Which Vegetables Are Juice Squeezed? Vegetable Juice Recipes

Fruit and vegetable juices are consumed to increase nutrient intake. Squeezing fruits is a technique we have been using for a long time, but vegetable juices have entered our new lives.

"Which vegetables to drink juice" and veWhat are the benefits of vegetable juices"Answers to the questions ...

What Are the Benefits of Vegetable Juices?

Vegetable juicesProvides important benefits such as promoting nutrient intake, increasing hydration, protecting the heart, detoxifying the body, preventing hair loss, supporting skin health, reducing the likelihood of chronic disease, strengthening the immune system and promoting circulation.

healthiest vegetable juice

It has high nutritional value

Vegetable juices It provides high levels of nutrients to the body and helps the body to be healthy.

Facilitates the absorption of nutrients

Vegetable juice drink It enables the body to absorb all the nutrients it needs. When eating vegetables, it takes time for the body to separate the nutrients from the fiber and then absorb these nutrients to be used for various functions.

This process encounters several hurdles if you don't chew the food properly or if your digestive system is weak. Therefore, drinking fresh vegetable juicewill allow the body to easily access all these nutrients.

Moisturizes the body

To moisturize the body, water can be obtained from vegetables and fruits along with the water that is drunk during the day. Vegetable juices It is a good option to moisturize the body.

Protects heart health

Vegetable juicesContains plenty of potassium, which helps to lower blood pressure and relieve tension in the cardiovascular system.

Also, its high vitamin C and iron content stimulates circulation and supports the collagen content in the body. It also lowers the likelihood of damaged blood vessels and arteries.

Do juices weaken

Strengthens immunity

Vegetable juices It has a high Vitamin C content. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system as it helps to stimulate the production of white blood cells.

lycopene The actions of other antioxidants such as support the immune system in preventing chronic diseases and oxidative stress.

Helps hair growth

Spinach, beets, and carrots are good options to support hair growth. Drink the juice of vegetables for healthy and beautiful hair.

Helps prevent hair loss

Dark leafy green vegetables and cruciferous vegetables are known to prevent hair loss. The juice of these vegetables can be consumed to fight hair loss.

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Helps prevent acne

Zucchini, broccoli, sweet potatoes and carrots are good for the skin. Containing antioxidant and vitamin C vegetable juiceswill help keep acne away.

Helps the skin shine

Vegetable juices It adds radiance to the skin and keeps the skin healthy. To have a radiant skin, you can drink tomato, potato, cabbage, carrot and radish juice.

Prevents wrinkles

Drinking the juice of vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as broccoli, peppers, cauliflower, and tomatoes, can be effective in preventing wrinkles.

Which Vegetables Are Juice Squeezed?

which vegetables are healthy in juice

Kale Cabbage

Kale is a versatile in juices with a mild flavor that pairs well with other fruits and vegetables. green leafy vegetabled. 

It is a source of many important nutrients, including vitamins A, C and K. also beta carotene It is particularly high in antioxidants, including

Drinking kale juice reduces heart disease risk factors, including LDL (bad) cholesterol.


Due to its impressive nutritional profile carrot juiceu It is very beneficial for health. It is low in calories and high in vitamin A, biotin and potassium.

It contains carotenoids, which are plant pigments that work as powerful antioxidants in the body. These are beta-carotene, lycopeneis alpha-carotene and lutein.

The sweetness of carrot juice pairs well with other fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits, ginger, and beets.


Nutritionally beet Contains manganese, potassium and folate. It's also high in nitrates, a type of natural plant compound with powerful health effects.

Studies are rich in nitrate beet juiceshows that it lowers blood pressure and also improves athletic and mental performance.


Cabbage contains vitamins K and C, along with other micronutrients such as folate, manganese and vitamin B6. 

It belongs to the same family as other vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. The juice of this vegetable, which is known to reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and inflammation, is very healthy.

Benefits of spinach juice


Spinach smoothie It is a leafy green plant used for juices and juices. They are high in vitamins A and C and quercetinProvides antioxidants such as kaempferol and lutein. It is also rich in nitrates that can benefit heart health.


Broccoli is a very important vegetable that provides impressive benefits. In particular, it is an excellent source of essential micronutrients such as potassium and vitamins A, B6 and C. Use it by cutting the stems to squeeze the juice.

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Parsley is a great vegetable to use for juicing. Fresh parsleyIt is particularly rich in vitamins A, K and C, which can contribute to many health benefits.


Cucumber water content is high, so cucumber juice It is highly preferred in fruit and vegetable juices. It is also high in potassium, manganese, vitamins K and C, and very low in calories.

It is a crucial vegetable for digestive health, kidney function, weight management and physical performance because it moisturizes the body.


Chard, It is a green leafy vegetable full of important vitamins and minerals. It is beneficial for diabetics, regulates blood sugar. It can be added to any fruit and vegetable juice and can be used as a substitute for vegetables such as kale and spinach.


Wheatgrass It is an edible herb whose juice is squeezed. It is an extremely nutritious, dense ingredient, and the building blocks of proteins, along with 17 different amino acids, provide a significant amount of iron, phosphorus, magnesium and copper.

It also contains chlorophyll, a natural plant pigment with powerful anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting properties. 

Wheatgrass juice can be prepared or added to any fruit juice as a nutritional supplement.

weight loss with celery juice


In addition to high water content, celery It contains good amounts of vitamins A, K and C and antioxidants such as kaempferol, caffeic acid and ferulic acid.

Animal and test-tube studies have discovered that celery extract can improve heart health by reducing blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels.

Celery juice can be drunk alone or combined with the juice of lemon, apple, ginger and leafy greens for a delicious beverage.


Tomatoes are low in calories and contain essential nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium and folate. It is also rich in lycopene, a compound that reduces the risk of prostate cancer, heart attack and stroke.

Tomato juice Drinking it reduces inflammation and speeds up metabolism. Pair the tomato with celery, cucumber and parsley for a refreshing, healthy juice.

How to Make Vegetable Juice?

To make vegetable juice requires a juicer or blender. Using a juicer provides the option of straining the fibrous material. 

Vegetable Juice Recipes

cucumber juice mask

Cucumber Juice


  • ½, thinly sliced ​​lemon
  • ¼, thinly sliced ​​cucumber
  • ½ cup of mint leaves
  • 2-3 liters of water

How is it done?

Fill a jug or water bottle with water. Add the lemon slices, mint leaves and cucumber slices to the water and mix.

Cool the water mixture, stirring until sweetened.

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Celery Juice


  • 2 to 3 fresh stalks of celery
  • Juicer or blender

How is it done?

Clean the celery and remove the leaves. Take it into the juicer and squeeze it. 

If you don't have a juicer, you can also use a blender. After mashing the celery stalk, you can use a cloth or strainer to drain the pulp.

You can also add lemon juice, ginger or green apple to improve the flavor and nutritional content.

Carrot juice

what is carrot juice good for


  • 4 carrot
  • Su
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped ginger
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice

How is it done?

Wash the carrots thoroughly. Dry and chop into small pieces. Transfer the pieces with ginger and water to the juicer. Mix until smooth.

Strain into glass and squeeze lemon over it.

Cabbage Juice


  • 1 cup of chopped cabbage
  • 1 cup of chopped cucumber
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon

How is it done?

Throw the chopped cabbage and cucumber in the blender and turn over a turn. Pour the vegetable juice into a glass. Add lemon juice and salt. Mix it well.

Beet Juice

losing weight with red beets

Cut the tops of the beets and wash them. Then chop it. Use a juicer with a bowl or jug. Throw the beetroot chunks into the juicer once at a time.

Place the beet chunks in the blender and add some water to help the beetroot soften. Mix until smooth.

Using a cheesecloth or fine strainer, remove large lumps from the vegetable stock. Pour the beet juice into a glass. Cool in the fridge.

Tomato juice

Cook the sliced ​​fresh tomatoes over medium heat for 30 minutes. When cool, toss the tomatoes in a powerful blender or food processor and turn until the desired consistency is achieved.

Turn it until it becomes drinkable. It can be combined with other vegetables and herbs such as celery, paprika and thyme to further increase the nutrient content and flavor.

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