6 Natural Methods to Strengthen Hair Roots

Hair, like a work of art, is the canvas for our personal expression and style. However, for this canvas to be healthy and vibrant, the roots that form it need solid foundations. The stress of daily life, environmental factors and the corrosive effect of time weaken these foundations. So, how can we strengthen our hair roots with the riches offered by nature? Here are the secrets on how you can revitalize your hair follicles with natural methods that you can prepare in the comfort of your home with easily available ingredients...

Why do hair follicles become weak?

There are several reasons why hair follicles weaken:

  1. Vitamin deficiency: Lack of vitamins necessary for hair health causes hair follicles to weaken. Especially B12, zinc, iron and folic acid Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals causes hair follicles to become weak.
  2. Inadequate and unbalanced nutrition: The basis of healthy hair is a balanced and adequate diet. Lack of protein, omega-3 fats and other nutrients causes hair follicles to weaken.
  3. Chemical-containing products and high heat: Excessive use of hair styling tools (such as straighteners, curling irons) and chemical-containing hair products damages hair follicles.
  4. Iron deficiency: In the body iron deficiencyIt prevents the hair follicles from taking in oxygen, which causes the hair follicles to weaken.
  5. Frequent hair washing: Washing your hair too frequently disrupts the natural oil balance of the hair, causing the hair follicles to weaken and the hair to dry out.
  6. Adverse environmental factors: Factors such as adverse weather conditions such as snow, rain, wind, cigarette smoke and air pollution also contribute to the weakening of hair follicles.

In addition to these factors, genetic factors and hormonal changes also play a role in the weakening of hair follicles. 

Natural methods to strengthen hair roots

How to Strengthen Weak Hair Roots?

Healthy nutrition, avoiding stress and getting enough sleep are important for hair health. Strengthening hair follicles is a process that requires patience and regular care. Let's take a look at what you can do to strengthen weak hair follicles in this process:

Healthy eating: A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is important for strengthening hair follicles. Especially B12, Vitamin D Foods containing nutrients necessary for hair health, such as omega-3 and omega-XNUMX, should be consumed. A protein-rich diet helps strengthen hair follicles.

The right hair care products: Using shampoo and conditioner suitable for your hair type strengthens the hair follicles. In addition, hair masks and serums nourish the hair follicles and contribute to their strengthening.

Hair massage: Regularly massaging the hair roots increases blood circulation and makes the hair follicles healthier. Thus, the hair follicles are revitalized and strengthened.

Avoiding heat: Excessive use of tools such as hair dryers and straighteners damages hair follicles. Letting it dry as naturally as possible and not exposing it to heat will strengthen the hair follicles.

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PRP treatment: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is a medical method used to strengthen hair follicles. Plasma obtained from the person's own blood is injected into the scalp to renew and strengthen the hair follicles.

Hair transplantation: Hair transplantation offers a permanent solution to strengthen weak hair follicles and stop hair loss. Healthy hair follicles taken from the donor area are transplanted to sparse or bald areas. 

Natural Methods to Strengthen Hair Roots

Our hair follicles weaken over time due to various reasons. This leads to hair loss. Fortunately, there are natural methods you can use to strengthen hair follicles. So, what are the most effective natural methods you can use to strengthen hair follicles?

1. Massage with Natural Oils

Regular massage of the scalp revitalizes the hair follicles by increasing blood circulation. coconut oil, olive oil and Argan oil Natural oils such as nourish and strengthen hair follicles.

2.Aloe Vera

Aloe vera moisturizes the scalp and strengthens hair follicles. Apply aloe vera gel directly to your scalp or mix it with your conditioner.

3.Onion Juice

Onion juiceThanks to its high sulfur content, it strengthens hair follicles and reduces hair loss. Apply onion juice to your scalp and wash it after waiting for a while.

4.Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and strengthens hair follicles. After brewing green tea, apply it to your scalp.

5. Essential Oils

Lavender, rosemary and essential oils such as peppermint strengthen hair follicles and promote hair growth. Mix a few drops of essential oil with a carrier oil and massage into the scalp.

6.Hair Masks

Homemade hair masks nourish and strengthen hair follicles. Masks prepared with natural ingredients such as eggs, honey, yoghurt and avocado provide deep care to the hair follicles.

These natural methods are very effective for strengthening hair follicles and promoting healthy hair growth. However, if hair loss continues, it is useful to consult a dermatologist. Also, be sure to do an allergy test before trying any natural treatment. Be patient and take regular care of your hair health. You will see that your hair becomes stronger and healthier over time.

What are the vitamins that strengthen hair follicles?

Having strong hair roots ensures that the hair grows healthy and looks shiny. As we mentioned above, healthy nutrition is an indispensable element in strengthening hair follicles. Therefore, it is useful to know which vitamins will strengthen hair follicles. So, what are the vitamins that strengthen hair follicles?

  • Vitamin E: Vitamin E is known for its antioxidant properties and helps nourish the hair follicles by increasing blood circulation to the scalp. Additionally, it protects against breakage and damage by increasing the flexibility and shine of hair strands.
  • B Vitamins: B vitamins complexIt is vital for hair health. Especially biotin (Vitamin B7) supports hair growth and contributes to the strengthening of hair strands. Niacin (Vitamin B3) improves blood flow to the hair follicles and makes the hair look fuller.
  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A supports the scalp's healthy sebum production. Sebum is the natural oil of the hair and moisturizes the hair strands, preventing them from becoming dry and brittle.
  • C vitamin: Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and increases the resistance of hair strands to damage. It also helps hair follicles to be better nourished by improving iron absorption.
  • Iron: Iron plays an important role in supplying hair follicles with oxygen. Iron deficiency leads to hair loss and weakening of hair follicles.
  • Zinc: Zinc is a critical mineral in the healthy functioning of hair follicles. It helps prevent hair loss and supports the natural growth process of hair.
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Oils to Strengthen Hair Roots

Some oils and oil mixtures nourish and strengthen hair follicles. Natural oils you can use to strengthen hair roots are:

  • Jojoba oil: Jojoba oil, moisturizes the scalp and strengthens the hair strands. It prevents breakage by preserving the natural oil balance of the hair and helps the hair grow healthier.
  • Almond oil: Almond oil, rich in vitamin E, nourishes hair follicles and contributes to the strengthening of hair strands. Additionally, it increases the shine of the hair and prevents breakage and loss.
  • Argan oil: Argan oil moisturizes and repairs hair. While it revitalizes dry and damaged hair, it also strengthens hair follicles. It helps the hair look healthier and brighter.
  • Olive oil: Olive oil deeply nourishes the hair follicles and strengthens the hair strands. Additionally, it softens the scalp and prevents dandruff formation.
  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil strengthens hair follicles and moisturizes hair strands. It helps prevent hair loss and encourages hair to grow faster.
  • Garlic oil: Garlic oilIt is a natural solution that strengthens hair follicles and reduces hair loss. When applied to the scalp, it ensures healthier hair growth.

Choosing Shampoo to Strengthen Weak Hair

Our hair weakens over time due to reasons such as the stress of daily life, environmental factors and the use of wrong care products. Choosing the right shampoo to strengthen weak hair is one of the most important steps in the hair care routine. The properties of the shampoo you choose to strengthen weak hair should be as follows.

Shampoo suitable for your hair type: The needs of each hair type are different. Choose shampoos specially prepared for dry, oily, thin or thick hair. Shampoo suitable for your hair type helps strengthen the hair by nourishing the hair follicles.

Nutritious ingredients: To strengthen weak hair, pay attention to the ingredients in your shampoo. Shampoos containing ingredients that nourish hair follicles and strengthen hair strands, such as biotin, keratin, proteins, vitamins and plant extracts, allow you to get effective results.

Avoid chemical ingredients: Chemical ingredients such as sulfate, paraben and silicone damage the hair and damage the hair follicles. Whenever possible, choose shampoos that contain natural ingredients and do not contain such chemicals.

Moisturizing feature: Shampoos that maintain the moisture balance of the hair prevent hair strands from breaking and wearing out. Moisturizing shampoos are more beneficial, especially for dry and damaged hair.

Regular use: Regular use is important to see the effects of the shampoo. Wash your hair several times a week to ensure that the shampoo penetrates the hair roots and strengthens the hair strands.

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Additional care products: In addition to shampoo, you can strengthen hair follicles by using additional care products such as conditioner, mask and serum. These products support the effect of the shampoo and ensure that the hair grows healthier.

Natural Mask Recipes That Strengthen Hair Roots

One of the important factors that greatly affects our overall appearance and how we feel is hair health. Having strong hair roots ensures that the hair grows healthy and looks shiny. Above, we mentioned what you can do to strengthen hair follicles, from healthy nutrition to shampoo selection. Now let's give you two natural mask recipes that you can easily prepare at home to strengthen your hair follicles:

1.Egg and Olive Oil Mask

Eggs are an excellent source of protein for hair and when combined with olive oil, it nourishes and strengthens hair follicles.


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 tablespoon of olive oil

How is it done?

  • Break the egg yolks into a bowl and beat well with olive oil.
  • Apply the mixture to your hair roots and strands.
  • Cover your hair with a cap and leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse the mask by washing your hair with warm water and a shampoo suitable for your hair type.

This mask nourishes your hair roots and makes your hair strands stronger.

2.Avocado and Honey Mask

Avocado is a great moisturizer and strengthener for hair. Honey nourishes the scalp as a natural antiseptic.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 tablespoon of honey
  • One tablespoon coconut oil (optional)

How is it done?

  • Mash the avocado and mix it with honey. Optionally, you can also add coconut oil.
  • Apply the mixture to your hair roots and strands.
  • Cover your hair with a cap and leave the mixture on your hair for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse the mask by washing your hair with warm water and a shampoo suitable for your hair type.

This mask strengthens your hair roots and also adds shine and softness to your hair strands.

As a result;

We have come to the end of a journey full of secrets of strengthening your hair follicles in the lap of nature. In this journey, we discovered simple but effective solutions hidden in the palms of our hands. From the nourishing touch of egg yolk to the deep moisturizing power of avocado, each of them has become a lifeblood for our hair. 

Remember, regularly using this treasure offered by nature to protect and strengthen your hair health will make a difference over time. Each strand of your hair will become stronger with the magic touch of natural care. You, too, will feel healthier and happier on this natural beauty journey.

References: 1, 23

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