Home Natural Remedy for Tooth Decay and Cavities

Oral diseases affect many people around the world, tooth decay It is one of the most common of these. Tooth decay and subsequent tooth cavity It can affect people of all ages.

If the surface of the tooth is unusually dark and sore, it is most likely hollow.

What is Tooth Cavity?

Tooth decay also called tooth cavitymeans hole formation in teeth. Cavities are small when they are first started and slowly grow larger when left untreated. 

Tooth groove This can be difficult to spot as it does not cause pain initially. Regular dental exams can provide early detection of tooth decay.

Dental caries and cavities It is one of the most common oral health problems. It is common in a wide range of age groups, from children and teenagers to older adults.

Causes Dental Caries and Cavities?

The development stages of the cavities are as follows:

Plaque Formation

Plaque is a transparent and adhesive film that covers the teeth. This can harden below or above the gum line and creates tartar that is even more difficult to remove.

Attack on Plate

The presence of acid in the plaque can cause mineral loss in the enamel of the affected tooth. This causes the tooth to wear out and develop small openings or punctures, which are the first stage of caries. 

If the enamel starts to wear off, bacteria and acid in the plaque can reach the inner layer of the tooth called dentin. This progress results in tooth sensitivity.

Continued destruction

Tooth decaycan travel to the inside of the tooth (pulp), which contains nerves and blood vessels. Bacteria can irritate this part, causing it to swell. Swelling can cause nerves to become compressed, causing pain and permanent damage.

natural remedy for dental caries

Everyone tooth decay or cavity is at risk. Factors that can increase the risk of developing cavities include:

Tooth decay mostly affects the back teeth and molars.

Eating foods or drinks that stick to teeth for a long time, such as milk, ice cream, soda, or other sugary foods / drinks.

Drinking sugary drinks frequently.

- Feeding babies before going to bed.

Poor oral hygiene habits

Dry mouth

- Bulimia or a anorexia nervosa eating disorders such as

Stomach acid can cause tooth enamel to wear out acid reflux disease

Cavities formed in childrenIt is caused by eating foods with a particularly high sugar content and lying down without brushing the teeth.

What Are the Symptoms of Tooth Cavities?

A signs of tooth cavity or caries It depends on the severity of the decay. Its symptoms are as follows:

Tooth sensitivity

- Toothache

Mild to sharp pain when eating sugary, hot or cold foods

- The appearance of visible holes or pits in the teeth

Pain when biting

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Brown, black or white spots on the surface of the tooth

How Do Teeth Decay? 

Many different bacteria live in the mouth. Some are beneficial for dental health, while others are harmful. For example; Studies have shown that when a group of harmful bacteria encounter and digest sugar, they produce acid in the mouth.

These acids extract minerals from tooth enamel, the absorbent, protective outer layer of the tooth. This process is called demineralization. Saliva helps to constantly reverse this damage through a natural process called remineralization.

In addition to the fluoride from toothpaste and water, minerals such as calcium and phosphate in saliva help the tooth enamel to heal spontaneously by replacing the minerals lost during the "acid attack". This makes the teeth stronger.

However, repetitive cycles of acid attacks cause mineral loss in tooth enamel. Over time, this weakens and destroys the enamel, creating cavities.

Simply put, cavities are tooth holes caused by tooth decay. It is the result of harmful bacteria that digest sugars in foods and produce acids.

If left untreated, the cavity can spread to the deeper layers of the tooth, causing pain and tooth loss.

Sugar attracts bad bacteria and lowers the pH of the mouth

Sugar is like a magnet for bad bacteria. Two destructive bacteria found in the mouth are Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sorbrinus.

They both feed the sugar we eat and form dental plaque, a sticky, colorless film that forms on the tooth surface. If the plaque is not washed with saliva or a brush, bacteria will turn it into acid. This creates an acidic environment in the mouth.

The pH scale measures what an acidic or basic solution is, with 7 neutrals. When the pH of the plate drops below normal or below 5.5, these acids begin to dissolve minerals and destroy tooth enamel.

During this process, small holes are formed. Over time, they get bigger until a large hole or hollow appears.

Eating Habits That Cause Tooth Decay

Researchers in recent years, hollow in teeth They found that some food habits are important in its formation.

Consuming high sugar snacks

Most studies found that frequent consumption of sugary drinks and sweets to the tooth cavities found that it led.

Frequent snacking on foods high in sugar increases the time the teeth are exposed to the dissolution effects of various acids and causes tooth decay.

In a study of schoolchildren, those who ate snacks and potato chips were four times more likely to develop cavities than children who did not.

natural remedy for tooth decay

Drinking sugary and acidic beverages

The most common liquid sugar source is sugary soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks and juices. In addition to sugar, these drinks are high in acid levels that can cause tooth decay.

In a large-scale study in Finland, drinking 1-2 sugary drinks a day was 31% more tooth cavity carries the risk.

In addition, a study with Australian children aged 5-16 years found that the number of sugary foods and drinks consumed directly correlated with the number of cavities in the tooth.

A study of more than 20.000 adults found that those who only occasionally consumed sugary drinks had a 1% increase in the risk of losing 5-44 teeth compared to those who did not consume sugary drinks.

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This means that drinking a sugary drink twice or more a day almost triples the risk of losing more than six teeth.

Eating sticky foods

They are sticky foods, hard candies, and lollipops. These are also to tooth decay causes. Because if you keep these foods in the mouth for a long time, their sugars will gradually be released.

This gives harmful bacteria plenty of time in the mouth to digest sugar and produce more acid.

The result is prolonged demineralisation periods and shortened remineralisation periods. Even processed starchy foods like potato chips and flavored crackers can stay in the mouth and cause cavities.

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Medical attention is required to prevent permanent tooth damage. The following natural remedies can help prevent or reverse caries if the caries has not penetrated into the dentine, i.e. is in the pre-cavity stage.

Vitamin D

In The Journal of Tennessee Dental Association a published research, Vitamin Dstates that it plays an important role in the regulation of oral health.

It mediates calcium absorption and stimulates the production of antimicrobial peptides. Therefore, a diet rich in vitamin D is necessary to prevent periodontal diseases and cavities.

Foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and cheese are rich in vitamin D. If you want to take additional supplements for this vitamin, consult a doctor.

Sugar Free Chewing Gum

In the Journal of Applied Oral Science In a published study, caries-reducing effects were seen in sugar-free gum. You can chew sugar-free gum 1-2 times a day.

Fluoride Toothpaste

Regular brushing with a fluoride-based toothpaste cavities and tooth decay helps reduce and control. Brush your teeth with a good quality fluoride-based toothpaste. Do this 2-3 times a day, preferably after each meal.

Coconut Oil Extraction

To the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine by, Taking oil with coconut oil It helps fight oral germs, thus preventing pitting and plaque formation. It also helps improve oral health.

1 tablespoon for this extra virgin coconut oiltake it in your mouth and turn it. Do this for 10-15 minutes and then spit it out.

Then brush and floss your teeth. You can do this once a day.

Licorice Root

Licorice root due to its powerful antimicrobial effects against oral pathogens tooth cavitiesHelps to cure.

In the Journal of International Oral Health According to a published study, this extract shows better inhibitory effects than chlorhexidine, an antimicrobial agent found in mouthwash.

Brush your teeth with licorice root. Alternatively, you can use licorice powder to brush your teeth. Then clean your teeth with water. You can do this 1-2 times a day.

Aloe vera

In the Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences a published research, aloe vera gelFights cavity-causing oral germs much better than most toothpastes available on the market.

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Take half a teaspoon of freshly extracted aloe gel on your toothbrush. Use this gel to brush your teeth for a few minutes. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. You can do this 1-2 times a day.

Complications Caused by Tooth Cavities

Tooth grooveIf left untreated, it can cause a variety of complications:

Ongoing toothache

A dental abscess that can become infected and trigger life-threatening complications such as an infection entering the bloodstream or sepsis

Development of pus around the infected tooth

- Increased risk of tooth fracture

Difficulty in chewing

How to Prevent Tooth Decay and Cavities?

Research has found that certain factors can speed up or slow down the development of cavities. These include saliva, eating habits, exposure to fluoride, oral hygiene, and general nutrition.

Aşağıda prevent tooth decay there are some ways;

Know what you are eating and drinking

Eat natural foods that can protect teeth, such as grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Consume sugary foods or acidic drinks with meals, not in between.

Also, when drinking sugary and acidic drinks, use a straw. Thus, your teeth are less exposed to sugar and acid content.

Consume raw fruits or vegetables in meals to increase saliva flow in the mouth. Finally, don't let babies sleep with bottles containing sugary liquids, juice or formula milk.

Don't eat sugary foods

Sugary and sticky foods should be eaten occasionally. If you are exposed to sweet foods, rinse your mouth and drink some water to help dilute the sugar adhering to the tooth surface.

While drinking sugary or acidic drinks, do not sip slowly over a long period of time. This exposes your teeth to sugar and acid attacks for a longer period of time.

Pay attention to oral hygiene

Brushing teeth at least twice a day, cavities and tooth decayIt is an important step in the prevention of.

It is recommended that you brush your teeth after every meal and before going to bed as much as possible. You can maintain better oral hygiene by using a fluoride-containing toothpaste that helps protect teeth.

Also, go to the dentist at least twice a year for regular checkups. This helps detect and prevent any problems early.

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