What Is Anorexia Nervosa and How Is It Treated? Causes and Symptoms

Anorexia nervosaan abnormally low body weight and fear of gaining weight eating disorderStop. People with anorexia they attach extreme importance to body shape.

These people often severely reduce the amount of food they eat in order not to gain weight or even to continue losing weight.

They try to maintain their weight through wrong ways such as vomiting after eating, using laxatives, diuretics, dietary supplements. Exercising excessively is one of these methods.

Some to the extreme anorexia patientsNda bulimia is seen. No matter how successful they are at losing weight, there are also fears of gaining weight.

This disease is not linked to conditions such as food aversion. It is an unhealthy way of dealing with emotional issues. Those with anorexia his only thought is to be slim and to stay slim.

Anorexia nervosa it is a difficult situation to overcome. However, with treatment, healthy eating habits can be returned.

What are the Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa?

This eating disorder manifests physically, but also includes emotional and behavioral problems due to fear of gaining weight.

Physical Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa

Excessive weight loss

- Fine appearance

Abnormal blood count

- Tiredness


Dizziness or fainting

Blue discoloration of the fingers

Thinning and shedding of hair

- Not having menstruation

- Constipation

Dry and yellowish skin

Irregular heart rhythms

Low blood pressure

- Osteoporosis

Swelling in the arms and legs

Emotional and behavioral symptoms

Restricting food intake through diet or fasting

Excessive exercise

- Behaviors such as vomiting to avoid eating, using laxatives

Emotional and Behavioral Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa

Preoccupation with food

- Refusing to eat

- denial of hunger

- Don't be afraid of gaining weight

- Don't lie about what you eat

Lack of emotion

- Getting away from social life

- Irritability

Indifference to the opposite sex

Depressed mood

Suicidal thoughts

Anorexiagoverns the lives of people as in other eating disorders. Unfortunately, those with anorexia do not initially accept treatment. Their desire to be weak takes precedence over their worries about health.

Anorexia symptomsIt can be difficult to notice. Because people with anorexia they often hide their eating habits and physical problems.

One of your loved ones anorexia If you are worried about it, you should pay attention to the following symptoms.

Skipping meals

Finding excuses not to eat

Generally prefer low-fat and high-calorie foods 

- Preparing and refusing to eat with care for others

- Being weighed constantly

- Often examining physical flaws in the mirror

Complaining of obesity

- Not wanting to eat with the community

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- Callus in the joints and vomiting that will cause erosion of the teeth

- Dressing up in layers

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosaThe exact cause of this is unknown. As with many diseases, it is likely a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

Biological factors

Although it is not yet clear which genes cause it, there may be genetic changes that make some people more vulnerable to developing anorexia.

Some people have a genetic predisposition for perfectionism, precision, and perseverance. All these features anorexia is associated with.

Psychological factors

Some emotional traits anorexia nervosaor contribute. Young women have obsessive-compulsive personality traits that make it easier to stick to fasting diets.

When perfectionism comes into play, they may think they're not thin enough. These concerns may push them to enter into eating restrictions.

Environmental factors

Today's modern world emphasizes being slim. It creates a judgment that the fine ones are successful and valuable. Peer pressure can increase the desire to be slim, especially in young girls.

Risk Factors for Anorexia Nervosa

Some factors including the following situations anorexia increases the risk. 

Be woman

Anorexia It is more common in girls and women. However, children and men increasingly develop eating disorders due to increasing social pressures. 

Young age

Anorexiais more common among young people. However, people of all ages can develop this disease, but it is rare above the age of 40.

Teenagers are more susceptible to changes in their bodies during puberty. May face peer pressure and be more sensitive to comments about body shape. 


It is thought that changes in some genes make some people more sensitive to this issue. 

Family history

First degree relative anorexiaThose caught either carry a risk.

Weight changes

When people gain weight, when they get negative comments from others about losing weight, it can cause them to over-diet.

Hunger and weight loss can change the way the brain works, making it difficult for sensitive people to return to their normal eating habits. 


Emotional situations such as a new school, home, work, or the illness or death of a loved one can cause stress and risk of anorexiaincreases.

Sports, business and arts events

Athletes, actors, dancers and models anorexia are at higher risk of. Coaches and parents may inadvertently increase the risk by recommending young athletes to lose weight.

Media and society

Media such as TV and fashion magazines often feature parades of skinny models and actors. These images may seem like they paired subtlety with success and popularity.

Effects of Anorexia Nervosa on the Body

Anorexia nervosamay have various complications. When it is most severe, it can be fatal. Death occurs suddenly.

This is caused by abnormal heart rhythms or an imbalance of minerals such as sodium, potassium, and calcium that maintain fluid balance in the body. Other effects of anorexia are as follows.


Heart problems, abnormal heart rhythms or heart failure

Bone loss (risk of fracture increases later in life.)

Decreased testosterone levels in men

Gastrointestinal problems such as bloating or nausea

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Electrolyte abnormalities, eg low blood potassium, sodium and chloride

Kidney problems


Having anorexia When a person's nutrition becomes poor, every organ of the body can be damaged, including the brain, heart, and kidneys. Anorexia Even if brought under control, this damage may not be reversed.

Although physical complications are more pronounced, anorexia Mental disorders are also common in people with These:

Depression, anxiety and other mood disorders

Personality disorders

Obsessive-compulsive disorders

Alcohol and substance abuse

How is anorexia nervosa diagnosed?

Doctor anorexia nervosaIf he or she is suspected, he or she may run several tests to diagnose, rule out medical reasons for weight loss, and check for any complications.

Physical condition

This includes measuring height and weight. It controls vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. Examines the abdominal area by listening to the heart and lungs. 

Laboratory tests

More specific blood tests are needed to check electrolytes and proteins, such as a complete blood count, kidney and thyroid functioning. A urine test can also be done. 

Psychological evaluation

A doctor or paramedic will likely ask about your thoughts, feelings, and eating habits. Psychological self-assessment questionnaires can be filled. 

Other works

X-rays may be ordered to check bone density, pneumonia, and heart problems.

Anorexia nervosa is diagnosed according to the following criteria:

Restricting food intake

Maintaining a body weight below the minimum normal weight for your age and height and eating less than the required amount.

Persistent behaviors that prevent weight gain, such as vomiting or using laxatives for fear of gaining weight even though you are thin.

Problems with body image

Denying that your body weight is low, has a distorted appearance or shape

Anorexia Nervosa Treatment

One of the biggest barriers to treatment is understanding and accepting that you need help. Anorexia nervosaMost people with it do not think there is a problem, and this makes treatment difficult. 

The main purpose of the treatment is to bring the body to a normal weight and gain a normal eating habit. A dietician helps to develop proper eating habits.

It is also recommended that the family participate in the treatment. For most people anorexia nervosa it is a life-long struggle.

Families with the sick anorexiaHe must work hard to beat him. For this, the following methods are used.

Individual Treatment

Anorexia nervosaA form of treatment called cognitive behavioral therapy is often used to treat the disease. This treatment helps change unhealthy thoughts and behaviors.

Its purpose is for the patient to learn to cope with strong emotions and to develop self-esteem.

Family Therapy

Family therapy involves family members to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle. Family therapy also helps to resolve conflicts within the family.

Group Therapy

Group therapy anorexia nervosaIt enables people with the same disorder to interact with others with the same disorder.

But sometimes it can cause competition to be the thinnest. To avoid this, it is necessary to attend group therapies led by a qualified medical professional.

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Take advantage of the local knowledge by visiting our anorexia nervosaAlthough it is not a drug that has been proven to treat anxiety and antidepressants can be given for depression.

These make the patient feel better. However, antidepressants do not reduce the desire to lose weight.


Depending on the severity of the weight loss, the doctor Effects of anorexia nervosaHe may choose to be treated in the hospital for a few days to cure the disease.

Anorexia nervosa in the long term

Many people have speculated about anorexiaovercomes. However, a small percentage cannot be cured. In some, this disorder can be fatal.

Some may develop other eating disorders over time. In some people overcome anorexia requires lifelong treatment. For this, it would be helpful to join a support group.

How to Prevent Anorexia?

Anorexia nervosaThere is no known method of preventing. However, being careful about the symptoms of the disease will help in rapid diagnosis, treatment and recovery.

If you find that you or a loved one is too overweight, over-exercised, or unhappy with their appearance, you should seek the help of a professional.

What are the Differences Between Anorexia and Bulimia?

Anorexia nervosa ve bulimia nervosa both are eating disorders. They have similar symptoms, such as a distorted body image. However, they differ from each other because they develop different food-related behaviors.

The goal of this process is to test the role and privilege manipulation in order to access the resources of a people with anorexia severely reduces food consumption to lose weight. People with bulimia They eat excessive amounts in a short period of time, then use other methods to vomit or remove what they eat to prevent weight gain.

Although eating disorders are not age- or gender-specific, women are most affected by the condition.

What causes an eating disorder such as anorexia and bulimia?

Anorexia or a bulimiaIt is not clear why it developed. Many medical professionals believe this may be due to a complex combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. These factors are:


According to a 2011 study, if you have this condition in your family, you are more likely to develop an eating disorder, too. This may be due to a genetic predisposition for traits associated with eating disorders such as perfectionism. 

Emotional sensitivity

People who have had trauma or have mental health problems such as anxiety or depression are more likely to develop an eating disorder. Stress and low self-esteem feelings can also contribute to these behaviors.

Social pressures

Body image perception imposed on visual media such as television can trigger such disorders. 

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