Healthy and Delicious Foods Alternative to Sugar

Sugar and sugary foods are among the most consumed foods worldwide. However, excessive consumption of such foods increases the risk of diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. 

If you are one of those who say I cannot give up dessert, alternative to sugar You can try other healthy foods. Request alternative to sugar delicious and healthy food that will be… 

Healthy Sugar Alternatives 

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit It is naturally sweet and packed with nutrients like fiber, vitamins and minerals. It also provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Unlike sugar, fruits are low in calories and high in fiber.

fruit instead of sugar

Dry fruit

Dried fruitsare sweeter and higher in calories than fresh ones. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful while eating. Some dried fruits contain added sugar, so choose sugar-free ones when purchasing. 

Homemade ice cream

Homemade ice creamIt has less sugar than packaged ones and is made with healthy fruits. 

To make ice cream, mix the desired fruit with water, juice or milk into molds and freeze. You can mix it with yogurt for a creamy texture. 

Frozen fruit

Frozen fruit preserves the nutrients of fresh fruit because it ripens fully before being frozen. At home, you can freeze fruit with yogurt for a quick and simple snack.

healthy alternative to sugar

Energy balls

The energy balls are full of fiber, protein and healthy fats It is made with healthy ingredients containing.

Oat, peanut butter, flax seed and dried fruits are the most commonly used ingredients. You can add other ingredients such as chocolate. However, it is high in calories and should therefore be consumed with caution. 

Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberry

Dark chocolate covered strawberry is a flavor that brings out the benefits of dark chocolate. To prepare this, dip the strawberries into melted dark chocolate. Place on baking paper and freeze for 15-20 minutes.

Mixed nuts

Cookie mix, nutsProvides fiber, protein and many beneficial plant compounds by combining seeds, grains, dried fruit and chocolate. Outside purchases may contain added sugar, so you can mix your cookie yourself at home.

Candied chickpeas

Chickpea; It is rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. One cup (164 grams) of cooked chickpeas provides 15 grams of high-quality protein and 13 grams of fiber.

The chickpea recipe below alternative to sugar as you can try.

Cinnamon Roasted Chickpeas


  • 1 cup boiled chickpeas
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1 tea spoon salt
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Heat the oven to 200 ° C and roast the chickpeas for 15 minutes. Sugar in a bowl, cinnamon and mix the salt.

Take the chickpeas out of the oven, olive oil whisk with it and sprinkle with cinnamon. Mix until completely covered and cook for another 15 minutes.

Avocado and chocolate pudding

Avokadois an excellent source of healthy fats, fiber, and beneficial plant compounds. also C vitamin, folat ve potassium It provides vitamins and minerals.

Studies show that the oil and fiber in avocados can help reduce appetite.

You can make a creamy pudding by mixing this fruit with a few simple ingredients like cocoa powder and a sweetener of your choice. Click for diet pudding recipes.

Natural Sweeteners That Can Replace Sugar

stevia sweetener harms


Stevia, scientifically Stevia rebaudiana It is a natural sweetener extracted from the leaves of the South American bush known as.

This plant-based sweetener can be derived from one of two compounds, stevioside and rebaudioside A. Each contains zero calories, can be 350 times sweeter than sugar, and is slightly different from sugar.

Stevia rebaudiana Its leaves are full of nutrients and phytochemicals, so the sweetener has some health benefits.

Stevioside, a sweet compound found in stevia, has been shown to lower blood pressure, blood sugar, and insulin levels.

Stevia is generally considered safe.


xylitolis a sugar alcohol with a sweetness similar to sugar. It is extracted from corn or birch wood and is found in many fruits and vegetables.

Xylitol contains 40 calories per gram, which is 2,4% fewer calories than sugar.

What makes xylitol a promising alternative to sugar is that it lacks fructose, the main ingredient responsible for most of the harmful effects of sugar.

Unlike sugar, xylitol does not raise blood sugar or insulin levels.

When consumed in moderation, xylitol is generally well tolerated by humans but can be highly toxic to dogs.


Like xylitol, erythritol is a sugar alcohol but contains even fewer calories. At just 0.24 calories per gram, erythritol contains 6% of the calories of regular sugar.

It also tastes almost exactly like sugar, making it an easy alternative.

Our bodies do not have enzymes to break down most erythritol, so most of it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream and excreted unchanged in the urine.

Therefore, it does not appear to have the harmful effects that regular sugar does. Also, erythritol does not raise blood sugar, insulin, cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

Erythritol is generally considered safe as a sugar substitute for human consumption, but commercial production of erythritol is time consuming and expensive, making it a less available option.

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Yacon syrup

Yacon syrup, Native to South America and scientifically smallanthus sonchifolius known as derived from yacón plant.

It tastes sweet, dark in color, and has a thick consistency similar to molasses.

Yacon syrup contains 40-50% fructooligosaccharides, a special type of sugar molecule that the human body cannot digest.

Since these sugar molecules are not digested, yacon syrup contains one third of the calories of regular sugar, or about 1.3 calories per gram.

The high content of fructooligosaccharides in Yacon syrup offers a variety of health benefits. Studies show that it can reduce the glycemic index, body weight, and colon cancer risk.

What's more, one study found that fructooligosaccharides can increase feelings of fullness, which may help you feel full quicker and eat less.

It also feeds friendly bacteria in the gut, which are incredibly important for overall health.

Having healthy gut bacteria has been linked to a lower risk of diabetes and obesity, as well as improved immunity and brain function.

Yacon syrup is generally considered safe, but eating large amounts can cause excessive gas, diarrhea, or general digestive upset.

What are the harms of honey

Natural sweeteners

Many natural sweeteners are used instead of sugar by health-conscious people. These include coconut sugar, honey, maple syrup, and molasses.

These natural sugar alternatives may contain a few more nutrients than regular sugar, but our bodies still metabolize them in the same way.

Note that the natural sweeteners listed below are still forms of sugar, making them only slightly "less harmful" than regular sugar.

Coconut sugar

Coconut sugaris extracted from the pulp of the coconut palm. It contains antioxidants as well as several nutrients such as iron, zinc, calcium, and potassium.

It also has a lower glycemic index than sugar, which may be partly due to its inulin content.

Inulin is a type of soluble fiber that has been shown to slow digestion, increase fullness and feed the healthy bacteria in the gut.

However, coconut sugar is still very high in calories and contains the same number of calories per serving as regular sugar.

It is also very high in fructose, which is the main reason why regular sugar is so unhealthy in the first place.

As a result, coconut sugar is very similar to regular table sugar and should be used sparingly.


Honey, it is a dense, golden liquid produced by bees.

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It contains plenty of beneficial antioxidants as well as trace amounts of vitamins and minerals.

The phenolic acids and flavonoids in honey are responsible for its antioxidant activity, which can help prevent diabetes, inflammation, heart disease and cancer.

Over the years, many studies have attempted to establish clear links between honey and weight loss, lowering glucose levels and decreasing hyperglycemia.

However, larger studies and more up-to-date research are required to establish clear patterns.

While honey has promising health benefits, it contains fructose, which can contribute to a range of health problems.

In short, honey is still sugar and not completely harmless.

Maple syrup

Maple syrupis a thick, sugary liquid obtained by cooking the sap of maple trees.

It contains a fair amount of minerals including calcium, potassium, iron, zinc and manganese.

It also contains more antioxidants than honey.

A study in rodents found that maple syrup when taken orally with sucrose significantly lowered plasma glucose concentrations than taking sucrose alone.

Test-tube studies have shown that maple syrup may have anti-cancer properties, but more research is needed to confirm this.

Despite some beneficial nutrients and antioxidants, maple syrup is still very high in sugar. It has a slightly lower glycemic index than regular sugar, so it may not raise blood sugar levels that quickly. But it will eventually raise it.

Like coconut sugar and honey, maple syrup is a slightly better option than regular sugar, but should still be consumed in moderation.


Molasses is a sweet, brown liquid with a thick syrup-like consistency. It is made by boiling sugar cane or sugar beet juice.

It contains a handful of vitamins and minerals, as well as several antioxidants. In addition, its high iron, potassium, and calcium content may benefit bone and heart health.

Generally, molasses replaces refined sugar, but its consumption should be limited as it is still a type of sugar. 

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