How to Lower Cortisol Hormone Levels Naturally?

Cortisolis a stress hormone released from the adrenal glands. It is released by the brain in response to stress to help the body cope with stressful situations.

But in the body cortisol levels If it stays high for too long, this hormone can do more harm than help to the body. 

Cortisol height It causes weight gain and high blood pressure over time, disrupts sleep, negatively affects mood, lowers energy levels and contributes to diabetes.

How do stress and cortisol affect the brain?

Cortisol is known as the "stress hormone". It is a naturally occurring steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands and released when under physical or mental stress. Essentially, it triggers the fight or flight response in stressful situations.

However, it is absolutely necessary for health as it plays an important role in many different bodily processes.

cortisol hormone height treatment


Cortisol levels it is usually highest in the morning and lowest at night. This is normal, but when it stays high for a long time, problems begin to arise.

Chronically high cortisol levels:

- Changes the size, structure and functioning of the brain,

- Shrinks and kills brain cells,

- Causes premature aging in the brain,

- Contributes to memory loss and lack of concentration,

- Slows down the growth ability of new brain cells,

- Increases inflammation in the brain.

Chronic stress and high levels cortisolIt also increases activity in the amygdala, the fear center of the brain. This creates a vicious circle in which the brain is likely to be stuck in a constant fight or flight situation.

Anxietyis a mental response due to abnormal stress. Long-term stress that occurs in the body together with anxiety causes the following situations;

Major depressive disorder

- Bipolar disorder




- Bulimia


Dementia and cognitive impairment

What happens at the height of the cortisol hormone?

Research in the last 15 years cortisol levelsdemonstrated that a moderately high level of s could cause more and more problems.

Chronic complications

High blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.

Getting fat

Cortisol It increases appetite and signals the body to change metabolism to store fat.


It causes fatigue by interfering with the daily cycles of other hormones, disrupting sleep patterns.

Brain function impairment

Cortisol contributes to mental blurring by interfering with memory.


It inhibits the immune system, which makes it more susceptible to infections. 

Although rare, when cortisol levels are too highwith a serious illness Cushing's syndromeIt may cause.

Symptoms of Low Cortisol

Low cortisol levelsMay cause Addison's disease. The symptoms of this condition are as follows:

- Tiredness


Muscle weakness

Gradual weight loss

Mood swings

Darkening of the skin

Low blood pressure

Cortisol Elevation Symptoms

Excess cortisol can be caused by a tumor or a side effect of certain medications. Too much cortisol can lead to Cushing syndrome. The symptoms are as follows:

- Hypertension

Flushing of the face

Muscle weakness

Increased thirst

Urinating more often

Mood changes such as irritability

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Rapid weight gain in the face and abdomen

- Osteoporosis

Bruises or purple stretch marks that appear on the skin

- Decreased sex drive

Too much cortisol can also cause other conditions and symptoms, including:

- Hypertension

Type 2 diabetes

- Tiredness

Brain function impairment


So, can't the cortisol hormone level be lowered? 

To lower cortisol levels There are lifestyle changes and nutritional tips you can apply.

Cortisol Hormone Height Natural Treatment

Does low cortisol make weight?

Sleep regularly and on time

The timing, length and quality of sleep are completely cortisol hormoneIt affects. For example, a review of 28 studies with shift workers, cortisolHe found that the reputation increased in people who slept during the day rather than at night. Over time, insomnia cortisol hormonecauses an increase in levels of.

The deviations in the sleep pattern, at the same time, disrupt daily hormonal balances and cause fatigue and high cortisol contributes to other problems associated with.

In cases where there is no compulsory night's sleep, such as working in shifts, cortisol hormone levelsTo lower your sleep and optimize sleep, consider the following:

Be active

Be physically active during waking hours and try to go to bed as regularly as possible.

Don't take caffeine at night

Avoid caffeine in the evening.

Do not be exposed to bright light at night

Turn off the computer, television, mobile phone screens, unplug them. Even keep electronics away from your bedroom.

Limit distractions before bed

Remove earplugs, silence the phone, and do not consume liquid foods just before bedtime.

Take a nap

If shift work shortens your sleep hours, take a nap at appropriate times to reduce your insomnia.

Exercise but don't overdo it

To exercisedepending on its density, cortisol hormone levelcan raise or lower the ni. Intense exercise, shortly after exercise cortisolIt causes the reputation to rise. 

Although there is an increase in the short term, their levels decrease later. This short-term increase helps to coordinate the growth of the body to address the challenge.

Manage stress

Stressful thoughts cortisol release is an important sign for A study of 122 adults found that writing about their past stressful experiences compared to their positive life experiences, cortisol levelsfound that he had upgraded within a month.

Train yourself to be aware of thoughts, breathing, heart rate, and other signs of tension, this will help you recognize when your stress begins.


Various relaxation exercises lowers cortisol levels has been proven. Deep breathing is a simple technique that can be used anywhere for stress relief.

In a study of 28 middle-aged women, with the usual deep breathing training cortisolwas found to be about 50% decrease.

Review of many studies, massage therapy, cortisol levelsshowed that it had dropped 30%. Multiple studies, yogaabout lowers cortisolShe confirms that she helps manage nude and stress.

Studies have shown that relaxing music also cortisol hormone levelsshowed that he dropped her. For example, listening to music for 30 minutes means that 88 female and male college students cortisol levelsHe reduced it to 30 minutes of silence or documentary viewing rate.

Have fun

Low cortisol hormone levelsAnother way for i is to be happy. Activities that increase life satisfaction improve health, and one of the consequences of this is cortisol hormoneis to check. For example, a study with 18 healthy adults found that the body's response to laughter lowers cortisolshowed the nude.

Dealing with hobbies is also one of the methods. A study of 49 middle-aged adults found that gardening was more than traditional occupational therapy. lowers cortisolshowed the nude.

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Build healthy relationships with people

Friends and family are a source of great happiness in life, as well as a source of great stress. It, cortisol levelsIt affects.

Cortisol It is found in small amounts in the hair. The amount of cortisol throughout a hair length, when the hair section is growing cortisol levelswhat corresponds to. This allows researchers to predict levels over time.

In the hair cortisol Studies on the study show that children who have a stable and warm family life are at lower levels than children from homes with high levels of conflict.

One study showed that loving interaction with a romantic partner had more impact on heart rate and blood pressure before a stressful activity than support from a friend.

cortisol hormone high

Pet care

Relations with animals too May lower cortisol levels. In one study, interaction with a therapy dog, distress during a minor medical procedure in children, and the resulting cortisol changesreduced.

Another study of 48 adults showed that referencing a dog during a socially stressful situation is better than support from a friend.

Pet owners, when their canine companions are given cortisolalso experienced a bigger decline. 

Make peace with yourself

Feelings of shame, guilt, or inadequacy, negative thinking and increased cortisol levelswhat can lead.

Stop blaming yourself and learn to forgive yourself so feelings of well-being increase. Developing a habit of forgiving others is also critical to relationships.

Spiritual feelings

To educate yourself spiritually, to develop your faith improving cortisolye can help. Studies show that adults who adopt spiritual beliefs are more likely to face life stress factors such as illness. low cortisol levels show what he saw. 

Eat healthy foods

Nutrition, cortisol hormoneIt can affect it in a good or bad way. Sugar intake is one of the classic triggers for cortisol release. Regularly high sugar intakes cortisol levelcan raise the ni. 

Taken together, these effects suggest that sweets are a good comfort food, but frequent or excessive sugars over time. cortisol explains that it increases.

Additionally, some specific foods balancing cortisol levels might help: 

Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate It is rich in many antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress, such as flavonols and polyphenols. Besides cortisol it also lowers.

Two studies of 95 adults found that consuming dark chocolate against the stress problem. cortisol responseshowed that it reduced.


A study of 20 cycling athletes ate bananas or pears during a 75-kilometer journey; compared to drinking water only cortisol levels fell.

Black and green tea

Several different types of tea have beneficial effects on cortisol levels. It is stated that green tea suppresses cortisol synthesis. In a 75-week study of 6 men drinking black tea, cortisol decreased in response to a stressful job compared to a different caffeinated beverage.

Extra virgin olive oil

Extra virgin olive oilIt has numerous health benefits, particularly due to its powerful anti-inflammatory effects. It also contains a compound called oleuropein that can reduce cortisol levels.

Consume more omega 3 and less omega 6

Omega 3 oils They are fats that are necessary for the proper functioning of the brain and nervous system. They improve learning and memory and protect against psychiatric disorders such as depression, mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and Alzheimer's disease. 

Researchers found a significant reduction in cortisol release when individuals were supplemented with omega 3 fatty acids.

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On the other hand, too much omega 6 fatty acid consuming, inflammation and cortisol levelshas been associated with the increase.

Therefore, avoid refined vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, safflower, sunflower and canola oil.

Get enough antioxidants

Antioxidants not only counteract oxidative stress in the body, but also cortisol levelsIt also helps to fall.

Supplementing with antioxidants such as fruit powders, green powders, vitamin C, glutathione and CoQ10 as a result of a study conducted on athletes, cortisol and it led to a considerable reduction in other stress measurements.

Especially dark fruits, lowers cortisol Contains known anthocyanins. One study found that a high dose of vitamin C reduced anxiety and improved mood.

Probiotics and prebiotics

ProbioticsFriendly and symbiotic bacteria in foods such as, yogurt, sauerkraut, etc. Prebiotics such as soluble fiber provide food for these bacteria. Both probiotics and prebiotics to decrease cortisol It helps.


Dehydration raises cortisol. Water is great for moisturizing while avoiding empty calories. A study in nine male runners showed that maintaining hydration during athletic training reduced cortisol levels.

causes low cortisol

Some nutritional supplements can be effective

Studies show that some dietary supplements May lower cortisol levels proved.

Fish oil

Fish oil, lowers cortisol It is one of the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids considered.

One study looked at how seven people responded to mentally stressful tests over three weeks. One group of men took fish oil supplements and the other group did not. 

Fish oil in response to stress cortisol levels dropped it. In another three-week study, fish oil supplements were compared to a placebo (ineffective drug) in response to a stressful job. reduces cortisol It was shown. 


Ashwagandha is an herbal supplement used in traditional medicine to treat anxiety and help people adapt to stress.

Ashwagandha contains chemicals called glycosides and aglycones that are thought to have medicinal effects. One study in 60 adults who took an ashwagandha supplement or placebo for 98 days found that taking 125 mg ashwagandha once or twice a day, lowers cortisol levels showed.

Another study of 64 adults of chronic stress age found that those who took 300mg supplements compared to those who took a placebo at 60 days. cortisol levelshowed a decrease in nd.


Curcumin is the most researched compound found in turmeric, the spice that gives curry its yellow color. Curcumin is one of the best compounds for brain and mental health.

High-quality scientific studies have been published showing that curcumin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and can increase BDNF, the growth hormone of the brain. 

Studies show that curcumin is caused by stress. cortisol increase show that it suppresses.

Animal studies have shown that curcumin has high cortisol levelsHe found that he could reverse it.

As a result;

High cortisol levels Over time, it can cause weight gain, high blood pressure, diabetes, fatigue and difficulty concentrating.

Try the simple lifestyle tips above to lower your cortisol levels, provide more energy, and improve your health.

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