What Are Appetite Suppressing Plants? Weight Loss Guaranteed

There are many weight loss products on the market. They suppress appetite, inhibit the absorption of certain nutrients, and increase the number of calories burned. These slimming products appetizing herbs was made using

Nutritional supplements obtained from natural plants, which help to eat less by keeping it full, help to lose weight. Plants that stimulate appetite Let's evaluate the nutritional supplements obtained from these plants and their effect on weight loss.

What are appetite suppressants?


  • GrassContains soluble and insoluble fiber. Most of the fiber it contains is galactomannan, a water-soluble fiber.
  • Thanks to its high fiber content, it balances blood sugar. It lowers cholesterol. Because of these features appetizing herbsis den.
  • Fenugreek empties the stomach slowly. It delays the absorption of carbohydrates and fats. This reduces appetite and stabilizes blood sugar.
  • Studies have shown that fenugreek is safe and has few or no side effects.

How to use?

Fenugreek seeds: Start with 2 grams and you can go up to 5 grams, although tolerated.

Capsule: Start with a 0.5 gram dose and go up to 1 gram after a few weeks if you don't experience any side effects.

appetizing herbs
What are appetite suppressants?


  • One of the best known soluble fibers glucomannanIt is very effective in weight loss. It reduces appetite and food intake.
  • The volumizing feature of glucomanna increases satiety and slows the emptying of the stomach.
  • Glucomannan is considered safe. It is well tolerated. But before it reaches the stomach, it expands. This increases the risk of drowning. Therefore, it is important to take it with 1-2 glasses of water or another liquid.
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How to use?

Start by taking 15 gram three times a day, 1 minutes to 1 hour before each meal.

sylvestre gymnema

  • sylvestre gymnemahelps to lose weight. because appetizing herbsis den.

  • It reduces sweet cravings thanks to its active ingredients known as gymnemic acids. 
  • Always take the supplement with food, as mild stomach upset may occur if taken on an empty stomach.

How to use?

Capsule: 100 mg three to four times a day.

Powder: If no side effects are seen, start with 2 grams and go up to 4 grams.

Tea: Boil it for 5 minutes and let it brew for 10-15 minutes before drinking.

Griffonia Simplicifolia (5-HTP)

  • Griffonia simplicifoliaIt is the plant that is the largest source of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). 
  • 5-HTP is a compound that is converted to serotonin in the brain.
  • An increase in serotonin levels suppresses appetite.
  • 5-HTP helps to lose weight by reducing carbohydrate intake and hunger levels. 
  • Long-term use of 5-HTP supplements can cause nausea.

How to use?

Griffonia simplicifolia plant It is taken with a 5-HTP supplement. Doses for 5-HTP range from 300-500 mg, taken once daily or in divided doses. It is recommended to take it with food to reduce appetite.

caralluma fimbriata

  • caralluma fimbriata, appetizing herbsis another one. 
  • Compounds in this herb reduce carbohydrate intake and suppress appetite. It increases the circulation of serotonin in the brain.
  • It provides a significant reduction in waist circumference and body weight.
  • caralluma fimbriata The extract has no documented side effects.

How to use?

It is recommended to use a dose of 500 mg twice a day for at least one month.

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green tea extract

  • Green teaIt is a compound of caffeine and catechin that contributes to its weight loss properties.
  • Caffeine is a good stimulant that increases fat burning and suppresses appetite.
  • Catechins, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), accelerate metabolism.
  • Green tea is safe in EGCG doses up to 800 mg. 1.200 mg and more can cause nausea.

How to use?

The recommended dosage for green tea, whose main ingredient is standard EGCG, is 250-500 mg per day.

Garcinia cambogia

  • Garcinia cambogia Garcinia gummi-gutta It comes from a fruit called The peel of this fruit contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which has weight loss properties.
  • Human studies show that Garcinia cambogia is effective in reducing appetite and inhibiting fat production.
  • Garcinia cambogia is safe in doses of 2,800 mg of HCA per day. Some side effects such as headache, skin rash and stomach upset have also been reported.

How to use?

Garcinia cambogia is recommended in 500mg HCA doses. It should be taken 30-60 minutes before meals.

Yerba mate

  • Yerba mate, native to South America appetizing herbsis from. It gives energy.
  • Animal studies have shown that consuming yerba mate over a 4-week period significantly reduces food intake and aids weight loss.
  • Yerba mate is safe and does not cause serious side effects.

How to use?

Tea: 3 cups a day (330 ml each).

Powder: 1 to 1.5 grams per day.


  • CoffeeIt is one of the most consumed beverages in the world.
  • Research on this topic shows that it can aid weight loss by burning fat and calories and increasing fat burning.
  • In addition, coffee reduces appetite. Therefore, it helps to lose weight.
  • 250 mg or more of caffeine can increase blood pressure in some people. Those who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine should consume with caution.
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How to use?

A cup of coffee contains about 95 mg of caffeine. A dose of 200 mg of caffeine, or about two cups of regular coffee, is often used for weight loss. 

Plants that stimulate appetiteIf you use i as described above, it will help you in your weight loss process.

References: 1

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