Natural Ways to Strengthen Body Resistance

It is the duty of the immune system to protect our body against diseases. This complex system consists of cells in the skin, blood, bone marrow, tissues and organs. It protects our body against potentially harmful pathogens (such as bacteria and viruses). 

Think of the immune system as an orchestra. For the best performance, every instrument and musician in the orchestra is expected to perform at their best.

It is not desirable for a musician to play at double speed, or to suddenly produce twice as much sound as an instrument usually does. Each component of the orchestra must work exactly according to the plan.

The same goes for the immune system. In order to protect our body from harm in the best way, every component of the immune system must work exactly according to plan. The best way to achieve this is by strengthening immunity and body resistance..

Here Natural ways to strengthen immunity and body resistance...

How to Strengthen Immunity and Body Resistance?

Get enough sleep

Sleep and immunity are closely related. Insufficient or poor quality sleep creates a higher susceptibility to disease.

In one study of 164 healthy adults, those who slept less than 6 hours each night were more likely to catch a cold than those who slept 6 hours or more each night.

Getting enough rest naturally strengthens immunity. You can sleep more when you get sick so that the immune system fights the disease better.

Adults need 7 or more hours of sleep, teens need 8-10 hours and young children and infants need 14 hours or more.

Eat more plant foods

Natural plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and legumes are rich in nutrients and antioxidants that can excel against harmful pathogens.

AntioxidantsHelps reduce inflammation by combating unstable compounds called free radicals that can cause inflammation when high levels accumulate in the body.

It is the root cause of numerous diseases, including chronic inflammation, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and some cancers.

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Fiber in plant foods, gut microbiomeIt nourishes the skin or the healthy bacterial community in the intestines. A powerful gut microbiome enhances immunity and helps prevent harmful pathogens from entering the body through the digestive system.

Also, fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients like vitamin C, which can reduce the duration of the common cold.

Eat healthy fats

Olive oil ve salmonHealthy fats, such as those found in Turkey, increase the body's immune response to pathogens by reducing inflammation.

Although low-level inflammation is a normal response to stress or injury, chronic inflammation can suppress the immune system.

Being highly anti-inflammatory, olive oil reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Also, its anti-inflammatory properties help the body fight bacteria and viruses that cause harmful diseases.

Salmon and chia seedsLike those in, omega 3 fatty acids also fight inflammation.

Eat fermented foods or take a probiotic supplement

Fermented foodsIt is rich in beneficial bacteria called probiotics found in the digestive system.

These foods include yogurt, sauerkraut, and kefir.

Research suggests that the thriving gut bacteria network can help immune cells differentiate between normal, healthy cells and harmful invading organisms.

In a 126-month study in 3 children, those who drank 70mL of fermented milk per day experienced about 20% less childhood infectious disease compared to a control group.

If you don't eat fermented foods regularly, taking probiotic supplements is another option.

In a 152-day study with 28 rhinovirus-infected people, those supplemented with the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis had a stronger immune response and lower virus levels than a control group.

Eat less sugar

Emerging research shows that added sugars and refined carbohydrates may contribute disproportionately to overweight and obesity.

Obesity can likewise increase the risk of getting sick.

According to an observational study of about 1000 people, obese patients who received the flu vaccine were twice as likely to have the flu than those who received the flu vaccine but did not have obesity.

Reducing sugar can reduce inflammation and aid weight loss, thus reducing the risk of chronic health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

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Given that obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease can weaken the immune system, limiting added sugar is an important part of an immune-boosting diet.

You should try to limit your sugar intake to less than 5% of your daily calories. This equates to about 2000 tablespoons (2 grams) of sugar for someone who eats 25 calories daily.

Exercise moderately

Although prolonged intense exercise can suppress the immune system, moderate exercise can increase body resistance.

Studies show that even a single moderate exercise session can increase the effectiveness of vaccines in people with compromised immune systems.

What's more, regular, moderate exercise can reduce inflammation and help regenerate immune cells regularly.

Examples of moderate exercise include brisk walking, regular cycling, jogging, swimming, and jogging. At least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week should be done.

For water

Hydration does not necessarily protect you from germs and viruses, but preventing dehydration is important for overall health.

Dehydration can cause headaches and affects physical performance, focus, mood, digestion, heart and kidney function. These complications increase the susceptibility to the disease.

To prevent dehydration, you should drink enough fluids daily. Water is recommended because it contains no calories, additives and sugar.

While tea and juice can be moisturizing, it is best to limit juice and tea consumption due to their high sugar content.

As a general rule, you should drink when you are thirsty. You may need more fluid if you exercise vigorously, work outdoors, or live in a hot climate.

Manage your stress level

Stress and anxietyalleviate key to immune health.

Prolonged stress triggers inflammation and imbalances in immune cell function.

In particular, prolonged psychological stress can suppress the immune response in children.

Activities that can help manage stress include meditation, exercise, yoga, and other mindfulness practices. Also, therapy sessions can work.

Nutritional supplements 

Some studies show that the following nutritional supplements can strengthen the body's overall immune response:

C vitamin

11.000-1.000 mg per day, according to a review in over 2.000 people C vitamin Taking it reduced the duration of colds by 8% in adults and 14% in children. However, the supplement did not prevent the onset of the common cold.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency It increases the risk of getting sick, so supplementing may prevent this effect. However, when you have adequate levels, taking vitamin D does not provide any extra benefit.

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In a review in 575 people with the common cold, supplementing with more than 75 mg of zinc per day reduced the duration of the common cold by 33%.


One small review found that elderberry can reduce symptoms of viral upper respiratory infections, but more research is needed.


A study of more than 700 people, echinacea found that those who took a cold recovered slightly faster than those who took a placebo or didn't receive treatment.


A 146-week high-quality study in 12 people found that garlic supplementation reduced the frequency of common cold by around 30%. 

Quit smoking

Quit smoking because it not only increases the risk of cancer but also impairs the immune system. It is said that smoking has a negative effect on innate immunity. 

It can also increase the risk of developing harmful pathogenic immune responses, and smoking reduces the effectiveness of the immune system's defenses.

Go out into the sun

Stepping into natural light is one of the most important factors contributing to the production of vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is essential for the healthy functioning of the immune system, as it helps the body produce antibodies. 

Low levels of vitamin D in the body are one of the main causes of respiratory problems. A brisk walk for 10-15 minutes in sunlight will ensure sufficient vitamin D production in the body.

As a result;

Strengthen the immune systemis effective in increasing the resistance of the body, there are some points to be considered for this.

Ways to naturally strengthen body resistanceSome of them are reducing sugar intake, drinking enough water, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep and managing stress levels.

Although these natural methods do not prevent disease, they strengthen the body's defenses against harmful pathogens.

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