Benefits, Harm and Nutritional Value of Ice Cream

Ice cream it is the indispensable dessert of summer months. It is the most consumed frozen food for dessert. It is made using cream, milk or fruit and flavoring ingredients. However, many of its varieties contain high levels of sugar and are fat and calorie due to the cream.

Ice creamSugar or artificial sweeteners are used to sweeten the food. Coloring, flavoring and stabilizers are also used.

home ice cream

The mixture is whipped to join the air pockets and cooled to the freezing point of the water to prevent the formation of ice crystals.

It forms a semi-solid and smooth foam that solidifies at low temperatures. It is consumed with spoons or cones. 

Nutritional Value of Ice Cream

Ice creamThe nutritional profile varies according to the brand, flavor and variety. In this table, the nutritional content of 1 different types of vanilla ice cream with 2/65 cup (92-4 grams) serving:

 NormalCreamLow fatWithout sugar
Calorie                                       140                    210                 130                  115                      
Total fat7 gram13 gram2,5 gram5 gram
Cholesterol30 mg70 mg10 mg18 mg
Protein2 gram3 gram3 gram3 gram
Total carbohydrates17 gram20 gram17 gram15 gram
Sugar14 gram19 gram13 gram4 gram

Cream ice cream is higher in sugar, fat and calories than regular ice cream.

Although low-fat or sugar-free products are generally stated to be healthier, these options are about the same as regular ice cream. calorie valuewhat it has. 

Additionally, non-sugar products can often cause digestive upset, including bloating and gas in some individuals. sugar alcohols Contains sweeteners such as.

What Are the Benefits of Ice Cream?

Contains vitamins and minerals

Ice cream contains milk and milk solids, so whenever you eat ice cream, your body gets vitamin D, vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin. Apart from that, different flavors add extra nutrients to it. 

Dark chocolate ice cream, for example, is loaded with antioxidants and flavonoids that help lower bad cholesterol and improve heart health.

Gives energy

It gives energy at the time of freezing. This is because there is plenty of sugar in it, which makes you feel full of energy instantly. 

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Helps strengthen immunity

Ice cream It is a type of fermented food and fermented foods are known to be beneficial for respiratory and gastrointestinal health. A better respiratory system and better gut health will eventually improve immunity.

Helps stimulate the brain

Eating ice creamcan help stimulate the brain and make it smarter. Studies have proven that people who eat ice cream are more alert than those who don't.

Helps strengthen bones

Calcium is one of the most important minerals the body needs to maintain bone health. However, this mineral is not produced by the body, which means it is necessary to consume calcium-rich foods to meet the body's need for calcium. Ice cream loaded with calcium.

Makes happy

Eating ice cream can cheer you up. There is also a scientific explanation for this - ice cream When you eat, your body produces a hormone known as serotonin. Serotonin, also known as the happiness hormone, makes you happy.

Increases libido

In addition to improving oxygen circulation to tissues and maintaining the body's pH balance, the presence of phosphorus helps you increase libido by improving testosterone levels.

Prevents breast cancer

Calcium deficiency in the body is one of the culprits of breast cancer in women. So if you want to keep deadly ailments like breast cancer at bay, eat calcium-rich foods - ice cream may be one of them. Abundant calcium intake can reduce the chances of breast cancer in women.

Increases fertility

Ice cream such as a high-fat dairy dessert meal can increase the rate of chowder. In one study, high-fat dairy products (ice cream women who consume skim milk products have a better fertility rate than women who consume skim milk products. 

ice cream is an unhealthy food

What Are the Harms of Ice Cream?

As with most processed desserts, ice cream has unhealthy sides to be aware of.

High sugar content

Ice cream It contains a high amount of sugar. 

Most varieties contain 1--2 grams of added sugar per 65/12 cup (24 gram) serving. It is necessary to keep the added sugar consumption below 10% of the daily calorie intake. A 2000 calorie diet It is recommended not to consume more than 50 grams of sugar.

Thus, one or two small portions of ice cream will easily get you to this daily limit. 

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In addition, research studies reduce excessive sugar consumption. Obesityis considered to be the cause of many health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, and fatty liver disease. 

Calorie-dense and low in nutritional value

Calories of ice cream high but calcium ve phosphorus Besides, its nutritional content is low. Its high calorie load can cause you to eat too much and gain weight. 

Contains unhealthy additives

Most ice creams are highly processed and contain ingredients such as artificial sweeteners and additives. 

Some artificial ingredients and preservatives have negative health effects. 

Used to thicken and texture food guar gum It is an artificial sweetener commonly used in ice cream. Generally considered safe but swellingMay cause mild side effects such as gas and cramps. 

Moreover, animal and test tube research, ice creamSimilarly, it shows that carrageenan can increase intestinal inflammation.

How to Eat Healthy Ice Cream? 

Occasionally as part of a healthy diet eating ice cream, acceptable. The important thing is to act in moderation. 

Take it in single-portion containers or as a stick to avoid overeating. Otherwise, you can use small bowls instead of large bowls to control how much you eat. 

Although the low-fat or sugar-free varieties appear healthier, they are not more nutritious or low in calories than others.

Rather, keep in mind that they contain more artificial ingredients. Read the labels carefully. The following contents will give you an idea;

Ingredient lists

A longer list usually means the product has been processed at a high rate. Since the ingredients are listed in order of quantity, take a closer look at them to begin with.


Although most low-calorie ice creams have less than 150 calories per serving, the calorie content depends on the brand and ingredients used.

Serving size

Serving size can be deceiving, as a small serving will naturally contain fewer calories. Normally there are several servings in a single package.

Added sugar

Eating too much added sugar is linked to many diseases. Therefore, more than 16 grams per serving ice creamTry to avoid them.

Saturated fat

The evidence is that limiting saturated fat intake - specifically ice cream Sugary, fatty foods like - suggest that it can reduce the risk of heart disease. Look for alternatives of 3-5 grams per serving.

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Sugar substitutes, artificial flavors, and food dyes may also be included.

Sugar alcohols Taking high amounts of certain sugar substitutes, such as, may cause stomach pain.

Also, some research shows that certain artificial flavors and food dyes are linked to health problems, including allergic reactions and behavioral problems in children and cancer in mice.

So try to find products with shorter ingredient lists as they are normally less processed.

Recommendations for Healthy Ice Cream

When buying ice cream, check nutrition and ingredient labels carefully. Choose products made from real ingredients like milk, cocoa, and vanilla. Avoid heavily processed ones.

For weight control, take products with less than 200 calories per serving.

Alternatively, you can use just two simple ingredients to create a low-calorie, nutrient-dense You can prepare the ice cream yourself at home:

Homemade Ice Cream Recipe

- 2 ripe bananas, frozen, peeled and chopped

- 4 tablespoons (60 ml) of unsweetened almond, coconut or cow's milk

Turn the ingredients in a blender or food processor until you get a creamy consistency. Add more milk if needed. You can serve the mixture right away or freeze it for a thicker texture.

This dessert contains less calories and more nutrients than regular ice cream. 

As a result;

Ice cream It is a delicious dessert. However, it contains high levels of sugar, calories, additives and artificial ingredients.

For this reason, you should read the labels carefully to consume them in a healthier way. Ice cream is healthy if consumed from time to time and in moderation. 

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