How to Lose Weight Without Diet? Lose Weight Without Diet

Think about eating whatever you want and not gaining any weight. Isn't it a beautiful dream? 

Losing weight without dieting or maintaining our weight is actually more than just a dream, situations that can be real. As long as we know what and how to do it.

Here I want to lose weight without dieting scientifically proven methods for those who say ...

How to lose weight without dieting?

losing weight without exercising and dieting

Dieting means giving up your favorite foods and turning to mostly vegetables, salads, and soups. Leaving your favorite foods causes both physical and emotional hunger.

We often prefer the calorie restriction method to lose weight permanently. Of course, it is very important to reduce the calories we take and lose weight, however, it is necessary to regulate the correct hormonal environment.

Stress, depression, and other emotional states can cause an unfavorable hormonal environment.

As much as how much and when you eat, it's important to take a holistic approach that looks at your psychological and emotional life.

"I want to lose weight without dieting" Those who say these should take into account the following recommendations as well.

Find your own way

You were motivated to lose weight, saying, "A friend of mine has done the x diet and lost weight so I want to try it. Good! But does the diet plan that really works for your friend work for you too? 

When you start the diet, you will first lose water weight, but the effect of rapid weight loss is not equal to the positive results of slow weight loss.

You may not see immediate results, because habits take time to develop. Make an effort to improve your lifestyle, once you achieve this you will not need to go on a diet to lose weight.

lose weight without diet

Eat to lose weight

To starve yourself to lose weight? It might work at first, you lose water weight but soon you'll regain it. The best and only way to lose weight is to eat a healthy diet. 

In addition to eating fresh produce, whole grains, lean meats and healthy fats, you should eat 5-6 meals a day, in small portions and slowly.

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Clean the kitchen

Rather than clean hygienically, throw away or give away all junk food, high-sodium foods, refined sugars, milk chocolates and foods that contain highly refined carbohydrates.

Fill your kitchen and refrigerator with vegetables, fruits, whole grains, whole wheat bread and lean protein.

Start your day with a metabolism-boosting drink.

Soak two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in a glass of water overnight. Strain the seeds and drink it first thing in the morning.

Fenugreek seeds speeds up the metabolism and keeps you active all day long. Water helps to remove toxins from the body.

what to eat for breakfast

Don't skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast is one way to reduce calories and lose weight. However, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should not be overlooked.

It is very important to refuel your body several times a day. When you skip breakfast, you begin to feel extremely hungry at lunch and start to overeat and choose unhealthy foods. 

Not eating breakfast slows down the metabolism. Therefore, always have your breakfast within an hour of waking up.

For green tea

Green tea from drinks that boost metabolism is one. It contains EGCG, an antioxidant that helps cleanse toxins and improves overall health. In fact, drinking green tea helps burn 400 extra calories per week.

Chew slowly

Studies show that slow chewing is a way to eat fewer calories. If chewing slows, it prevents overeating because it gives the brain extra time to receive signals from the stomach that it is full.

This also facilitates digestion and limits serving size. Therefore, it is recommended that you chew your food about 35-50 times in the mouth.

how to lose weight without dieting

Balance what you eat

Each meal should contain proteins, good carbohydrates (vegetables / fruits / grains) and healthy fats. The trick is to maintain a balance between food groups so your body can process them, provide energy, cleanse toxins, boost immunity, and improve overall health.

Eat protein at every meal

Since foods containing lean protein provide a feeling of satiety for a long time, they should be consumed at every meal. Eat yogurt, small amounts of nuts and peanut butter, eggs, beans, and lean meat to get the required amount of protein.

Watch out for packaged drinks

Drinking packaged fruit and vegetable juices, energy drinks, and soda not only prevents you from losing weight, but also puts your health at risk.

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Although marketed as zero calories, some sodas contain other flavors and additives that make them worse than regular ones. 

However, the amount of refined sugar in regular soda is too high and drinking too much can lead to a susceptibility to diabetes. 

Drink freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juices.

is it useful to drink water

For water

Many of us actually drink less water than we should. Ideally, you should drink at least 3 liters of water a day to lose weight. If you exercise a lot and sweat a lot, you should drink 4-5 liters of water. 

When you don't drink enough water, you will feel tired. As a result, it slows down the metabolism, which prevents fat loss.

Do not overcook

Overcooking your food provides a significant reduction in nutrients. If you are deprived of nutrients, you may not feel full and may turn to junk food. 

To avoid this, you can increase your consumption of raw foods such as salads or avoid overcooking your food.

Don't delay dinner too much

Eating late at night should be avoided because you are more likely to gain excess weight. You should eat at seven in the evening at the latest and not have anything else to eat after this time.

Herbal tea is a good option to quench your hunger after a meal. You can also brush your teeth to distract your mind from the idea of ​​eating.

Do not overcook the food

Overcooking food causes a significant decrease in nutritional value. If you are deprived of the nutrients you get from food, you will not feel full, so you may turn to junk food. 

To prevent this, you should increase your consumption of raw foods such as salads or avoid overcooking the food. With the method of steaming vegetables; You can also cook chicken and fish on the grill.

Get enough sleep

The importance of sleep in triggering weight loss cannot be underestimated. While you sleep, your body works to regulate your systems and heal the damage caused by wear and tear.

Even the digestive system is struggling to process your food, metabolize carbohydrates and break down fat. 

Sleep deprivation causes changes in hormone levels, particularly cortisol and insulin. Cortisol regulates sugar, fat, protein, mineral and water metabolism; insulin is responsible for blood sugar and fat storage. 

Sleep deprivation triggers cortisol production and leads to increased insulin levels, making it even more difficult to lose weight. Therefore, a good night's sleep helps with weight loss.

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Count your steps

Whether you are in the office, school, or home, you have to walk. Get up and go for a walk every hour. Walk to the nearest grocery store, go to the office or walk alone with your pet, walk around your home and take the stairs instead of the elevator.

ways to reduce stress

Laugh a lot

Laugh, lose weight without dieting It is considered the best way for it. A smile increases your heart rate and blood circulation and strengthens your abdominal muscles, thus providing a natural cardio workout. 

Laughing five times a day has the same benefits as rowing 10 minutes. And 10-15 minutes of hard laughter can burn 50 calories.


Stress is an important additive to body fat. Anxiety, stress, depression, and other negative emotions lead to an increase in cortisol (stress hormone) levels. 

This leads to increased inflammation and harmful free oxygen radicals, which increase fat accumulation and slow down body functions.

Therefore, by setting at least 10 minutes a day, meditate is the best. Of course, it will be difficult at first, but practicing it every day will bring positivity and good feelings.

Motivate yourself

To lose weight without dieting Being motivated and maintaining that motivation is a difficult task. Eating healthy foods regularly can be boring.

This is where you need to be motivated. To focus, write motivational quotes on small notepads and stick them in various corners of your home and office. 

You won't need these anymore if you do it properly for two to three weeks. Leading a healthy life will become a habit.

These losing weight without dieting and sports simple ways. Try these methods and open the door to a healthy life.

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