Natural Ways to Increase Breast Milk - Foods to Increase Breast Milk

A mother always wants the best for her child. And if the baby is just born, the mother's care and anxiety increases. 

It is best for newborn babies to receive only breast milk in the first few months of their life for proper growth and development and immune system function. 

If you think your body isn't producing enough milk for your little one, don't worry. Maybe all you need is foods that increase breast milk is to eat.

Reasons for Low Breast Milk

There are several factors that can hinder breast milk production and cause a low milk supply. These factors can be listed as follows:

Emotional factors

Anxiety ve stress It can cause less milk production. Creating a special and relaxing environment for breastfeeding and making this experience enjoyable and stress-free increase breast milk production might help. 

Medical conditions

Certain medical conditions can affect milk production. These conditions are:

- Pregnancy-related high blood pressure

- Diabetes

– Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Some medications

Medicines containing pseudoephedrine, such as sinus and allergy medicines, and certain types of hormonal birth control breast milk productioncan reduce ni.

Cigarettes and alcohol

Smoking and drinking moderate to heavy amounts of alcohol milk productioncan reduce ni.

previous breast surgery

Not having enough glandular tissue due to breast surgery such as breast reduction, cyst removal or mastectomy can interfere with breastfeeding. Breast surgery and nipple piercings breast milk productionIt can damage the nerves connected to it.

Why Is Breastfeeding Important?

- Breast milk improves the immunity of the baby. 

Breastfeeding reduces the baby's risk of developing diseases later in life.

- It is also beneficial for the mother and reduces the risk of developing breast cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis.

- Breastfeeding speeds up the mother's postpartum recovery.

- New mothers can return to their pre-pregnancy weight more easily by breastfeeding more often. 

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Breastfeeding reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Breast milk contains some substances that promote sleep in babies and calmness in mothers.

Breastfeeding is of great importance for the baby in the first years. "What are the foods and drinks that increase breast milk", "what are the foods that make the most milk", "what are the foods that make milk to the mother"

Here are the answers to these questions ... 

Foods That Increase Breast Milk

Fenugreek Seeds


  • One teaspoon of fenugreek seeds
  • A glass of water
  • Honey 

How is it done?

Boil one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in a saucepan with a glass of water.

– After boiling for five minutes, strain.

When it is close to cooling, add a little honey and drink it as a tea.

- To increase breast milk You can drink fenugreek tea about three times a day. 

Fenugreek seedIt is one of the best ingredients that can increase breast milk. A good phytoestrogen source and shows galactagogue properties in nursing mothers. (Galactagog is a word for foods or drugs that increase breast milk production.)

Fennel Seed


  • One teaspoon of fennel seeds
  • A glass of hot water
  • Honey 

How is it done?

Add a teaspoon of fennel seeds to a cup of hot water.

– Steep for five to ten minutes and strain.

Allow the tea to cool a little before adding honey.

– Drink fennel tea two or three times a day.

Alternatively, you can chew fennel seeds.

Fennel, It is another herb used as a galactagogue for nursing mothers. Its seed is phytoestrogen, meaning it mimics estrogen, a hormone known to increase breast milk production.  

Herbal tea


  • Herbal teas such as anise or cumin tea 

How is it done?

– Drink two or three glasses of anise or cumin tea a day. 

Anise and herbs such as cumin are phytoestrogens with estrogenic properties. They act like galactagogues and also clear clogged milk ducts thus increasing breast milk production. 

Cumin Seed


  • One or two teaspoons of cumin seeds
  • 1 water glass of water 

How is it done?

Soak a teaspoon or two of cumin seeds in water overnight.

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The next morning, strain the mixture and drink the juice. 

- Increasing breast milk production do this daily.  

Caraway seedscan help increase breast milk production naturally. 

Milk Thistle

Take two to three milk thistle capsules daily.

Milk thistle is a flowering plant used in ancient times to increase breast milk production. As a phytoestrogen, it exhibits estrogenic activity that helps increase breast milk production. 


Add garlic to your meals. You can also chew a few cloves of garlic throughout the day. GarlicIt has lactogenic properties that help increase milk production in mothers. 


Consume cooked salmon two to three times each week.

Salmon, It is a rich source of omega 3, which is an excellent option for naturally increasing breast milk production. 

It is also rich in DHA, one of the most important components of breast milk, and helps the child's brain development. 


Consume a bowl of cooked oats every day.

OatIt is rich in fiber and iron, reducing cholesterol and increasing breast milk production. It also helps increase lactation. These properties make oats one of the best options for increasing breast milk production. 

Whole Grains

Wheat, quinoa and eat whole grains like corn.

Eating whole grains not only helps increase breast milk production, but also ensures that the baby receives all the nutrients necessary for growth and development. 

Almond Milk

Consume a glass of almond milk once or twice a day.

Almond milkIt is a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids that help increase breast milk production. Therefore, breastfeeding mothers should regularly drink almond milk to increase the amount and quality of milk.


What are the foods that reduce breast milk?

The following foods can reduce breast milk production:

- Parsley

- mint

- Sage

- Thyme


In addition to avoiding these foods, consider the tips mentioned below.

breastfeed more often

Feed often and let your baby decide when to stop breastfeeding.

When your baby suckles, hormones are released that trigger him to produce milk. This is a reflex. This reflex is when the muscles in your breasts contract and move the milk through the ducts shortly after your baby starts to suck. The more you breastfeed, the more milk your breasts make.

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Breastfeeding your new baby 8 to 12 times a day can help maintain milk production. 

Breastfeed from both sides

Feed your baby from both breasts at each feed. Allow your baby to feed from the first breast until he slows down or stops sucking before giving the second breast. Stimulation of lactation of both breasts, milk productionIt can help increase ni. 

foods and drinks that increase breast milk

Tips for the Breastfeeding Period

- Monitor your baby closely for signs of hunger, especially in the first few weeks.

Let your baby sleep close to you for at least the first 6 months.

- Avoid using pacifiers.

- Eat a healthy diet.

Drink plenty of fluids, avoiding sugar and sugary sodas.

- Get enough rest.

- Increasing breast milk production Try massaging your breasts.

- Avoid wearing tight bras and tops. Choose loose clothing.

Every baby's needs are different. Most newborns need 24 to 8 feedings in 12 hours, some even more.

As your baby grows, he feeds more efficiently. This means that they can get more milk in less time, even though their feeding times are much shorter. Other babies like to linger and suckle longer, usually until the milk flow almost stops. It's good either way. Take your cue from your baby and feed him until he stops.

If your baby is gaining weight as expected and needs regular diaper changes, you are probably producing enough milk.

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