What Are the Benefits and Harm of Peanut Oil?

Peanut oilis among the healthy cooking oils. Although more research is needed, the amount of cholesterol and trans fats is lower. Most anecdotal evidence suggests that oil can be a healthy alternative.

Peanut oilAlthough it has health benefits, it is also known to have some downsides. 

What Is Peanut Oil, What Is It For?

Peanut oilis an oil of vegetable origin made from the edible seeds of the peanut plant. Although the flowers of the peanut plant are above the ground, the seeds, the peanut part, develop underground. For this reason, it is also known as peanut.

Peanut It is often grouped as part of the tree-growing family of nuts such as walnuts and almonds, but it is actually a legume type belonging to the pea and bean family.

Depending on the processing, peanut oilIt has a wide range of flavors that vary with its soft and strong taste. A few different peanut oil has. Each is done using different techniques:

Refined peanut oil

This oil is refined so that the allergenic parts of the oil are removed. Safe for peanut allergy sufferers. It is often used by restaurants to fry foods such as chicken and french fries.

Cold pressed peanut butter

In this method, peanuts are crushed and their oil is extracted. This low heat process preserves most of the natural peanut flavor and more nutrients than refined.

Mixture of peanut oil with another oil

Peanut oil it is usually blended with a less expensive oil. This type is more affordable for consumers and is often sold in bulk for frying foods.

Peanut oilIt has a high smoke point of 225 ℃ and is widely used for frying food.

Nutritional Value of Peanut Oil

Here is a tablespoon peanut oil nutritional values ​​for:

Calories: 119

Fat: 14 grams

Saturated fat: 2.3 grams

Monounsaturated fat: 6,2 grams

Polyunsaturated fat: 4.3 grams

Vitamin E: 11% of the RDI

Phytosterols: 27.9 mg

Peanut butterIs 20% saturated fat, 50% monounsaturated fat (MUFA) and 30% polyunsaturated fat (PUFA).

The main type of monounsaturated fat found in oil oleic acidis referred to as omega 9. At the same time linoleic acidis a type of omega 6 fatty acid and contains palmitic acid, a small amount of saturated fat.

Peanut oilThe high amount of omega 6 fats contained in is not very beneficial for health. Excessive consumption of these oils can cause inflammation and is linked to a variety of health problems.

on the other hand peanut oilis a good antioxidant with many health benefits such as protecting the body from free radical damage and reducing the risk of heart disease. Vitamin E is the source.

What Are the Benefits of Peanut Oil?

Peanut oil It is an excellent source of vitamin E. It has also been associated with some health benefits, including reducing certain risk factors for heart disease and lowering blood sugar levels in those with diabetes.

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High in Vitamin E

A tablespoon peanut oilContains 11% of the daily recommended vitamin E. Vitamin E is the name of the fat-soluble compound that has many important functions in the body.

The main role of vitamin E is to function as an antioxidant, protecting the body from harmful substances called free radicals.

Free radicals can damage cells if their numbers are too high in the body. They are linked to chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease.

What's more, vitamin E helps keep the immune system strong, protecting the body from bacteria and viruses. It is also essential for red blood cell formation, cell signaling, and prevention of blood clots.

This powerful antioxidant can reduce the risk of heart disease, certain cancers and cataracts, and even prevent age-related mental decline.

May reduce the risk of heart disease

Peanut oil high in both mono-unsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA) oils; Both of these oils have been extensively studied for their role in reducing the risk of heart disease.

There is strong evidence that the use of unsaturated fat can reduce some of the risk factors for heart disease. For example, LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.

Many studies have shown that replacing saturated fats with MUFAs or PUFAs can reduce both LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

According to a large-scale review by the American Heart Association, reducing saturated fat intake and increasing monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat intake can reduce the risk of heart disease by 30%.

However, these benefits were only seen in the replacement of saturated fats with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

It is unclear whether consuming more of these oils without changing other nutritional components will have a positive effect on heart health.

Additionally, it's worth noting that other key studies have shown little or no effect on heart disease risk when lowering saturated fat or replacing it with other fats.

For example, a recent review of 750.000 studies involving over 76 people found no link between saturated fat intake and heart disease risk, even in those who consume the most.

Peanut butter Although it contains large amounts of polyunsaturated fat, walnuts, sunflower and flax seed There are higher nutritional options in this type of oil, such as.

May increase insulin sensitivity

Studies have shown that monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes.

Consuming fats with low carbohydrate content helps slow the absorption of sugars in the digestive system and causes blood sugar to rise slowly.

However, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats may play a larger role, especially in blood sugar control.

The researchers noted that in a review of 4.220 clinical studies involving 102 adults, only 5% of saturated fat intake was replaced by polyunsaturated fats, blood sugar They found that it caused a significant decrease in HbA1c levels and a long-term indicator of blood glucose control.

Additionally, replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat significantly increased insulin secretion in these subjects. Insulin helps cells absorb glucose and prevents blood sugar from getting too high.

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Animal studies also show that peanut oil improves blood sugar control.

In a study, peanut oil Significant reductions in both blood glucose levels and HbA1c were seen in diabetic rats fed with

In another study, peanut oil There were significant reductions in blood sugar in diabetic mice supplemented with

Improves cognitive health

Peanut oilThere is no direct research that suggests that can improve cognitive health. However, the vitamin E it contains may play a role.

Studies show that vitamin E can support healthy brain aging in the elderly. Food can also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin E supplementation has also been found to increase motor activities in individuals. 

May help reduce cancer risk

Peanut oilincludes phytosterols, compounds known for their potential anticancer properties. These compounds can reduce the risk of prostate and colon cancer. Some studies indicate that they can reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Generally, phytosterols have also been studied in terms of their anticancer effects. Emerging evidence suggests that these compounds can inhibit lung, stomach, and ovarian cancers.

May help relieve joint pain

Peanut oil Contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. Studies reveal their therapeutic potential in treating joint pain in the setting of rheumatoid arthritis.

The oil can be used to relieve debilitating joint pain. Peanut oil It is applied directly to the skin and massaged.

Ancak peanut oilThere is not enough information about the topical application of. Please consult your doctor before using the oil for this purpose.

It can delay the signs of aging

Peanut oilThere is no direct research that suggests that sachet can delay signs of aging. However, some research suggests that the vitamin E in the oil may be helpful in this regard.

Vitamin E is an essential ingredient in most over-the-counter anti-aging products. Vitamin E also fights the negative effects of oxidative stress. 

May help treat scalp psoriasis

Some research suggests that vitamin E has been found in the skin and scalp, including psoriasisIt states that it can help the treatment of.

Anecdotal evidence, peanut oilIt shows that the antioxidants in it can treat dandruff and in some cases may help treat scalp psoriasis. This can be attributed to the moisturizing properties of peanut oil.

Where Is Peanut Oil Used?

Peanut oil It can be used in many different ways:


Peanut oil It is low in saturated fat and rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. So it is ideal for cooking. 

Soap Making

You can also use the oil to make soap. Soap supports skin health thanks to its softening properties. One downside is that oil soap may not last long as it can get moldy pretty quickly. 


Peanut butterhas been used in flu vaccines since the 1960s to prolong immunity in patients.

What Are the Harms of Peanut Oil?

Peanut oil consumption Although there are some evidence-based benefits for people, there are also some possible disadvantages.

High in omega 6 fatty acids

Omega 6 fatty acids It is a type of polyunsaturated fat. These are important fatty acids, which means they must be taken through food because the body cannot make them.

Better known omega 3 fatty acids Along with, omega 6 fatty acids play a critical role in normal growth and development as well as normal brain function.

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While omega-3s help fight inflammation in the body that can cause many chronic diseases, omega 6s tend to be more pro-inflammatory.

Although both essential fatty acids are essential for health, today's diet tends to be very high in omega 6 fatty acids.

Multiple studies link high consumption of omega 6 fats to an increased risk of breast cancer in women. There is strong evidence to support a link between over-consumption of these pro-inflammatory oils and certain diseases.

Peanut oil It is very high in omega 6 and does not contain omega 3. To consume a more balanced ratio of these essential fatty acids peanut oilIt is necessary to limit the intake of omega 6 oils as found in

Prone to oxidation

Oxidation is a reaction between a substance and oxygen that causes the formation of free radicals and other harmful compounds.

While this process commonly occurs with unsaturated fats, saturated fats are more resistant to oxidation.

Polyunsaturated fats are the most susceptible to oxidation due to their highly unstable double bonds. Exposing or heating these oils to air, sunlight or moisture can trigger this undesirable process.

Peanut oilThe high amount of polyunsaturated fats in the oil are more prone to oxidation when used as a high temperature oil.

Peanut butter When oxidized, free radicals can cause damage to the body. This damage can even lead to premature aging, some cancers and heart disease.

There are more stable oils for high temperature cooking on the market. These peanut oilIt is much more resistant to oxidation than Peanut butter Although it has a high smoke point, it may not be the best option in this regard.

Peanut allergy

Those with peanut allergies may develop an allergic response to the oil. Symptoms of these allergies include urticaria (a type of round skin rash), gastrointestinal and upper respiratory tract reactions, and anaphylaxis.

As a result;

Peanut oilis a popular oil used all over the world. It is a good source of an antioxidant like vitamin E, and this can help reduce heart disease risk factors. It also improves insulin sensitivity and blood sugar in people with diabetes.

Still, this oil has health benefits as well as some disadvantages.

It contains high amounts of pro-inflammatory omega 6 fatty acids and is prone to oxidation that can cause certain diseases.

With so many healthy oil choices on the market, it may be wiser to choose an oil with more benefits and less potential health risks.

Seeking among some good alternatives olive oil, coconut oil or a avocado oil .

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