Benefits of Alfalfa Honey – 6 Most Useful Properties

Clover honey is a type of honey that has become popular for its slightly floral flavor. It is used as a sweetener instead of sugar. The benefits of alfalfa honey are due to the rich presence of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. Clover honey, which is a type of honey made by honey bees, is a honey produced by bees by collecting nectar from clover (Trifolium) flowers, as the name suggests.

There are about 300 species of clover plants. Plants grow in temperate and subtropical regions all over the world (except Australia and Southeast Asia). The common and hardy clover plant is a preferred food source for bees. Bees make clover honey by collecting nectar from clover flowers, bringing it to their hives and closing it in honeycombs. Clover honey stored in beehives becomes a kind of thick wax.

How Is Alfalfa Honey Produced?

Alfalfa honey is a thick, sweet liquid made by honey bees collecting the nectar of the clover plant. The reason why it has become a popular choice among dessert lovers is that it has a mild flavor and a distinctive color. The clover plant is weather resistant and a preferred nectar source for honey bees. 

Like other honeys, clover honey is made by honeybees. Bees feed on the nectar and pollen of various plants. They then turn them into honey through a series of secretions. Honey tastes every flower the bees feed on. Therefore, if they visit the alfalfa plants first, they produce clover-flavored honey.

Clover is a plant that produces large amounts of nectar. In many parts of the world, people use alfalfa to control erosion on coasts and slopes because it takes root well and holds the soil. This plant is also used as animal feed. It can grow in most plots, is inexpensive to maintain and naturally attracts honey bees. 

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Beekeepers who want to make clover honey usually place their hives in an area with a lot of clover. They also plant clover around their hives to encourage the bees to feed. But there is no way to guarantee that the bees will only visit these particular plants unless they are in a confined space.

It is often difficult to find completely pure alfalfa honey. Extracted from bees that eat only alfalfa, honey is pale amber in color with a grassy floral scent and mild flavor. Its color is almost white.

Alfalfa Honey Nutrition Value

Alfalfa honey is high in sugar. The nutritional content of one tablespoon (21 grams) of alfalfa honey is as follows;

  • Calories: 60
  • Protein: 0 grams
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbs: 17 grams 

Carbohydrates in this type of honey are mostly in the form of natural sugar. However, magnesiumpotassium, iron and zinc It also provides small amounts of different vitamins and minerals, such as It is also rich in antioxidant compounds that are beneficial to health.

benefits of alfalfa honey
Benefits of alfalfa honey

Benefits of Alfalfa Honey

Although this honey is not particularly rich in vitamins and minerals, it contains plenty of antioxidants. The lighter colored ones contain less antioxidants than the darker varieties.

1) It has antiviral and antibacterial properties

Clover honey, like other types of honey, has antiviral and antibacterial effects. In a study comparing the antibacterial capacity of 16 different types of honey, alfalfa honey showed the strongest antibacterial effect against harmful Staphylococcus aureus cells, equivalent to a dose of 2.2 mg of antibiotics.

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Also, since bacteria cannot develop resistance to honey, it is an effective antibacterial for wounds such as burns and scratches. It can be used as a dressing on wounds.

Alfalfa honey also has strong antiviral effects. It significantly reduces the survival rate of the chickenpox virus.

2) Rich in antioxidants

This variety of honey contains antioxidants, which are compounds that prevent cellular damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Antioxidants lower the risk of disease. Alfalfa honey reverses liver damage caused by free radicals due to its antioxidant capacity.

Alfalfa honey is especially rich in anti-inflammatory flavanols and phenolic acid antioxidants. Flavanols are beneficial for heart and lung health. Phenolic acids strengthen the central nervous system.

3) Lowers bad cholesterol

High cholesterol levels are a risk factor for heart disease. Alfalfa honey contains zero cholesterol and helps to reduce bad cholesterol levels.

4) Kills harmful bacteria

All types of honey, including alfalfa honey, have antibacterial properties. Honey used for cough helps to soothe sore throat and suppress cough. It also kills harmful microbes.

Clover honey contains compounds that produce hydrogen peroxide, which can help kill bacteria and prevent infections. It is also effective as a topical antibacterial dressing for wounds such as foot ulcers.

5) Beneficial for brain health

The phenolic acid in alfalfa honey helps protect brain health. 

6) It is healthier than sugar

Although honey is mostly sugar, it is a better sweetener than sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Some research shows that honey may be better for heart health and weight control than table sugar.

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However, although honey is healthier than sugar, it is still considered sugar and should be consumed in moderation. 

Alfalfa Honey and Other Honey Types

The nutritional content, flavor and color of honey depend on the type of nectar from which it is made, as well as the processing and storage time. Besides clover honey, other light-colored and soft-sweet honey types include orange blossom and wildflower honey. These varieties are similar to each other in terms of antioxidant content. 

Often used medicinally, buckwheat and manuka honey are darker in color and richer in flavor. This indicates that they contain high minerals and antioxidants. Made from a plant native to New Zealand manuka honey It has strong medicinal potential.

If you are going to use honey for medicinal purposes, it is helpful to choose a darker variety such as buckwheat or manuka. 

References: 1

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