What are Teff Seeds and Teff Flour, What Does It Do? Benefits and Harm

Teff seed, quinoa ve buckwheat It is a grain that is not as well known as other gluten-free grains, but may rival them in taste, texture, and health benefits.

Along with offering an impressive nutrient profile, it is stated to have a wide range of benefits such as circulation and bone health and weight loss.

teffgrows mainly in Ethiopia and Eritrea, where it is thought to have originated thousands of years ago. It is drought resistant, can grow in a variety of environmental conditions.

There are both dark and lighter colors available, the most popular being brown and ivory.

It is also the smallest grain in the world, only 1/100 the size of a wheat. This in the article super grain teff seed and derived from it teff flour It describes the things to know about.

What is Teff?

Scientific name “Eragrostis tambourine " one teff seed, It is a small gluten-free grain. The grain is gaining popularity around the world because it's a gluten-free option that has many health benefits.

Specifically, it is known to naturally balance hormone levels, boost immunity, stimulate digestion, strengthen bones, promote cardiovascular health and even aid weight loss.

Teff Seed Nutrition Value

Teff seed very small, less than one millimeter in diameter. A handful is enough for growing in a large area. It is a high fiber food and a powerful source of protein, manganese, iron and calcium. 

One cup baked teff seeds It contains approximately the following nutrients:

255 calories

1.6 grams of fat

20 milligrams sodium

50 grams carbohydrates

7 grams of dietary fiber

10 grams of protein

0.46 milligrams thiamine (31 percent DV)

0.24 milligram vitamin B6 (12 percent DV)

2.3 milligrams of niacin (11 percent DV)

0.08 milligram riboflavin / vitamin B2 (5 percent DV)

7,2 milligrams manganese (360 percent DV)

126 milligrams of magnesium (32 percent DV)

302 milligrams phosphorus (30 percent DV)

 5.17 milligrams iron (29 percent DV)

0.5 milligram copper (28 percent DV)

2,8 percent zinc (19 percent DV)

123 milligrams calcium (12 percent DV)

269 ​​milligrams of potassium (6 percent DV)

20 milligrams of sodium (1% of daily need)

What Are the Benefits of Teff Seed?

Prevents iron deficiency

Iron, It is needed to produce hemoglobin, a type of protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs and throughout our body to cells.

Anemia occurs when the body cannot get enough oxygen to cells and tissues; weakens the body and makes you feel tired.

Because of its iron content, teff seed Helps treat and prevent anemia symptoms.

Does Teff seed weaken?

Virgin It provides energy to the body and helps to heal muscles, joints and tissues. As a result, containing 28 percent of the daily copper value in a single glass teff seedpromotes weight loss.

ATP is the body's energy unit; The food we eat is used as fuel and this fuel is converted into ATP. ATP is created in the mitochondria of cells, and copper is required for this production to occur properly.

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Copper acts as a catalyst in the reduction of molecular oxygen to water, the chemical reaction that occurs when ATP is synthesized. This means that copper allows the body to create the fuel it needs to boost energy levels and burn fat.

Consuming copper-rich foods releases iron from the blood, allowing more protein to reach the body and be used better. It is important for overall health as it affects ATP and protein metabolism.

Fiber content of teff seedis another feature that shows it can provide weight loss.

Relieves PMS symptoms

Eating Teff Seedsreduces muscle pain associated with inflammation, swelling, cramping and menstrual bleeding. Phosphorus Since it is a food rich in nutrients, it helps to balance hormones naturally.

Hormone balance is the primary factor that determines the PMS symptoms a person experiences, so teff It acts as a natural remedy for PMS and cramps.

Also, copper increases energy levels, so it helps sluggish women before and during menstruation. Copper also relieves muscle and joint pain while reducing inflammation.

Strengthens the immune system

teffIt strengthens the immune system as it is a high source of B vitamins and essential minerals. For example, the thiamine content plays a close role in the regulation of the immune response.

Since thiamine aids in digestion, it makes it easier for the body to extract nutrients from food; These nutrients are used to strengthen immunity and protect the body from diseases.

Thiamine helps secrete hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the complete digestion of food particles and absorption of nutrients. 

Supports bone health

teff great calcium and manganese It supports bone health as it is a source. Calcium-rich foods are important for the proper solidification of bones. Growing young adults need enough calcium for the body to reach the highest bone mass.

Manganese, along with calcium and other minerals, helps reduce bone loss, especially in older women who are more susceptible to bone fractures and weak bones.

Manganese deficiency also poses a risk for bone-related disorders because it provides the formation of bone-regulating hormones and enzymes involved in bone metabolism.

Helps digestion

Teff seed Due to its high fiber content, it helps regulate the digestive system - works to naturally alleviate constipation, bloating, cramps, and other gastrointestinal issues.

Fiber passes through the digestive system taking in toxins, waste, fat and cholesterol particles that are not absorbed by the digestive enzymes in the stomach.

In the process, it helps to improve heart health, promote feelings of fullness, and support digestion.

Eat teff and drinking plenty of water throughout the day keeps you regular, which affects all other bodily processes.

Supports cardiovascular health

Eat teffnaturally lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke. teffIt is rich in vitamin B6, which protects blood vessels and reduces the risk of heart disease. Vitamin B6It benefits the body by regulating the levels of a compound in the blood called homocysteine.

Homocysteine ​​is a type of amino acid derived from protein sources and high homocysteine ​​levels in the blood  It is linked to inflammation and the development of heart conditions.

Without enough vitamin B6, homocysteine ​​builds up in the body and damages the lining of the blood vessel; this creates the ground for dangerous plaque formation, which results in the threat of heart attack or stroke.

Vitamin B6 also plays a role in managing blood pressure and cholesterol levels, two other important factors for preventing heart disease.

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Manages diabetes symptoms

teffhelps slow the release of sugar into the bloodstream. A glass consume teff It provides the body with more than 100 percent of the daily recommended amount of manganese.

The body needs manganese to assist in the proper production of digestive enzymes responsible for a process called gluconeogenesis, which involves the conversion of protein amino acids into sugar and the balance of sugar in the bloodstream.

Manganese is known to help prevent high blood sugar levels that can contribute to diabetes. So it works as a natural remedy for diabetes.

It is a high protein source

There are many benefits of eating more protein foods every day. It keeps the metabolism running, increases energy levels and keeps blood sugar levels stable.

If you don't eat enough protein, your energy levels drop, you have trouble building muscle mass, you have attention deficit and memory problems, your blood sugar levels become imbalanced, and you have trouble losing weight.

teff such as protein foods, improves muscle mass, balances hormones, keeps appetite and mood in check, promotes healthy brain function and slows down aging.

It is a gluten-free cereal

Celiac disease is a serious digestive disorder that is increasing worldwide. teff As it is a gluten-free grain, celiac disease or a gluten intolerance people can easily eat. 

What are the damages of Teff Seed?

Although rare, some people teff has experienced allergic reactions or intolerance after eating. If you experience any adverse side effects or food allergy symptoms such as rash, itching or swelling, do not eat again and consult a doctor.

For most people teffIt is perfectly safe and nutritious when consumed in food quantities. It is a great substitute for wheat and has many health benefits.

How to Use Teff Flour

Because it is so small, teff It is usually prepared and eaten as a whole grain rather than split into bran and seed as in wheat processing. It is also ground and used as gluten-free flour.

In Ethiopia, teff flouris used to make a traditional fermented pancake called injera. This spongy soft bread forms the basis of Ethiopian cooking. 

In addition, teff flouris a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour for baking bread or producing packaged foods like pasta.

Wheat flour substitute in various recipes such as pancakes, cookies, cakes and bread teff flour can be used. If you are not allergic to gluten only teff flour You can use them together instead of using them.

Teff Flour Nutritional Value

Nutritional content of 100 grams of teff flour is as follows:

Calories: 366

Protein: 12.2 grams

Fat: 3,7 grams

Carbs: 70.7 grams

Fiber: 12.2 grams

Iron: 37% of the Daily Value (DV)

Calcium: 11% of the DV

Teff flourThe nutritional composition varies according to the type, the area where it is grown and the brand. Compared to other grains, teff It is a good source of copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc and selenium.

In addition, it is an excellent source of protein with all the essential amino acids that are the building blocks of protein in our body.

Especially an amino acid not found in other grains lysine in terms of high. Required for the production of protein, hormones, enzymes, collagen and elastin, lysine also supports calcium absorption, energy production and immune function.

Ancak teff flourSome nutrients in phytic acid It can be absorbed poorly as they are bound to antinutrients such as The effects of these compounds can be reduced through lacto fermentation.

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To ferment teff flour mix it with water and leave it at room temperature for a few days. Naturally occurring or added lactic acid bacteria and yeast then break down sugars and phytic acid.

What Are the Benefits of Teff Flour?

Naturally gluten-free

Gluten is a group of proteins found in wheat and several other grains that give dough its elastic texture. However, some people cannot eat gluten due to an autoimmune condition called celiac disease.

Celiac disease causes the body's immune system to attack the lining of the small intestine. This causes anemia, weight loss, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue, and bloating, and impairs nutrient absorption.

Teff flour As it is naturally gluten-free, it is an excellent gluten-free alternative to wheat flour.

High in dietary fiber

teff It is higher in fiber than many other grains.

Teff flour provides up to 100 grams of dietary fiber per 12.2 grams. In comparison, wheat and rice flour contains only 2.4 grams, while the same-size oatmeal serving is 6.5 grams.

Women and men are generally recommended to eat between 25 and 38 grams of fiber per day. This can consist of both insoluble and soluble fibers. Some studies, teff flourWhile most of the fiber is insoluble, others have found a more even blend.

Insoluble fiber passes through the gut mostly undigested. Increases stool volume and helps bowel movements.

On the other hand, soluble fiber draws water into the intestine to soften stool. It also feeds healthy bacteria in the gut and plays a role in carbohydrate and fat metabolism.

High-fiber diets are associated with a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, high blood pressure, bowel disease, and constipation.

Its glycemic index is lower than wheat products

Glycemic index (GI) shows how much a food raises blood sugar. It is evaluated between 0 and 100. Foods with a value above 70 are considered high, which increases blood sugar faster, while those below 55 are considered low. Everything in between is in the middle.

Feeding foods with low glycemic index is effective in keeping blood sugar under control. teffThe glycemic index of is 57, which is low compared to many other grains. Its low value is due to the fact that it is whole grain and its fiber content is high.

As a result;

Teff seedIs a small gluten-free grain that is native to Ethiopia but is now grown all over the world.

In addition to providing plenty of fiber and protein, it's high in manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, and B vitamins.

It has many benefits, such as protecting heart health, helping to lose weight, improving immune function, protecting bone health and reducing diabetes symptoms.

Teff seed It can be used instead of grains such as quinoa and millet. Teff flour can be used instead of other flours or mixed with wheat flour.

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