What Is Black Mushroom, What Are Its Benefits and Harm?

Black mushroomis an edible wild mushroom, sometimes known as tree ear or cloud ear fungus because of its dark, ear-like shape.

While mostly found in China, it thrives in tropical climates such as the Pacific Islands, Nigeria, Hawaii, and India. In nature it grows on tree trunks and fallen stumps, but it can also be grown.

Known for its jelly-like consistency black mushroomis a popular culinary ingredient in a variety of Asian dishes. Likewise, it has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years.

What is Black Mushroom?

Black mushroom It has formed the basis of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. The genus Auricularia includes 10-15 species known worldwide, many of which are alike.

Black mushroomCommonly known as wood ear because of its resemblance to the human ear, this dark black and brown mushroom is chewy when fresh and has a very hard texture when dry.

They are widely used in both Chinese and Japanese cuisine. It tastes similar to oyster or shiitake mushrooms.

black mushroom benefits

How to Use Black Mushrooms?

Black mushroom usually sold in dried form. It should be diluted in warm water for at least 1 hour before eating.

In the soaking state, mushrooms expand in size 3-4 times. Black mushroom While marketed under a few names, technically from its botanical cousin, the tree ear fungus ( Ear-to-ear headphones ) fis arc. However, these mushrooms have a similar nutritional profile and cooking use and are sometimes referred to interchangeably.

Black mushroomIt is a popular ingredient in Malaysian, Chinese, and Maori cuisine. 19. since the century black mushroom It is used in traditional Chinese medicine to relieve the symptoms of various conditions such as jaundice and sore throat.

Nutritional Value of Black Mushrooms

The nutritional content of 7 grams of dried black mushrooms is as follows:

Calories: 20

Carbs: 5 grams

Protein: less than 1 gram

Fat: 0 grams

Fiber: 5 grams

Sodium: 2 mg

Cholesterol: 0 grams

These mushrooms are low in fat and calories, but especially high in fiber.

Same serving size in a small amount potassium, calcium, phosphorus, folate and magnesium provides. These vitamins and minerals are vital for heart, brain and bone health.

What Are the Benefits of Black Fungus?

Black mushroomAlthough there are many uses of s in traditional Chinese medicine, scientific research on it is still in its infancy.

Even so, black mushroom It draws attention with its potential immune enhancing and antimicrobial properties.

Black mushroomIt has many impressive benefits, including positive effects on heart health and chronic disease, among others.

Remember that human research is limited and more studies are needed.

Contains powerful antioxidants

Earphone including types black mushroom it is generally high in antioxidants.

These beneficial plant compounds help fight inflammation and oxidative stress in the body that has been linked to a number of diseases.

What's more, mushrooms often contain powerful polyphenol antioxidants. Polyphenol A diet high is associated with a lower risk of cancer and chronic conditions, including heart disease.

Black mushroomVitamin B2 in Vitamin acts as a powerful antioxidant, protects cells from free radicals and reduces the risk of chronic disease. 

It also has a positive effect on physical stress and supports a healthy immune system.

Inhibits the growth of bacteria 

Black mushroomContains antimicrobial properties that may help prevent certain types of bacteria, according to a 2015 study.

The study found that these fungi have the ability to inhibit the growth of E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that cause infections.

Improves gut and immune health

Similar to other various mushrooms, black mushroom It has prebiotics - mainly in the form of beta glucan.

Prebioticsis a type of fiber that feeds the gut microbiome or friendly bacteria in the gut. These improve digestive health and maintain bowel regularity.

Interestingly, the gut microbiome is closely linked to immune health. Black mushroomPrebiotics like minis are thought to increase your immune response to unfriendly pathogens that could otherwise make you sick.

Lowers cholesterol

MantarThe polyphenols in s can help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol (bad).

In turn, low LDL cholesterol can reduce the risk of heart disease.

A study in rabbits given wood ear mushrooms found that both total and LDL (bad) cholesterol were significantly reduced.

May improve brain health

Mushrooms are thought to maintain healthy brain function.

A test-tube study revealed that wood ear fungi and other fungi inhibited the activity of beta secretase, an enzyme that releases beta amyloid proteins.

These proteins are toxic to the brain and are linked to degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. While these findings are promising, human research is needed.

May protect the liver

Black mushroommay protect the liver from certain substances.

In a rat study, water and powdered black mushroom The solution helped protect the liver from damage caused by an overdose of acetaminophen, often marketed as Tylenol in the United States.

The researchers attributed this effect to the mushroom's powerful antioxidant properties.

Relieves anemia

Black mushroomis known for its extremely high iron content and is a popular remedy for alleviating symptoms of anemia.

It is rich in iron, protein, vitamins and polysaccharides. The terpenoids in this fungus are thought to help allergy sufferers by preventing antigen activity.

Prevents inflammation

The high polysaccharide content in these types of mushrooms has many medicinal benefits. In particular, it prevents inflammation in the mucous tissue and inhibits a key enzyme responsible for Alzheimer's disease.

Good for heart health

The polysaccharides found in these types of mushrooms can lower blood cholesterol and triglycerides. It also inhibits platelet aggregation, which acts as an anticoagulant that regulates blood viscosity and reduces the risk of heart disease or stroke. This fungus is used to get rid of hypertension, blood clots and thrombosis.

Detoxifies the body

This mushroom is a detoxifier to reduce the effect of pesticides or heavy metal residue, often paired with foods that may have mildly toxic properties. 

This type of fungus is thought to attract impurities from the lungs and digestive system, as well as counteract the effects of radiation and chemotherapy.

May help lose weight

The pectin and dietary fiber in this kitchen mushroom are thought to help prevent obesity and promote weight loss by inhibiting fat absorption.

What Are the Harms of Black Fungus?

You have the following health conditions black mushroom It should be consumed with caution.

Blood coagulation

Patients using medication for blood diseases, as it may prevent clotting black mushroom should not consume. At least two weeks before a scheduled surgery black mushroom stop buying.


Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not use this mushroom in any way as it can potentially have adverse effects on the baby.

Most black mushroom Since it is sold dried, it should always be soaked before use due to its density and fragility.

Also, it should always be cooked thoroughly to kill bacteria and remove residue. Studies even show that boiling can increase antioxidant activity.

As a result;

Black mushroomIs an edible mushroom that is a popular ingredient in Chinese cuisine.

It is often sold dry under various names such as cloud ear or tree ear fungus. It must be thoroughly soaked and cooked before consumption.

The resulting research, black mushroomIt shows that it provides many benefits, such as protecting the liver, lowering cholesterol and improving gut health. It is also packed with fiber and antioxidants.

Although this mushroom has been used in traditional Chinese medicine, more studies are needed to evaluate its effects.

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