What is Allulose? Is It a Healthy Sweetener?

Allulose or alluloseis a sweetener and has the taste and texture of sugar, is low in calories and contains fewer carbohydrates. Some studies suggest that it may have health benefits.

Not only can it accelerate both weight loss and fat loss, it can also help balance blood sugar levels, support liver health, and reduce inflammation in the body.

However, it is not known whether it is safe when used as a sugar substitute for a long time.

What is Allulose?

AlluloseAlso known as "D-psicose". It is classified as a "rare sugar" that occurs naturally in only a few foods. Wheat, figs, and raisins contain them all.

Like glucose and fructose, allulot is a monosaccharide or single sugar. In contrast, table sugar, also known as sucrose, is a disaccharide made from glucose and fructose.


In fact, it has the same chemical formula as fructose but is regulated differently. This difference in its structure prevents our bodies from processing fructose in the way it processes.

Although we consume allulose Although 70-84% is absorbed in the digestive system, it is excreted in the urine without being used as fuel.

For people with diabetes or watching their blood sugar, the news is good - it doesn't raise blood sugar or insulin levels.

Allulose it also contains only 0,2-0,4 calories per gram.

In addition, early research, alluloseIt suggests that flour has anti-inflammatory properties, may help prevent obesity and reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Although small amounts of this rare sugar are found in some foods, in recent years manufacturers have been removing fructose from corn and other plants. alluloseThey used enzymes to convert it to a.

Its taste and texture are described as identical to table sugar. Similar to the sweetness of erythritol, another popular sweetener, is about 70%.

Allulose sweetenerThe products have gained popularity among dieters who want to reduce their calorie consumption and added sugar consumption. It is becoming more and more common as it has minimal effect on blood sugar levels.

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Many food manufacturers, including products such as granola bars, sweetened yogurt and snacks, allulose started to use. 

What Are the Benefits of Allulose?

Helps control blood sugar

This sweetener can help control diabetes. Allulose glycemic indexAlthough it is low, it does not affect blood sugar levels, but can also protect beta cells in the pancreas, which are responsible for insulin production.

Indeed, a number of animal studies have found that it lowers blood sugar, increases insulin sensitivity, and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by protecting insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas.

Other research shows that it can lower insulin levels by increasing the body's ability to transport sugar from the bloodstream to cells more efficiently. 

Increases fat loss

Investigation of obese mice, allulose It also reveals that it increases fat loss.  This includes unhealthy belly fat, also known as visceral fat, which is strongly linked to heart disease and other health issues.

In one study, obese mice were either alluloseA normal or high fat diet containing sucrose or erythritol supplements was given. 

Allulose It has been noted that erythritol provides almost no calories and does not raise blood sugar or insulin levels.

However, alluloseflour had more benefits than erythritol. Allulose The rats fed received less belly fat than rats fed erythritol or sucrose.

In another study, 5% cellulose fiber or 5% in rats allulose They were given a high sugar diet containing. Allulose his group burned significantly more calories and fat overnight, and gained much less fat than rats fed with cellulose.

Since it is a new sweetener, its effects on weight and fat loss in humans are not yet known because they have not yet been studied.

However, allulose It may also aid weight loss, based on controlled studies that showed lower blood sugar and insulin levels in people taking it.

Obviously, high-quality studies in humans are needed before any conclusions can be made.

Provides protection against fatty liver

Studies with mice, in addition to providing weight loss, alluloseobserved that flour reduces fat storage in the liver.

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This could potentially help protect against fatty liver disease, a serious disorder that can eventually lead to cirrhosis or scarring of the liver.

It also protects muscles by promoting fat loss in the liver and body.

May reduce inflammation

Inflammation is a normal immune response that the body uses to help defend against infection.

On the other hand, chronic inflammation can worsen symptoms of autoimmune disorders and contribute to serious conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Some research, allulosesuggesting that the flour may have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Although exactly how it works is unclear, a recent 2020 study, alluloseHe noted that flour may interact with beneficial bacteria in the gut to help relieve inflammation and reduce weight gain. 

How Is Allulose Used?

AlluloseIt has a taste and texture similar to sugar but has a fraction of the calories and carbs, making it an easy replacement for regular sugar in many different products.

Cereals, snacks, salad dressings, candies, puddings, sauces and syrups, currently on the market allulose are some of the most common foods that contain.

This sweetener can also be found in flavored yogurts, frozen dairy products and baked goods and other processed foods such as cookies, cakes and pastries.

Is Allulose Safe?

Allulose appears to be a safe sweetener. (GRAS) has been added to the list of foods generally considered safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

AlluloseStudies lasting 3 to 18 months in rats fed with did not detect any toxicity or other health-related problems with the sweetener.

In one study, rats received about 18/0.45 gram per kilogram of body weight (1 kg) over 2 months. allulose was given. At the end of the study, side effects were minimal and both allulose were similar in both control groups. It is worth noting that this is an extremely large dose.

In human studies, more realistic doses of 12-5 grams (15-1 teaspoons) per day for up to 3 weeks have not been associated with any adverse side effects.

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It is unlikely to cause health problems when consumed in moderation. But as with any food, individual sensitivities can always arise.

Alternatives That Can Be Used In Replacing Allulose

AlluloseBesides flour, some alternatives that can be used to replace sugar are:



- Aspartame

- Saccharin

- acesulfame potassium

- Neotame

While all of these are generally considered safe by regulatory agencies, stevia Except, all of them are produced artificially by food producers.

Natural sweeteners, allulose can be used instead. These maple syrupis raw honey, palm, or coconut sugar.

In addition to enhancing the flavor of food, these ingredients can also provide other important nutrients and antioxidants to support health.

As a result;

Also known as D-psicose allulose sweeteneris a simple sugar that is commercially produced and found naturally in many food sources.

Studies show that it can help promote weight loss and fat loss, lower blood sugar levels, improve liver health, and reduce inflammation.

Studies in animals and humans show that it can be consumed safely with minimal risk of side effects and is generally considered safe by food safety regulators, which means it can be used as a food additive.

It is widely used by food manufacturers in processed products.

You can substitute other natural sweeteners such as dried fruit, maple syrup, raw honey, or coconut sugar instead, as it is very similar to the taste and texture of regular sugar.

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