What Should We Do To Grow Hair? Hair Extension with Natural Methods

Is there any woman who is happy with her hair? Very rare. When it comes to hair, beauty and attractiveness usually come to mind. That's why most women are always on the lookout for little tips that will turn their hair into the perfect look. In this article, we asked “what should we do to grow hair?” We have compiled and presented to you small tips about.

Factors Affecting Hair Growth

Let's list the factors that can prevent healthy hair growth as follows;

  • Genetic
  • Hormonal changes
  • nutrient deficiency
  • Medicines
  • Stress
  • Trauma that damages the follicles
  • Other diseases

What Should We Do to Grow Hair?

what should we do to grow hair
What should we do to grow hair?
  • Healthy and balanced diet

Undoubtedly, a healthy diet is very important for the body to function normally. Same for our hair. Our hair provides the necessary nutrients for itself through a balanced diet. A healthy diet helps the hair to look shiny and grow thicker. 

  • Massage the scalp

Massaging your scalp will increase blood circulation. It also activates the oils in the scalp. Let me give you a little tip on massaging the hair. Heat a tablespoon of coconut oil. Dip your fingertips into the oil and massage in circular motions.

  • regular haircut

If you want your hair to grow in a healthy way, you should cut it even from the ends. Fractures make your hair thinner and are an obstacle to its growth. Take care to cut your hair every 3 months to clean the broken pieces.

  • Don't wash your hair too often

We women think that the more we wash our hair, the more well-groomed and clean it will be. For the hygiene of the hair, of course, it is not possible to wash it. But washing with shampoo every day can cause hair to dry out and lose its natural oils. We will need the natural oils of the hair to grow. We don't want to lose them, do we? Maybe you can wash your hair four or five times a week, if not every day. The shampoo you use is also very important. Do not choose shampoos containing harsh chemicals.

  • get away from stress

Don't say what does stress have to do with hair. Excessive stress causes hair loss. It also looks dull and lifeless. There are many proven ways to get away from stress. How Does? Here is a nice article explaining these methods for you. Methods of Coping with Stress

  • vitamin supplement

Natural nutrition is very important, of course. This is how we provide the vitamins and minerals we need. But at this point, you may need support. Some vitamin supplements will speed up the hair growth process. One of these vitamins is biotin. In the rest of the article, I will give more detailed information about the vitamins and minerals necessary for hair.

  • protect hair
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As well as taking care of the hair, it is also necessary to protect it from external factors. When leaving the house, keep your hair covered, especially in inclement weather or when there is dust. You can wear a scarf or a hat.

  • regular maintenance

Sometimes we wash our hair with shampoo and take it out. Maybe because we forgot, maybe we neglect the conditioner because of our laziness. Don't ignore the conditioner. Because it helps to eliminate the deficiency of lipids and proteins in the hair strands. It also makes hair grow faster.

  • Drinking water

Another thing we neglect. Drinking enough water is essential for our hair as well as our body. It maintains the moisture balance of the hair. We should take care to drink at least 8-12 glasses of water a day.

  • Rinsing hair with vinegar

Those who want to grow their hair can get support from apple cider vinegar. Rinsing with vinegar increases hair growth and makes it look shiny and healthy. Here's how you do it: Mix 2 tablespoons of vinegar and one liter of water. Rinse your hair with this water.

  •  Be patient

Of course, you can't expect your hair to grow all of a sudden. It's a matter of patience. When you start doing the right things, you will eventually get results. Do not be discouraged during this process. Remember, on average, your hair grows about 1-1.5 cm per month.

Do not do this to grow your hair!

  • Do not dye your hair. Commercial dyes damage the hair and set a barrier to its growth.
  • Perming, straightening, or wavy styling will cause the ends to become full of split ends. This will naturally interrupt the hair growth process.
  • Never comb or brush your hair when it is wet. Let it dry naturally and then comb it gently.
  • If you do not want your hair to dry out, do not use hot water when washing.
  • Do not gather your hair tightly to make a ponytail or braid. This loosens them from their roots and thus makes them prone to breakage.

Natural Methods for Hair Growth

“What should we do to grow hair?” In the section, we talked about healthy hair extension methods. In this process, we are in favor of nature. We are researching and presenting natural methods for hair growth. I am explaining 7 of these methods, which are the most effective, together with how to do it.

1) coconut oil

  • Take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in your palm. Massage your scalp with it. 
  • After waiting for about an hour, wash it off with a mild shampoo. 
  • You can do this method at least twice a week.

2) Fenugreek

  • Soak a quarter cup of fenugreek seeds in water overnight. 
  • Crush the seeds to make a paste. Apply this as a hair mask. 
  • After waiting for 30-45 minutes, wash it off with just water.
  • You can apply this mask once a week.
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3) Onion juice

  • Extract the juice of half an onion. Apply to your scalp. 
  • Wash it with shampoo after waiting for an hour. 
  • You can apply it twice a week.

4) Rosemary oil

  • Mix a few drops of rosemary oil with olive oil. 
  • Apply this mixture on the scalp.
  • Wash it off after 1 hours.

5) Geranium oil

  • Massage your scalp with a few tablespoons of geranium oil. 
  • After waiting for about 1 hour, wash it with a mild shampoo. 
  • You can do this practice at least once a week.

6) Green tea

  • Apply 1 cup of green tea to your hair. Get a little hot. 
  • Wait until it dries and wash off its remnants with cold water.

7) Fish oil 

Fish oil It is rich in omega 3 fatty acids that promote hair growth. It contains docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which stimulates hair growth by exerting a proliferative effect on the dermal papilla cells in the scalp. This makes the hair stronger. Those who are considering taking fish oil supplements, please consult a doctor first.

Vitamins and Minerals Necessary for Healthy Hair Growth

We mentioned it at the beginning of our article. A healthy diet is also important for hair health. Hair needs nutrients for healthy growth. In fact, many hair problems are based on nutrient deficiencies. We can give an example of hair loss.

Do you have a nutrient deficiency? If you are wondering, you can easily find out with a simple blood test. Even if there is no nutritional deficiency, taking the vitamins and minerals I will mention below will accelerate the healthy growth process of the hair. 

Since we are in favor of natural methods, try to get these vitamins and minerals from food. If it is not enough, you can use supplements with the advice of a doctor.

  • Vitamin A

Vitamin A While preventing the problem of hair loss, it ensures healthy hair growth. Carrots, Pumpkin, Spinach and Cabbage, beta carotene It is rich in vitamin A and turns into vitamin A. Vitamin A is also found in animal products such as milk, eggs, and yogurt.

  • B vitamins

One of the most essential vitamins for healthy hair growth, biotin that is vitamin B7. Other B vitamins are also a solution to hair-related problems. B vitamins are found in grains, almonds, meat, fish, seafood, and leafy greens.

  • C vitamin

C vitaminis a powerful antioxidant. Vitamin C is needed to form collagen, an important part of hair structure. Strawberries, peppers, guava and citrus fruits are among the best sources of vitamin C.

  • Vitamin D

Vitamin D Its deficiency is unfortunately one of the most important causes of hair loss. Our skin produces this vitamin when it comes into contact with sunlight. Some foods also contain vitamin D. Like oily fish, cod liver oil, some mushrooms…

  • Vitamin E

Vitamin E It supports hair growth by removing oxidative stress. Sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach and avocado are good food sources of vitamin E.

  • Iron

It is the transport of oxygen to body cells that makes iron an important mineral for hair growth. Foods containing iron are oysters, eggs, red meat, spinach and lentils.

  • Zinc
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Zinc, prevents damage to hair tissue. Hair loss is a common symptom of zinc deficiency. Foods high in zinc are oysters, beef, spinach, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds and lentils.

  • Protein

Since hair is made up entirely of protein, it should be consumed enough for hair growth. Protein deficiencyAlthough it is a rare condition, it causes hair loss.

Foods for Fast Hair Growth

In fact, we talked about this subject, albeit partially, in the section of “vitamins and minerals necessary for healthy growth of hair”. But it wouldn't be bad if we made a list of foods that grow hair fast. Here is the list of foods that make hair grow…

  • egg

eggIt also contains biotin, which ensures healthy hair growth. Is it just biotin? There is no egg. You can find every nutrient in its content. Eggs also contain other compounds that can promote hair growth, such as L-lysine, vitamin D, and some minerals.

  • Fatty fish

Oily fish with omega 3 fatty acids is also a source of vitamin D, which strengthens hair. Fish that are a source of omega 3; salmon, tuna, tuna, herring and sardines. Is Omega 3 only found in fish? No, of course. Seeds such as walnuts, flaxseed, and chia seeds are plant sources of omega 3.

  • Brazil nuts

Brazil nuts are an excellent source of minerals that can aid hair growth. selenium is the source. Other foods containing selenium include liver, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products, bread and cereals.

  • Foods fortified with vitamin D

We talked about the importance of vitamin D for our hair. The feature that distinguishes vitamin D from other vitamins is that it is produced not from food, but from sunlight. Food sources of vitamin D are not plentiful. For this reason, some foods are fortified with vitamin D to prevent its deficiency. On the package of these foods, there is a phrase "fortified with vitamin D". 

  • L-lysine sources

Some amino acids in protein-rich foods promote hair growth. L-lysine is one of these amino acids. L-lysine is found in the hair root. It is responsible for the shape and volume of the hair. L-lysine is found in meat, eggs, beans, lentils, nuts, spirulina.

References: 1, 2, 3, 4

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