Benefits, Harms and Nutritional Value of Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a vegetable belonging to the Brassicaceae family. Cauliflower ve cabbage with cousin. Brussels sprouts, one of the cruciferous vegetables, are similar to mini cabbage. The benefits of Brussels sprouts include lowering cholesterol, balancing hormone levels, improving digestion, protecting the heart, boosting immunity and increasing body resistance. Having rich nutritional value provides the benefits of Brussels sprouts.

benefits of brussels sprouts

What Is Brussels Sprouts?

Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea) are in the cruciferous family of vegetables. It has properties that can fight cancer. Like its relatives broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage, this vegetable also contains disease-fighting antioxidants and other nutrients.

Brussels Sprouts Nutritional Value

Brussels sprouts are low in calories. It is rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. The nutritional value of 78 grams of cooked Brussels sprouts is as follows: 

  • Calories: 28
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Carbs: 6 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin K: 137% of the RDI
  • Vitamin C: 81% of the RDI
  • Vitamin A: 12% of the RDI
  • Folate: 12% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 9% of the RDI 

Brussels sprouts are essential for blood clotting and bone health. vitamin Ki is rich in Helps increase iron absorption, plays a role in tissue repair and immune function C vitamin is also present in high proportion. Supports intestinal health with its fiber content.

In addition to the above nutrients, a small amount Vitamin B6Contains potassium, iron, thiamine, magnesium and phosphorus.

Brussels Sprouts Benefits

  • Antioxidant content

The impressive antioxidant content of Brussels sprouts is one of the first to stand out. Antioxidants are compounds that reduce oxidative stress in our cells and lower the risk of chronic disease.

Brussels sprouts are high in kaempferol, a beneficial antioxidant. Kaempferol inhibits cancer cell growth, reduces inflammation and improves heart health.

  • High fiber content

78 grams of cooked Brussels sprouts meet 8% of the daily fiber requirement. LifIt is an important part of health and has many benefits. It softens the stool and relieves constipation. It improves digestion by helping to feed the beneficial bacteria in our gut. Increasing fiber consumption reduces the risk of heart disease. Helps control blood sugar.

  • High amount of vitamin K
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Brussels sprouts are a good source of vitamin K. 78 grams of cooked Brussels sprouts provide 137% of the daily requirement of vitamin K. Vitamin K plays a vital role in the body. It is necessary for blood coagulation. Vitamin K is also essential for bone health. It provides protection against osteoporosis. Increases bone strength.

  • Omega 3 fatty acids content

For those who do not eat fish or seafood, in sufficient quantities omega 3 fatty acid It is difficult to consume. Plant foods contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type of omega 3 fatty acid that is used less in our bodies than only the omega 3 oils in fish and seafood. This is because the body can only convert ALA to the more active forms of omega 3 fatty acids in limited amounts.

Brussels sprouts are one of the best plant sources of omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fats lower blood triglycerides, slow cognitive retardation, reduce insulin resistance and inflammation. 

  • Vitamin C content

Brussels sprouts, 78 grams, provides 81% of the daily need for vitamin C. Vitamin C is important for the growth and repair of tissues in the body. It is also an antioxidant, collagen It is found in the production of proteins such as and strengthens immunity.

  • potassium content

Brussels sprouts are high in potassium. PotassiumIt is an electrolyte necessary for maintaining nerve function, muscle contraction, bone density, and nerve and muscle-related systems. It helps maintain the membrane structure of cells and transmit nerve impulses.

  • Protects from cancer

The high antioxidant level of Brussels sprouts protects against certain types of cancer. The antioxidants in Brussels sprouts neutralize free radicals. These are compounds formed by oxidative stress that contribute to diseases such as cancer. 

  • Balances blood sugar
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One of the benefits of Brussels sprouts is that it helps keep blood sugar levels stable. Cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts lower the risk of developing diabetes. This is because cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber and regulate blood sugar levels. Fiber moves slowly throughout the body and slows the absorption of sugar into the blood. 

  • Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is a normal immune response. If chronic inflammation is cancer, diabetes and cause diseases such as heart disease. Cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts contain compounds that prevent inflammation. Brussels sprouts Being high in antioxidants, it also helps neutralize free radicals that can cause inflammation.

  • Improves digestion

The glucosinolates in Brussels sprouts protect the delicate lining of the digestive tract and stomach. Leaky gut syndrome and lowers the risk of other digestive disorders. 

The sulforaphane found in Brussels sprouts facilitates the removal of toxins from the body. It improves digestion by preventing excessive bacterial growth in the intestinal microflora.

  • Beneficial for eye and skin health

Brussels sprouts contain vitamin C and vitamin A. Vitamin C fights UV light damage that can lead to skin cancer or skin aging. Vitamin A protects against damage to the skin and eyes.

Both vitamins naturally slow down aging, improve eye health, strengthen the skin's immunity, and stimulate the growth of new cells.

Eating fruits and vegetables high in antioxidants, age-related macular degeneration reduces the risk. Brussels sprouts contain the antioxidant zeaxanthin. Zeaxanthin filters harmful rays that enter the cornea.

Brussels sprouts sulforaphane Its content also reduces the damage of oxidative stress to the eyes. It protects against blindness, cataracts and other complications. It protects the skin, prevents cancer and inflammation.

  • It is beneficial for brain health

Brussels sprouts' vitamin C and vitamin A antioxidants help prevent oxidative stress and inflammation that damage brain cells.

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Are Brussels sprouts slimming?

Like other vegetables and fruits, Brussels sprouts are low in calories and high in fiber. With this feature, it makes you feel full for a longer time and helps to take fewer calories. Therefore, it is a food that helps to lose weight.

How to store Brussels sprouts?
  • Use the vegetable within 3 to 7 days of purchase to avoid spoilage of nutrients. 
  • If you store it uncooked, it will stay fresh longer in the refrigerator. 
  • Storing wrapped in paper towels or in a plastic bag extends its shelf life.

How to Eat Brussels Sprouts

You can consume this beneficial vegetable in different ways.

  • It can be added to side dishes and appetizers.
  • You can boil, fry and bake to prepare a delicious meal.
  • You can cut off the ends, mix them with pepper and salt in olive oil and fry them in the oven until they are crispy.
  • You can add it to pasta.
Harms of Brussels Sprouts
  • It is thought that cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprouts may have a negative effect on thyroid function.
  • Cruciferous vegetables are a source of glucosinolate. Certain glucosinolates are converted to goitrogenic species that may have an effect on thyroid function. For this reason, those with thyroid problems should consume a small amount.
  • Eating raw Brussels sprouts causes gas formation.
  • Overeating Brussels sprouts can cause bloating.

References: 1

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