is something you shouldn't face during pregnancy because it can lead to miscarriage. Other sports included in this category are ice skating, horseback riding, hockey, soccer, bungee jumping, etc. Such activities should be strictly avoided while pregnant, especially for the safety of your baby.

Exercises that involve lying on your back

Exercises to avoid during pregnancy are those that involve lying on your back. Because lying on your back during this period can be extremely harmful as well as uncomfortable. In this position, the weight of the expanding uterus compresses your major blood vessels, restricting circulation, which can ultimately harm the baby.


Backbends or other twists are extremely harmful to your baby, especially during pregnancy. Other movements that involve deep flexing of the joints can also cause injury to you and your baby. Therefore, to have a healthy pregnancy, you should definitely avoid bending over backwards.

still posture

Standing still can restrict blood flow and ultimately lead to a lack of oxygen. This lack of oxygen in the mother's body can cause various problems such as decreased blood flow to the fetus. Therefore, it can cause harmful effects on the unborn baby or miscarriage.

When should I stop exercising during pregnancy?

There are warning signs sent by the body that indicate that the person should stop exercising. It is very important to pay attention to these warning signs, otherwise they can be fatal to both the fetus and the expectant mother. If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately:

  • Vaginal bleeding: Exercise should not be the cause of vaginal bleeding, but exercising during pregnancy vaginal bleeding can cause miscarriage.
  • Difficulty breathing during exercise.
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Chest pain
  • muscle weakness
  • swelling or calf pain
  • Early birth
  • reduced fetal movement
  • amniotic fluid leak
Safe exercises to do during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is important to choose activities that have a low risk of falling or any injury to the ligament. Here are safe and simple exercises that you can easily do at home during pregnancy:

  • Warming: This is an important part of starting any exercise. A warm-up prepares the body for exercise and prevents possible injury.
  • Walk: This is the most common exercise done during pregnancy.
  • stationary bike: This is another exercise to increase the muscle strength of the legs. Riding a stationary bike during pregnancy is better than riding a regular bike. Because balancing a bike with a growing belly can be difficult.
  • Running: Running during pregnancy can also be beneficial.
  • Yoga
  • Pilates
  • Water aerobics and swimming.

Exercises to do during pregnancy

Try to do the exercises that I will explain below on a daily basis during pregnancy. These exercises will strengthen your muscles. It will also strengthen your joints, improve circulation, relieve back pain and help you feel good overall.

Abdominal strengthening exercises

As your baby grows, you will notice that the cupping in your lower back increases. This causes your back pain. These exercises strengthen the abdominal muscles and relieve back pain.

  • Start in a box position (on 4 feet) with knees under hips, hands under shoulders, fingers facing forward, and abs up to keep your back straight.
  • Engage your abs and lift your back toward the ceiling. Curl your torso and let your head relax slightly forward. 
  • Stay like this for a few seconds. Then slowly return to the box position. Be careful not to hollow your back.
  • Do this 10 times slowly and rhythmically.
  • Move your back as much as you can comfortably move.

pelvic tilt exercises

  • Stand with your shoulders and butt against a wall.
  • Keep your knees soft.
  • Age your back to the wall. Stay like this for 4 seconds and then release.
  • Repeat up to 10 times.
When can you start exercising again after giving birth?

You should talk to your doctor about when to start exercising again. If you have a vaginal delivery without any complications, it's usually safe to start exercising a few days after delivery. If you have had a cesarean section or experience complications, it is necessary to wait longer to start exercising after delivery.

If you exercise during pregnancy, it is easier to start exercising again after the baby is born. Start slow. If you experience pain or other problems while exercising, stop and talk to your doctor.

References: 1, 2, 34

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