Does Macronutrient Rate Lose Weight? How to Calculate Macro Nutrient?

One of the recent weight loss trends macronutrient ratio is calculation. Macronutrientsare nutrients needed in large quantities for the normal growth and development of the body - these are carbohydrates, fats and protein.

Micronutrients On the other hand, they are nutrients that the body only needs in small amounts such as vitamins and minerals.

By counting macronutrients Food is similar to counting calories but slightly different in that it determines where the calories come from.

Calories are more important for fat loss than macronutrient ratio

When it comes to losing fat, how much you eat matters more than the amount of carbohydrates, fat and protein in your meals. 

In a one-year study, researchers randomly selected 600 people on a low-fat, low-carb diet.

For the first two months of the study, the low-fat diet group consumed 20 grams of fat per day, while the low-carb group consumed 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.

After two months, people in both groups started adding either fat or carbohydrates to their diets until they reached their lowest level.

While neither group had to consume a certain number of calories, both groups reduced their intake by taking an average of 500-600 calories per day.

At the end of the study, the low-fat diet group lost 5,3 kg and the low-carb group lost 6 kg - the difference between them was 3,3 kg a year later.

In another study, over 645 overweight people were randomly assigned to a diet that differed in fat (40% versus 20%), carbohydrate (32% versus 65%), and protein (25% versus 15%). .

Macro nutrient Regardless of the ratio, all diets were equally successful in supporting a similar amount of weight loss over two years.

These results and others suggest that any diet that counts in calories can lead to a similar amount of weight loss over the long term.

Calories alone are not enough to lose weight

Caloriemeasures the amount of energy a given food or drink contains. Whether it's from carbohydrates, fats or proteins, a diet calorie contains about 4.2 joules of energy.

By this definition, all calories are equal. However, this assumption fails to take into account the complexities of human physiology.

Food and macronutrient Its composition affects how hungry you feel, how you feel, your metabolic rate, your brain activity and your hormonal response.

So, while 100 calories of broccoli and 100 calories of burrito contain the same amount of energy, they affect the body and food choices very differently.

Four cups (340 grams) of broccoli contain 100 calories and provide eight grams of fiber. In contrast, only half of a medium-sized pastry provides 100 calories, largely derived from refined carbs and fats.

Now imagine there are four cups of broccoli on the table. Not only does it take a lot of time and effort to chew, but the high fiber content makes you feel much more full than eating half the pastry, in which case you will probably eat the other half of the pastry.

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As a result, a calorie is not just a calorie. In order to increase the sustainability of the diet and increase fat loss, it is necessary to focus on nutritional quality.

daily macronutrient calculation

The Importance of Diet Quality

To lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit by eating fewer calories than you burn. By doing this, you force your body to draw energy from storage (body fat), regardless of carbohydrate, fat, and protein structure.

Once you've created a calorie deficit, it's important to take into account the types of food you eat because some are more diet-friendly and more nutritious than others.

Choose nutrient-dense foods to lose weight

Some foods are high in nutrients but low in calories. Nutrient-dense foods are fiber, lean protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial compounds such as phytochemicals.

These include foods such as milk, beans, legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meat and fish.

Many of these foods are also rich in fiber and contain high amounts of water. Water and fiber help increase feelings of satiety by providing fewer calories throughout the day.

Consume high protein foods

Protein increases the feeling of fullness, promotes muscle loss and has the highest thermal effect. Consume lean sources such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and milk. You can also get protein from vegetable sources, such as grains such as green peas, soy, and some vegetables.

Limit fat and high carbohydrate foods

Some foods can aid weight loss, while others can cause weight gain in the opposite way.

Foods that contain both fat and carbohydrates activate the reward center in the brain and increase appetite, which can lead to overeating and weight gain.

Donuts, pizza, cookies, crackers, potato chips, and other processed snacks contain these addictive fats and oils.

Independently, carbohydrates or fats are not addictive but can be difficult to resist.

What Should Be the Macro-Nutrient Ratio?

Your diet macronutrient composition While it does not directly affect fat loss, it may affect your ability to adhere to a low-calorie diet.

This is important as studies show that the biggest determinant of weight loss is due to a low-calorie diet.

To increase the chances of success on a reduced calorie diet, based on your preferences and health macronutrient ratioChoose your own.

For example, people with type 2 diabetes can control their blood sugar with a low-carb diet instead of a high-carb diet.

In contrast, healthy people find that they are less hungry for a high-fat, low-carb diet and may be easier to follow compared to a low-fat, high-carb diet.

However, a macronutrient Diets that emphasize low intake of one (such as fat) and another (such as carbohydrates) are not suitable for everyone.

Instead, you can follow a well-balanced diet that can also be effective for weight loss. Can be accepted as determined by the National Academies Medical Institute macronutrient The distribution ranges (AMDR) are:

45-65% of calories from carbohydrates

20-35% of their calories are from fat

10--35% of their calories are from protein

In any case, choose the diet that best suits your lifestyle and preferences. You can also determine this by trial and error.

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 How to Calculate Macro Nutrient?

If you're going to a gym, “count macrosYou must have heard the term ”. Weakening and build muscle used popular by those who like macronutrient calculation, It is used to achieve a variety of health goals.

Here, how much you eat macronutrients made of protein, fat and carbohydrates, and how many calories you eat, matters.

Macro nutrient calculationWhile it is a simple method, it can be confusing for beginners. With a detailed review for this "How is macro calculation done?" Let's explain the subject.

What are macronutrients?

There are three types of macronutrients.


carbohydrates include sugar, starch, and fiber. Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram and make up the largest part of people's calorie intake.

Major health organizations recommend consuming 45-65% of daily calories from carbohydrates. Carbohydrates cereals, starchy vegetablesFound in foods such as legumes, dairy products, and fruits.


Fats provide 9 calories per gram, making them the most caloric among macronutrients. The body needs fat for energy and critical functions such as hormone production, nutrient absorption, and body temperature.

Typical macronutrient recommendations for fats account for 20-35% of total calories. Fats; butter, avocados, nuts, meat and fatty fish It is found in foods such as.


Like carbohydrates, proteins also provides 4 calories per gram. Proteins are vital for processes such as cell signals, immune function, and the creation of tissue, hormones, and enzymes.

It is recommended that proteins make up 10-35% of the total calorie intake. However, protein consumption varies depending on body composition goals, age, health and other factors.

Among the protein-rich foods egg, poultry, fish and lentils.

How to Make a Macro Calculation?

Follow the steps below.

Determine your calorie needs

To calculate the overall calorie requirement, it is necessary to determine the resting energy expenditure (REE) and non-resting energy expenditure (NREE).

While REE refers to the calories a person burns during rest; NREE shows the calories burned during activity and digestion.

Determining REE and NREE gives the total number of calories burned in a day, also known as total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). You can use the Mifflin-St Jeor equation to determine the overall calorie requirement:

Men: calories / day = 10 x Weight (kg) + 6,25 x height (cm) - 5 x age + 5

Women: calories / day = 10 x Weight (kg) + 6,25 x height (cm) - 5 x age - 161

Then multiply your result by a number based on your state of action below:

Still: x 1.2 (limited exercise)

Slightly active: x 1.375 (less than 3 days of light exercise per week)

Moderately active: x 1.55 (moderate exercise most days of the week)

Very active: x 1.725 ​​(hard exercise every day)

Extra active: x 1.9 (Strenuous exercise two or more times a day) 

The result gives you TDEE, the amount of calories you need to take daily. For example; As a result of your calculation, you reached the number 2000. If you take less than 2000 calories a day, you will lose weight.

Decide on the ideal macronutrient distribution

Once you've determined how many calories you will eat each day, the next step is to decide which macronutrient ratio is best for you. Typical macronutrient recommendations are as follows:

Carbohydrates: 45-65% of total calories

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Oils: 20-35% of total calories

Proteins: 10-35% of total calories

Note that these recommendations will not suit your specific needs. To achieve specific goals, the rate should be set in a planned way.

For example, a person who wants to gain better blood sugar control and lose excess body fat can create a plan with 35% carbohydrate, 30% fat, and 35% protein.

Ketogenic diet An athlete may need a higher carbohydrate intake, while someone who does it needs more fat and less carbohydrates.

As you can see, macronutrient ratios can vary depending on dietary preferences, weight loss goals, and other factors.

Track macro nutrient and calorie intake

Once the needs are determined, it's time macronutrient calculationhe came. Phone apps are the most convenient way to watch macros.

There are many applications for this. These apps are user-friendly and specifically designed to simplify tracking macros.

Macro nutritional values ​​calculation example

Here is an example of how to calculate macronutrients for a 40-calorie diet containing 30% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 2.000% fat.


4 calories per gram

2.000% of 40 calories = 800 carbohydrate calories

Total 90 grams of carbohydrates per day = 800/4 = 200 grams


4 calories per gram

2.000% of 30 calories = 600 calories of protein per day

Total grams of protein allowed per day = 600/4 = 150 grams


9 calories per gram

2.000% of 30 calories = 600 calories of protein per day

Total amount of fat allowed per day = 600/9 = 67 grams

In this calculation, your ideal daily intake would be 200 grams of carbohydrates, 150 grams of protein and 67 grams of fat.

Benefits of Macro Nutrient Calculation

Daily macronutrient calculationhas various health benefits.

Improves diet quality

Counting macros, Allows you to focus your attention on food quality rather than caloric content. For example, a sugary cereal bowl has a similar calorie count to an oat bowl filled with fruit, but these dishes differ widely in macronutrient content.

Count macroswill allow you to choose healthier, nutrient-dense foods.

Helps to lose weight

Macro nutrient calculationis particularly effective in losing weight as it sets dietary recommendations. For example, counting macros will help those on a high-protein, low-carb diet that is linked to weight loss.

The Harms of Macro Nutrient Calculation

For people who build muscle macronutrient calculation, ideal for achieving health goals. It also increases awareness of the quality and quantity of foods consumed. But macronutrient calculation not suitable for everyone.

Count macrosputs a lot of emphasis on food quality and calories, eating disorder Those with a history should stay away, as it can trigger them and even lead to irregular eating habits.

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