What is Leptin Diet, How Is It Made? Leptin Diet List

Do you want to lose weight? Of course, you don't want to regain the weight you lost. I have tried all kinds of diets. let's go leptin diet Did you say try? 

But I warn you. Once you come here, you won't be able to go anywhere else. Maybe this diet you heard by chance will change your life. 

It really is. Leptin dietThis is the purpose of. Losing weight permanently by changing your eating habits.

Sounds great, doesn't it? Losing weight and then not regaining the weight you lost… Great.

So how will this be? really this leptin but what is it? Why did they give this name to the diet?

If you're ready, let's start. But do not skip reading these theoretical parts. Because it is very important to understand the logic of the business. You will determine your next diet accordingly.

Weight loss with the hormone leptin

Leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells. It sends a signal to the brain when the amount of food to burn is low and the fuel tank is full. But when abnormal conditions occur in our body, leptin is either under- or over-produced.

As a result, we begin to overeat. After a while, we saw that our oils start to hang from here and there.

Leptin dietThe purpose of leptin is to control the hormone and prevent overeating. This is not only. This hormone actually has many functions in our body. Preventing obesity, diabetes and heart disease depends on this hormone working properly. There is a direct link between leptin and obesity.

weight loss with leptin diet

How to lose weight with the leptin diet?

This diet regulates the secretion of leptin in our body. This is how we weaken.

We can think of the hormone leptin as a messenger. It's a messenger that conveys how much fat we have in our body to our brain.

If we have enough leptin in our body, the brain programs the metabolism to burn fat. So if the leptin hormone is working, we don't need to spend much effort to lose fat.

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Well, let's make the leptin hormone work properly and lose weight. Beautiful. So how do we do this? 

By making some changes in our diet, of course. For this leptin dietThere are 5 rules of…

How is the leptin diet done?

1st rule: Do not eat after dinner. 

Dinner The interval between breakfast and breakfast should be 12 hours. So if you ate dinner at seven, have your breakfast at seven in the morning.

2st rule: Eat three meals a day

Our metabolism is not designed to eat constantly. Eating constantly surprises the metabolism. There should be 5-6 hours between meals. You should not snack during this time period. 

3st rule: Eat slowly and less. 

It takes 20 minutes for leptin to reach the brain while eating. To reach this time, you need to eat slowly. Do not fill your stomach completely. Eating slowly makes you eat less. Eating large portions constantly means poisoning the body with food.

4st rule: Eat protein for breakfast. 

Eating protein for breakfast speeds up metabolism. You feel full for the rest of the day. Protein A heavy breakfast will be your biggest helper in waiting 5 hours until lunch.

5st rule: Eat fewer carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are easy-to-use fuels. If you eat too much, you fill up your fat stores as if you were saving money. It is important and necessary for us to eat complex carbohydrates. But don't turn yourself into a carb crush, either.

Leptin diet sample list

I can't say to have milk for breakfast and vegetables for lunch. Because there is no definite list for this diet. This diet is an individual way of eating that serves to create a lifestyle. That's why I said that it is very important to understand the logic of the article at the beginning of the article.

Of course, I will have a few suggestions to guide you…

At breakfast

  • Due to the need for protein in the morning, you should definitely have eggs and cheese for breakfast at the first meal of the day.
  • Apart from protein, your breakfast should be rich in fiber.
  • Drink plenty of water.
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At lunch

Lunch is going to be a tough time for you, especially if you're starving. The aim of this meal is to eat more food with less calories.

  • Both salad and soup will meet this requirement. It is an excellent source of nutrients, yet low in calories.
  • Boiled meat (chicken or turkey) are great choices for this meal.
  • Drink unsweetened tea, such as black or green tea, as the antioxidants will help our body function.

At the dinner

Dinner should be kept simple.

  • A vegetable and protein meal.
  • If you don't want to eat dessert, you can eat fruit at the end of the meal.
  • You can also add a small amount of a tasty alternative, such as ice cream.
  • Think of nothing but fruit for dessert.

What to eat on the leptin diet?

  • Vegetables: Spinach, green beans, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, onions, garlic, celery, leeks, zucchini, eggplant, radishes, beets, peppers, okra, zucchini, etc.
  • Fruits: Apple, banana, grape, grapefruit, lemon, strawberry, orange, kiwi, watermelon, melon, pomegranate, peach, plum and pear etc.
  • Healthy oils: Olive oil, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, butter, avocado.
  • Proteins: Dry beans, lentils, mushrooms, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, fish, chicken breast, beef, etc.
  • Milk: Low-fat milk, yogurt, eggs, ice cream (small amount), cottage cheese, curd cheese.
  • Wheat and grain: Cereal bread, wholemeal bread, wheat bread, oats, barley, oat biscuits.
  • Herbs and spices: Coriander, basil, dill, rosemary, thyme, fennel, rye, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, thyme etc.
  • Beverages: Water, fresh fruit and vegetable juices (no packaged drinks), smoothies and detox drinks. Avoid alcohol and sugary drinks.

It's a long list. There are many other healthy foods that are not on this list that you can consume.

What not to eat on the leptin diet
  • Foods containing carbohydrates. Especially refined carbohydrate.
  • Unhealthy fats.
  • White bread, flour, sugar and a lot of salt.
  • Artificially sweetened beverages, sodas, and energy drinks
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Should I exercise on the leptin diet?

We all know that exercise is necessary to lose weight. Exercising regularly will weaken faster.

Walking, brisk walking, running, stair climbing, jumping rope, squats, aerobics leptin dietexercises that can be applied while doing…

What are the benefits of the leptin diet?

  • Leptin diet Those who lose weight lose their weight faster.
  • After the first few days, hunger is not often felt.
  • You build muscle.

What are the harms of the leptin diet?

  • Eating three meals a day is not for everyone or all body types.
  • Leptin diet If those who lose weight return to their old habits after dieting, they will regain the weight.
  • It can cause emotional swings.

Advice for those on the leptin diet

  • Go to bed at least three hours after dinner. Get seven hours of good sleep.
  • Get up early in the morning. First, drink warm water with lemon juice.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Eat your meals at the right time.

In short, what we eat is as important as how much and when we eat. Enjoy living in harmony with the hormone leptin, losing weight and maintaining the weight you lost!

References: 1

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